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New Disease? O.o

I have diagnosed myself with a new condition eek.

LoCiLoCP - Lack of Confidence in Level of Civilization Playing xD.


- Feel that every move you make isn't good enough
- Don't feel motivated to finish a game [as in my Austrian domination game and the latest Epic]
- Try to learn from other people's experiences, as well as own, but doesn't seem adequate enough
- Feel as if you should play more games to improve your strategies and such, but don't seem motivated to do so
- Want to be as good as some of the more-experienced players but feel that it will be too hard or too difficult

I need help xD

Well Kodi, if you want to get better, the only way to achieve that is to play some more games of Civilization. smile We all weren't the greatest players in the world either when we started out; take a look at my first succession game ( or at Sirian's first game on Civ3 on his website ( for examples. Scoring's never really been the point of the Epics, and I'd like to think that this is a pretty open and friendly community here. In other words, don't worry about trying to meet some kind of preconceived standard of Civving ability, and just play the games to have fun! smile
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You know, this happens to me quite frequently, Kodi. I think I can play pretty well, but I can't even come close to the level of some of our strategic masterminds. I'm more likely to anthropomorphize the AI and come up with an interesting story of what they must have been up to than I am to create a masterful approach to a scenario.

For me, a big part of it was that I started playing Civ 3 long after it was released, so a lot of folks had a running start on me. I plan to buy a copy of CIV as soon as it hits the shelves, this time, so that should help, but I think a big part of it is just accepting my playstyle and finding its strengths, rather than dwelling on the things that I don't do particularly well.

There are plenty of players here who post losing Epics games. I know that I've posted more then my share. Some games aren't even designed to be winnable as much as they are to test out a particular idea. So, don't worry! Your game doesn't have to be as good as anybody's to be valuable! What's valuable is your perpective on the game and the playing experience. Everything else is just a bonus. smile


Part of the challenge to is playing style. By my nature I am a builder. Space Race matches my style the best.

However, the best way to score well in Civ3 is military action. The earlier, the better. Even with adjustments to my playing style I still can't figure out how there are players the win domination games against deity in 1000 AD.

I have been playing civ3 since it came out and, well this is kind of embarassing and I dont know if I have told anyone before, but I have NEVER won a deity game cry I have been playing this game since Dec. of 2003 I believe (might have ben a yr earlier, I know I got it 4 Xmas the yr it came out tho) and I have beaten many emperor games but still....If it cures you Kodi there you have it. Keep on playing and improving, I am, and eventually we will beat this sickness...Or civ 4 will come out lol .

Edit: too many smilies lol

lol, the farthest I've gotten is emperor... Diety just puts up too much of a challenge for me, and my opening strategies are never that great, because I don't micromanage very well xD rant

Yep same here. My opening strategy consists of random decisions (the AI has taught me well) Only after recently entering this online community have I realized the importance of granries and *gasp* governments. I used to win entire games (on monarch, still challenging not too long ago) a few months ago without ever leaving despotism smoke . Anarchy was a scary thing. Micromanagement is another problem, I always go into civdisorders at exactly the wrong times. Maybe I'll put all my knowledge and skill together for one final deity hurrah before C4 comes out...but until then emperor for me. (talking about all this really has made me feel better. I am confident in my own abilities! I am cured!) I can only hope the same enlightnement for you Kodi and best of luck in all of your deity games to come thumbsup .

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