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Final Frontier succession game

T-hawk Wrote:Very dense stars? Reading over other FF threads, it seems that everybody only likes the denser options. I don't mind the sparse universe - space is BIG, you know, and it makes for a different feel to standard Civ. But we'll talk about game settings in our game thread at CFC.

I've started a game to play around with a few things and to get some basic familiarity. A few things:

- I like the standard/standard galaxy options, seems like the right amount of roominess to me.

- This is a fun mod smile

My top civ choices:

The Red Syndicate (+1 Trade Routes; +1 Food/Hammer per Trade route!!; Various production bonuses on commerce buildings)

Halis Planned State (No Anarchy; +2 Happy; -50% Civics Upkeep; -50% "Culture")

The Forge (+1 Bonus per pop on Mining Facilities; -1 Food per system; Double production for Mining Facilities)

Monarch seems fairly easy even playing "blind", but I'm not sure how much is due to my civilization (Halis), or how good my start is. Maybe Emperor for a first try?

Red Syndicate and Halis are both good.

I think New Earth's a better production choice than the Forge. Factories and Manufacturing plants are much better buildings to get the bonuses on. Not because they're really better, but because of the game mechanics. Most buildings cost 100%, 200%, 300%, etc. for building them on multiple planets. Factories, Manufacturing Plants, and Training Compounds cost 100%, 300%, 500%, etc.
Also, extra pop > -1 food, +1 hammer/citizen in the early game, especially since citizens only cost 1 food. If a system doesn't have 2 or 3 pop available for 2 food (pre-nutrition facility), or an any-size 3-food planet, then the system gets up to speed so slowly for the Forge.

What about Paradise? -1 Happy per city, but they start with Mag-levs everywhere (+1 commerce/citizen), 10x treasury to start (whatever, that's an extra 90g), +2 culture per city (so we can skip Interstellar Beacons, as well). Fin/Cre with a happiness penalty isn't a bad trade at all.

Emperor's fine, and standard/standard should work.

My leader vote:
Red Syndicate (Very different boosts from any CIV leader)
New Earth
(big dropoff)
Brotherhood (If you want to play around with the combat system, they're your guys. With 5 promotions out of the gate for a doable 20XP, you can have battleships getting +2 speed and Combat III flying around)
Avowers (Boring bonuses)
AstroTech (in almost all ways worse than Brotherhood, their only advantage is they get 2 starting techs, so a leg up on beelining Power in an MP game)

Just a quick question. I'm not interested in signing up but for my own clarification, what's a succession game? Is it when players take turns controlling the civ and playing a predetermined amount of turns?

Pretty much, athlete. There's also a fair amount of discussion between turnsets among the team.

I'll sign up, if you'll have me.
I have no intention of disappearing again - although if you see this as an issue I understand.


OK, I'll throw my hat in (thanks for the invite, sorry I've been not paying attention much recently). This week is the last of a very busy time, so I am confident that I will be able to be pretty active in a few days. I will warn that I am just taking my first look at the mod now.

I'd most prefer to go with five players; FF games are shorter than the epic Civ game and more than five will give us only a few turns each. I just finished my solo game, winning by domination in the low 200s turn numbers. ZPV, my apologies.

Roster, arranged to space out (har!) those with prior FF experience:

Thread is up here!

No worries T-Hawk. Good luck!

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