Why are we the Perpy Traitors? Because we are going to murder us some Perpentachs. (Or alternatively: Because PUN)
10 turn stretches seems the least likely to result in confusion on switchover dates. If we mess with the schedule, I can see a lot more confusion about what turn to play to.
I'm a little rusty at the moment, so I'm probably not the best person to do the Turn 1 "Where is the capital going to go" decision. But I will if nobody else wants to.
I'd prefer one of the later turnsets, but I don't mind too much. Fixed 10t length turnsets are also grand, on reflection, random length doesn't add much. Are you two happy to keep each of our reports inside this thread but spoilered?
Yeah, fixed length is probably best. Handoffs are easier and I don't have to keep a running count in my head. I stopped using subscribe functionality when the forum moved, so spoilered reports are fine by me.
Empty for now, will add screenshots etc. when the opportunity arises.
Lots of land and a gold on the capital, am trying worker-first. If this messes up this will be a very short game .
More maps from the area around the Pyre. Let's see if I have some screenshots.
T8 - Lizardman appears. Warrior has been fortifying in the capital for this eventuality, but damn that was quicker than I remember it being (T5 spawns, so 3 turns for it to generate another lizardman...)
Warrior (Str. 3, +25% in cities, +25% on hills, +25% from fortify, + 10% from culture) vs. Lizardman (Str. 4, -20% in cities) - Warrior wins 90.77% of the time, with the number of lairs around, after that worker finishes it'll be warriors all the time in all likelihood. Scout has been looping around and so is ready to be home in 2 turns. To late for the first lizard, on time for the rest of them hopefully.
Tech has been Agriculture -> Crafting.
Expectation looking at the map is that everyone will probably make the Crafting -> Mining -> Education choice set.