I was reading an article recently that reminded me of the sort of themes that I love the most about FFH, and I think I'd really like to get involved in one again that isn't EITB.
I thought this was pretty well written, and it really captures the essence of FFH as well:
One secret behind the success of Legacy is this: it allows you to live out your darkest secret dreams for world domination, whatever they may be. Just find the particular brand of unfair that your egomaniacal power dreams are made of and there'll be a way in Legacy to make it happen. Legacy is wish fulfillment.
Magic at its heart is a game built around the idea of being a powerful wizard grinding your foes into the dust. And that's what Legacy delivers that no other format does for everybody. You can use whatever kind of magic you prefer, and it will be supercharged, very powerful and utterly unfair. Because know what? Being a ridiculously powerful wizard is by definition utterly unfair to everyone else! Well, everyone but other ridiculously powerful wizards that is. Legacy actually allows you to be the irresistible force you've always wanted to be and run headlong into an immovable object to duke it out. That's what you can feel when playing the format and why everyone wants a piece of the cake.
That's it for today; until next time, if it's broken, don't fix it!
Carsten Kotter
Is anyone else interested in starting a new game? I'm thinking it would be FFH with a reasonably balanced map, but with few restrictions on civs or leaders. 5 or 6 players would be ideal, and I don't think it's really necessary to add any other special features, such as extra units, either.
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth
Sure, I'll sign up. Haven't had a vanilla FFH game in a long time to demonstrate why EitB exists. One issue- I'm not sure if I'm patched fully, with both the official and unofficial fixes. Anyone got a download link?
Regarding settings, I don't have any preferences which immediately come to mind, besides no Acheron.
I like lairs and huts, but could live without them if the majority opinion is to ban.
What kind of settings are you looking for, Dantski?
I'd like to know basic things like map type, map size, # of players, unique features on/off, barbarians on/off/raging and so on and so forth. Also would like to know what Civs or leaders Ellimist might want to exclude. I am fairly open to settings but its possible that people might want something weird.
Also what do I do with patch p? I went to the link Dave provided and it gave me a file called attachment.php
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."