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[SPOILERS] Team Orgynized: Parkin/Arki/Magno embark on a kinky adventure

Sorry for the lack of posts guys - I've been very busy this week, and haven't had time to do more than just play the turns. Will try to get something of an update this weekend.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Message from EggHeads. Will have to get around to a response soon.

Basically they want to move their Scout through our lands despite the no-scouting agreement. Not entirely happy about that, but I suppose as long as we can do likewise to them in the future it won't make much difference. We can avoid them seeing into any of our cities at least, as long as they follow movement instructions.

They also shared some screenshots and requested we do likewise. Ugh... this is the part I don't like about having early screenshot trading enabled, folks who send them unsolicited and just expect they'll be reciprocated. Because our Scout died so early there's really very little we're able to show anyone that isn't sensitive info (i.e. tiles inside our territory) anyway.

So, do we let their Scout through and send a cropped screenshot? (The two kind of go hand in hand... either do both or neither.)

Also, they want to come up with a dotmap for the land between us. I'm not sure why, given that they say they're not settling towards us anytime soon and already agreed not to settle more than 5 tiles towards us. Given the lack of scouting info we have in the area we probably don't want to agree to any border adjustments anytime soon without more information.

Dear Lord Parkin,

How things going for team Orgynized? Pretty well, I suppose.

Since we didn't get reply from you, we are just want to confirm our teams current deals are:
- NAP untill T90.
- OB for the length of our NAP with a no-scouting clause.
- Border agreement: neither of teams will settle more than 5 tiles from their capital into direction of another team.
- EP spending limited by 43EP on each other.
- Both our teams agreed to keep diplo exchange cofidential and won't share any information they get from the other side to a 3rd party.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about something.

Right now our scout is close to your NorthWest borders, so we are humbly asking you to let him through.
His goal is to defog northern coast for possible sea trade routes, not to scout your core.
I'm asking you to let him through with following conditions:
- We will follow your instructions how to move our scout inside your culture. As I said, our goal is to defog nothern coast, nothing else.
- We won't share any info our scout could get while inside your culture with any other teams.
- If you like to send a scouting unit through our land to contact India, we will gladly agree with the same conditions in mind.

Scout current location is here:

[Image: 2013-10-18_235557.jpg]

We are wellcome more cooperation between our teams.
Exchanging some screenshots could be a next step.

Here is a screenshot of the land between our teams, northern part of it (there is no sea food north):

[Image: 2013-10-19_000059.jpg]

If you need a screenshot of southern land between our teams, we'll provide.

At some point, we should start negotiate how our borders will look like in that areas.
If you have any proposals now, we could start discuss it.
As we told you, our city#5 goes east direction. Our planned city#6 and probably city#7 will go same direction.
But we both can start dotmap land between our teams right now as well.
We are wellcome fair border agreement and peaceful coexistence between our teams in the future.

If you could share with us some screenshots, it would be great.
Right now we are interested in the land north of your core, for scout moves if you allow us to enter your culture.
Any screenshots you are interested yourself?

Another topic of discussion is establishing fast trade routes with you, but this message is long enough already.

Kind regards,

DMOC and TeddyKGB of EggHeads.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Message from M&M:

Hello Orgy Nized,

we have met recently Cannibal Ponies smile. They were remarkably reluctant to talk, basically the only thing we learnt from them is that they have only met one team so far - Dinosaurs (Darius) and that Dinosaurs are to their West. Based on the place where we met Ponies (almost directly South of our cap) we assume they are directly below us. They have not even directly confirmed - before disappearing - that they have came by land, although we assume that was the case. We have also seen from the in-game chat that they have three cities.

On the another front, it seems that our relationship with india is warming up, so perhaps there would be a happy ending (or a peaceful one) wink. We will keep you up to date.

How are things with your team?


Asterix for M&L
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Reply to EggHeads. I'm struggling to find the time for detailed email exchanges at the moment, so any volunteers for trying a hand at drafting messages in future would be much appreciated.

Greetings EggHeads,

Apologies for the delayed response, I've been rather busy IRL this past week (and still am). To quickly address our agreements:

1. Confirming we're agreed on a NAP until T90. Our offer to extend it further by a convenient amount remains open (e.g. to T100, ..., T130, T140). We'd be surprised if you didn't want more than 20 turns of security on your western border right now given the larger threat of the Care Bears to your east.

2. Confirming we're agreed on Open Borders, which will remain in place for the length of our NAP. We will not send units into each other's territory (without the other's consent) for the length of our NAP.

3. Confirming we have a settling agreement in place: no cities are to be founded more than five tiles east/west from our respective capitals.

4. Confirming we have an agreement to limit espionage spending to demographics visibility only (i.e. to a ratio of 43/43 EP).

5. Confirmed confidentiality on all exchanges.

We're a bit surprised at your request to send a scout through our land only a few turns after making a no-scouting agreement. However, we'll accept on the condition that he sticks exclusively to the northernmost possible tiles at all times during his journey east. (This is presumably close to what you'd want to do anyway to uncover the coast.) We trust you'll also return the gesture by granting passage to an exploratory unit of ours at a later date.

Sorry for the short reply, rather pressed for time right now. Will address the less urgent stuff later.

Kind regards,
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Ugh, keeping up with the nuances of all those conversations seems like a hell of a lot of work. Unfortunately I can't offer anything because playing and reporting the two PB games I'm in is taking a ton of time.

If you get time to write a brief update on the game with screenshots (and I love that cities on turn X by player graph) I'm pretty interested in how this game is turning out.

Proposed message to Asterix (feedback welcome):

Quote:Hi Asterix,

Sorry for the lack of response earlier, I've been rather busy IRL recently.

Interesting news that you've met Cannibal Ponies (and have located Dinosaurs). Cannibal Ponies do appear to be one of the weaker teams on the map, I agree. Knowing classical_hero from past games, this is not so unusual - he prefers to play with his own unique strategies, even if they do not always land him first place in score. All down to personal preference, I guess... each to his own.

The Care Bears' approach to borders is not unheard of, but somewhat unusual (and a bit rude). I've a little experience with Yuufo and the French folks he plays with, and from what I've seen they do tend to be rather isolationist in their diplomacy - rarely agreeing to deals of any significant length. This doesn't always work out so well for them, but it's apparently how they prefer to play.

If you're still planning an invasion I'd suggest earlier rather than later - turn numbers aren't that meaningful, tech rate (and beelining) is the important thing. As an example though, Construction well before T100 should be easily doable if you want to emphasize it. Maybe you won't need to worry about this if diplomacy with India is warming up as you say though.

Kind regards,
Lord Parkin of Orgynized
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

I don't like the idea of dotting up the world without knowing the map. We got a slight disadvantage here.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

I'm hoping for a weekend update with some screenshots.

Its so quiet.....
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

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