November 12th, 2013, 14:39
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Haha... Asterix thought that he was talking to Parkin today. Forgetting to presenting myself had a fun effect.
It seems that Asterix and co are slightly annoyed that Oxy don't want to open borders and opened borders with India instead, which I find even worse. I have to think of a solution to all these problems
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 12th, 2013, 15:15
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From Eagles and Condors:
Dear Orgynized,
Apologies for not making more frequent contact, but after we didn't hear back from you about our exploring workboat, we assumed you were busy. Diplobot was raring at the bit to spam you with random nonsense, but he is a silly robot so we ignored him. Our NAP expires t120 and we wanted to approach you now to discuss your goals through the medieval era. Are you still interested in extending our NAP? It's difficult to see how the game will play out, but we are comfortable offering you an NAP until t180 if you want it. Is there any other way our two civs can work together?
Look forward to hearing from you,
The OxySuttocratic Republic
Dear eagles and condors.
We are pleased to inform you that your workboat has not done any harmful activities towards our nation.
When it comes to NAP: The sexy secretaries of Orgynized will deliver this message to the main controller. Praise the Overlords!
The Overlords is currently busy with preparations of the "Bikini Wax Festival", but will adress you as fast as they can.
Secretary of Sexyness
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 15th, 2013, 18:04
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A great Engineer has been born.
Chain of thoughts:
CareBears got MetalCasting, chopped a forge, employed an engineer, most likely in the same city as the Oracle is built. Had some luck and gained an engineer. Now they may construct Pyramids in One turn...
Question: If they decide to build in in another city than where the engineer is built, some turns are gained.
I really hope someone else gets the mids, but I kind of doubt that at this point
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 15th, 2013, 19:05
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BTW: I guess lurkers wondering what this suttree-stuff is about, but here is the case:
Right now I am playing alone and it is obvious that this has been going alone for a time. I am currently having either misread or ignored one of the clauses in the Oxy-NAP document, but I am trying to fix this diplomatically and right forward. Obviously I am playing like an idiot, as suttree said in a mail and made a moronic city between our borders. This city is now contested and he is obviously infuriated. My problem is that I cannot see what is wrong or what I should have done... because right now I am stuck in a situation where I am an unexperienced player playing alone, without Parkin, Magno or the 2 dedlurkers that spoiled themselves.
This situation is kind of ... annoying
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 19th, 2013, 12:58
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For the record, I'm reading as well. And haven't been spoiled by any other threads.
November 23rd, 2013, 06:52
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Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 23rd, 2013, 07:00
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Sory for not updating this thread lately, but since I am playing currently alone and I got a full time teaching position at the side + moving out... it has been hard to report
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 28th, 2013, 17:08
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OK: This is the case.
I am currently growing number of cities, since my land is small and I got fewer cities than most of the other players on the northern hemisphere. A few turns ago, my uncareful expansion broke a NAP-agreement, forcing me to destroy one of my cities. This has been hushed down by me as much as possible, but I fear I was too kind on the matter. My planning of expansion consist of 11-14 cities at least, and one of my current positive sides is that I got good relations and Currency! Now I only need a road to one of the neighbours, so I can get the trade or research sailing.
This turn, several things happened and I'm very into my game now.
In the northern hemisphare, Carebears are being watched, but I also notice that not too many of the other "northerners " are taking affairs in their own hands. I have been dealing with 4 players when doing deals lately: EggHeads, Blame Caledorn, Maga and Oxys.
What I did not tell them: I got Theology this turn and will now start on the Apostolic Palace (For Hindus!)
The more funny part is that as the Christianity arriving as the second religion, I may split, mass up and conquer.
Maga: Sent a promise that I should work a treaty for OB between her and Oxys, so they can embargo India.
Oxy: Since I destroyed my city, they are gifting me happy-resorces, so I can grow even bigger! They are hostile vs India and by far my most trusted ally.
YossaDorn: Very open and forward with diplo. Friendly tone, but I feel I am currently cheating them. They are expecting a missionary from me, but it will be the wrong religion. (Evil? Maybe...) They seem to be slightly untrusting vs Eggheads.
Eggheads: By far the team I like least, but still in cooperation. They require a missionary from me, requesting a hindu one. By now I am a bit reserved vs them, due their not so willing to stop trading with India. I am VERY certain that they are preparing for war, and this makes me thing about if it is soon time to take precautions.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
November 28th, 2013, 17:10
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By now my thoughts are:
Building the Apostollic Palace and Sanctore.
Increase my army
Increase number of cities
Spread both religions
(make as many friends and make as many as possibe embargo India)
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
December 5th, 2013, 13:24
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I had to cancel a deal that was agreed on T98.
Hi DMOC and Teddy. After being calculating a bit, I decided that this deal is too stupid for me to do:
I give you a missionary for a worker, when I rather have the missionary myself. Concidering I am thinking about having the AP-wonder, the free hammers I help sending through your lands seems not to be calculated in our deal. On another matter, I notice that you avoid the subject of CareBears and got the 1 Place by score now, so I don't feel fueling you more for a while, at least not with religious hammers...
I guess I almost been played for a fool. My religion is worth way more and Oxys pay in happyresources even to keep a spread.
Please do say when you decide when you choose to ally India.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized