Rather than reply to each report individually, I'm grouping all of my responses together here. That makes things easier for me to type, hopefully it will also make them easier for you to read.
Kylearan - Your first game was certainly impressive with a launch date that looks to be almost a century earlier than anyone else. Of course, you did get not one but TWO settlers before 2500BC in that game!
And I thought my luck was good! You did a great job to fight off those early aggression wars, but again had the luck that the Spanish didn't sign in any additional AIs against you. That seems to be a pure dice roll, from what I've been able to observe.
Anyone who can win a game using automated workers and the city governors is doing an outstanding job. I'm kind of surprised you were able to do as well as you did in that game. You get the "Cyrene" award for this one!
Rik - Just a head's up for future reports, it might be helpful to focus a bit less on diplomacy and a bit more on your own civ's development. It's great that we can see your interactions with the AI civs, but I would have liked to heard a bit more about what your own civ was building, where your cities were located, etc. What was the reasoning for putting the Forbidden Palace in Ugarit? I was just wondering if you considered putting it further to the west to make that area more productive the way I did. Sorry you found the game boring, but at least there was a little action from the other AI civs. The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not you REALLY would have wanted to play a game along my lines!
LK - I don't suppose you have any pictures from your game to let us know what your civ looked like (?) It looks like the AI civs spent a lot more time fighting one another and ended up much weaker in your game from their constant infighting. I also think it's interesting how you and microbe interpreted the "no aggression" rule to allow for the destruction half of Spain!
Maybe Sirian should have been a bit more clear on that one.
cygnus - Believe me, I know the feeling of coming off of a long civ layoff and having to jump right back into things! It's interesting how you and several other players also got a settler from that hut, but not on the turn that I did. Oh, and Harran's location is hilarious!
(Side Tangent) Quick Start Challenge, hmm? You know, when cracker first started setting that aspect of the GOTM, he asked if I wanted to help share the responsibility of running it. I had to respectfully tell him no thanks; I fully recognize the importance of the start of the game, but I just don't believe that Civ3 can be distilled down into a mathematical formula that gives points for certain "right" behavior. Again, I'm not trying to insinuate anything against you here, just going off on an unrelated side tangent.
Very tough luck on that Great Lighthouse build, I was very close to having that happen to me! Embassy investigations are definitely your friend in wonder races (not that you could investigate the Zulu capital at that time). You seemed to be lucky on avoiding a general war too. Thanks for sharing a well-played game with us.
microbe - That city you found in a hut turned out to be in a great location! Just missed being on the river, but almost perfect otherwise. I'm a little curious as to why you pursued the Great Library (instead of, say, the Pyramids) knowing how incompetent the Monarch AIs are. Or perhaps you've been playing too much Deity and over-estimated their capabilities?
Umm, and about that aggression... I understand you were angry with France and Spain, but I don't think that's really what Sirian had in mind with the rule!
It's interesting to see how different people interpreted that rule. I took it to mean "fight off enemies in your territory, but don't invade other civs", but of course that was not explicitly stated. Just like what I tell my undergraduate students, clarity is very important.
Urugharakh - I sincerely hope you got at least one settler in a hut, or else you played an unbelievable game, even for Monarch. I don't suppose we could get any more details?
Sirian - I'm not sure if the resource requirements for the spaceship have changed in Conquests, but I definitely checked the Civilopedia before going to war over rubber. (And this may not be the best place for it, but you have my best wishes for the continued health of your family.)
Dunedine - Having lost a savegame myself (in Epic 9, probably the game I most regret out of all the ones I played), I know the feeling.
I don't know why your pictures aren't showing up, but I hope you can get them working.
bed_head7 - I'll be waiting to read your report when you finish it.
One or two final comments. My game was much more peaceful amongst the AIs than in any other one I read. They were advancing up the tech tree at a MUCH faster rate than in a lot of the other games. This seems to be a common theme to my games - even in this one where I couldn't interact with the other AIs! Sirian has made the same observation in one of his games, and I'll make it here myself: SOMETHING in the way I play seems to encourage rapid AI tech progress. It certainly didn't help in that the endgame turned into me versus the rest of the world. microbe is the only other person that seemed to happen to. I wonder why that is?
Thanks for some nice reports everyone.

Kylearan - Your first game was certainly impressive with a launch date that looks to be almost a century earlier than anyone else. Of course, you did get not one but TWO settlers before 2500BC in that game!

Anyone who can win a game using automated workers and the city governors is doing an outstanding job. I'm kind of surprised you were able to do as well as you did in that game. You get the "Cyrene" award for this one!

Rik - Just a head's up for future reports, it might be helpful to focus a bit less on diplomacy and a bit more on your own civ's development. It's great that we can see your interactions with the AI civs, but I would have liked to heard a bit more about what your own civ was building, where your cities were located, etc. What was the reasoning for putting the Forbidden Palace in Ugarit? I was just wondering if you considered putting it further to the west to make that area more productive the way I did. Sorry you found the game boring, but at least there was a little action from the other AI civs. The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not you REALLY would have wanted to play a game along my lines!

LK - I don't suppose you have any pictures from your game to let us know what your civ looked like (?) It looks like the AI civs spent a lot more time fighting one another and ended up much weaker in your game from their constant infighting. I also think it's interesting how you and microbe interpreted the "no aggression" rule to allow for the destruction half of Spain!

cygnus - Believe me, I know the feeling of coming off of a long civ layoff and having to jump right back into things! It's interesting how you and several other players also got a settler from that hut, but not on the turn that I did. Oh, and Harran's location is hilarious!

(Side Tangent) Quick Start Challenge, hmm? You know, when cracker first started setting that aspect of the GOTM, he asked if I wanted to help share the responsibility of running it. I had to respectfully tell him no thanks; I fully recognize the importance of the start of the game, but I just don't believe that Civ3 can be distilled down into a mathematical formula that gives points for certain "right" behavior. Again, I'm not trying to insinuate anything against you here, just going off on an unrelated side tangent.

microbe - That city you found in a hut turned out to be in a great location! Just missed being on the river, but almost perfect otherwise. I'm a little curious as to why you pursued the Great Library (instead of, say, the Pyramids) knowing how incompetent the Monarch AIs are. Or perhaps you've been playing too much Deity and over-estimated their capabilities?

Urugharakh - I sincerely hope you got at least one settler in a hut, or else you played an unbelievable game, even for Monarch. I don't suppose we could get any more details?

Sirian - I'm not sure if the resource requirements for the spaceship have changed in Conquests, but I definitely checked the Civilopedia before going to war over rubber. (And this may not be the best place for it, but you have my best wishes for the continued health of your family.)
Dunedine - Having lost a savegame myself (in Epic 9, probably the game I most regret out of all the ones I played), I know the feeling.

bed_head7 - I'll be waiting to read your report when you finish it.

One or two final comments. My game was much more peaceful amongst the AIs than in any other one I read. They were advancing up the tech tree at a MUCH faster rate than in a lot of the other games. This seems to be a common theme to my games - even in this one where I couldn't interact with the other AIs! Sirian has made the same observation in one of his games, and I'll make it here myself: SOMETHING in the way I play seems to encourage rapid AI tech progress. It certainly didn't help in that the endgame turned into me versus the rest of the world. microbe is the only other person that seemed to happen to. I wonder why that is?

Thanks for some nice reports everyone.