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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

This, mainly for the benefit of my successor, if I haven't scared him(?) off tongue

This is assuming that the next city will go at the original settling spot, that there is no copper to be found at capital, and that the first action around there will be to chop out workboat or similar... (so obviously, it will need work if any of that is erroneous), and the barracks can be warrior instead if wanted:
[Image: Plan03.jpg]

And this is assuming that the settler is needed ASAP (I think the barracks can also be warrior without losing any production, assuming warrior is continued right after settler) - again assuming no copper:
[Image: Plan02.jpg]

And various Bunbunmaru - working mainly from brief notepad scribbles here (didn't really have time to go over it thoroughly, been trying to organize things for the upcoming trip), so it might not be fully accurate...

T12 - Mali had a tech score increase, since the other tech went at turn 6, they have to have Fishing and Hunting.

T13 - Ottomans had a tech increase (previous one on turn 6), there was also a soldier increase, so this is probably Mining.

T14 - I think Zulu died on this turn, or maybe it was the next.

T15 - Techs for Byzantium, India and Holy Rome, India's is likely Bronze Working due to it being the first increase and the large soldier jump. No religion start for anyone (I approve tongue), by this point anyone who hasn't done Worker first has probably grown, and since there have been interim techs for all of those people (and they don't start with Mining anyway), no one is doing Bronze-grow-Slavery-Worker start, so most likely Greece/Ottoman/Mali have some disadvantage (imo, slower start) coming out of this period.

Greetings, everyone. My name is Whosit (as I am sure you guessed).

I hope that I'm not jumping the gun, but I've spoken with LiPing and it looks like I'll be taking over for the time being. I'm not sure that I can offer the same style and personality of LiPing, but I hope that I will not disappoint. I am new both to Realms Beyond and Multiplayer Civilization, so this should be interesting.

It seems that I will be inheriting a tough situation, but that seems like the perfect inauguration for a Pitboss game at RB. Based on everything that I've read, it seems to be the RB way to face adversity with determination and a smile.

Now I'll do a dance. jive

I'll do my best to interpret LiPing's notes here, though I'm sure that I'll be bringing my own play style to the table. Based on the situation as I understand it, and the history of diplomacy with the Koreans, I think taking a more militant approach to the game would be safer. Though it seems like Li is thinking the same thing.

If I'm reading all that right, tech-wise it looks to be Agriculture < Hunting < Bronze Working. I'd love to slip BW in earlier, but I suppose those deer can't go uncamped.

Meanwhile, I hope to scout that "buffer zone" unless there's good reason not to. I've read everything up to this point, but if there was a reason Li hasn't scouted in that direction, I missed it (well, now that Korea's warrior isn't in striking range).

Hopefully I can serve up some effective and entertaining diplomacy. Depending on what the land between Rome and Korea is, I was thinking that a 1-city per Civ buffer between the Capitals might be a wise offer. The downside is that it looks like the river would offer more protection to Korea than to Rome.

I hope that this post wasn't too wordy and that I didn't get ahead of myself. Hopefully Li will confirm my ascension shortly . . . or tell this wacko to get off of her thread! lol


We have hunting already, since I felt the deer was the strongest tile, and the quickest to hook up (it was slowrolled to our turn 8 for misinformation) and we have Agriculture at 1T to completion (it's being slowrolled to look like a t10 tech for a similar reason, and we won't need it till then anyway)

I've scouted out the buffer zone, you can log in and take a look at it. Warrior is at a peek spot overlooking Korea's capital, they just finished a Worker this turn (was empty when I pushed end turn, and popped up after), their Warrior is nowhere to be seen.

Also at the top of turn 17, Inca has a population increase. (Score +3)

Assuming you don't particularly like my T67 NAP and want to rescind it (since it's basically your show now, and maybe they do something silly like move onto the wheat), logically, the most hammers they could have in a warrior is 8, so it shouldn't be able to complete in 2 turns.

Picture -
[Image: Turn017.jpg]

Anyway, over to you now, I have a trip to prepare for tongue

Welcome, Whosit. Have a nice trip, LiPing!

Thrown into the deep end, eh? Well, best of luck and have fun! smile

Welcome to Whosit! Good luck!

LiPing - thanks for the thread so far, it's been a fun read. Hope the trip is great. smile

Hmmm. Whosit's on second? lol
Looks like you have some diplomacy to do. Maybe tomorrow? wink

ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Wrote:Hmmm. Whosit's on second? lol
Looks like you have some diplomacy to do. Maybe tomorrow? wink

Ha ha, nice one. thumbsup But I don't know what's coming next.

Diplomacy? Maybe tonight. Tues/Thurs are my busy days, though perhaps I'll send the two Koreans a PM. Seems logical to me, but since I haven't done MP before, not sure if that's the proper way to do it. Can't hurt, though.

LiPing: I hope your trip is enjoyable! I'll hold down the fort here. Thanks for the updated info, too. Not sure on the terminology, but based on your charts, I take it that "slowrolling" technology means alternating between one and another. Interesting. I was thinking of alternating between a Warrior and a Barracks when the time comes, not so much to hide the data, but so that I could get the Warrior out sooner if necessary (being in a Something-Barracks-Warrior build).

Since the peanut gallery likes to stay in the loop, here's the message I'm sending. Wonder how they'll take it? In the middle, I was planning to split the buffer, but it's smaller than I thought, so I'm partly stalling for time.

Quote:Dear Broker33 and plako of Korea,

Greetings. I am Whosit of Mighty Rome. I hope that this message finds you well. I have just recently come to power, but I understand that feelings between our civilizations have been tense lately. I desire nothing more than peace between Glorious Rome and the Fine Koreans. News has reached us of another civilization's early demise, so we know that threats lurk out in the shadows.

From what my predecessor, LiPing, has told me, it sounds like the greatest point of contention between our empires is the distance between our capitals. Looking at the most recent maps, I can see why that might be a concern. I hope to find a mutually beneficial solution to this quandary soon, but please understand that I will need a little bit of time to get a handle on the current situation in Rome, so I cannot agree to any long-term deals just yet. I hope that this will only be a short delay.

May the Koreans build an empire only slightly less glorious than that of Rome. Remember: There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. smile

Best regards,


Hopefully I'm not too silly/faux pompous there, but I'm sure I'll know soon. I pray for some Copper nearby, maybe even Iron! Though I may pick up the wheel first.

I'll have the Worker mine the Gold next, I think? No, capital is still size 1, so maybe the Rice, then Gold. The Gold should help research rates a lot, though.

Some more thoughts while I dither here . . . . Where to settle next? Near the original site would be good, but right now I just have the screen shots to look at, and I'm thinking about the so-called "Buffer Zone." In a perfect world, I'd actually like to settle on the grassland hill southwest of the riverbend and on the coast. It would get the crabs, and would have plenty or riverside tiles for cottages. I would, of course, chop out the adjacent forests to deny cover to any enemies who might attack. If only the river wasn't at my back here.

I would also want to settle 3N, thus controlling the upper-river as well, and having a secure front between my capital and Korea. Of course, either of these would be a highly aggressive move, and both would probably be tantamount to war!

However, if we have metal and the Koreans don't . . . well, might makes right! Still, I can't expect to get 2 settlers out before they get one. If I make a deal to split the territory? At first I was thinking to take that souther coastal spot, but now that I think about it, if I tell them to take that, and I take the norther spot, not only can I say that the river is providing defense for either of our cities, controlling the northern location would help control all the rest of that area!

Depending on what the map turns up, perhaps settling that northern bend first would be wise, although there do not appear to be any food resources in range of that location. On the plus side, as mentioned, I think that it has strategic value, and it can run plenty of cottages, so it might be worth it.

1N or 1NW would get cows, but then it would not be as strong defensibly. It would surely piss off the Koreans either way. Decisions, decisions.

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