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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0010.jpg]

Rice is irrigated, Rolan will grow in 2 turns.
Worker goes to mine the hill to boost production.

Fishing done in 2 turns, BW after that.

Seems like we almost made the "worker first" gamble... still lowest on soldier count so thing are still a bit risky. There is now 1 size 3 city and 3 size 2 cities.

Whoa, I didn't even know that Mortius became eliminated that quickly until I checked civstats. eek Good thing we're building a warrior now.

OK good so BW after fishing.

Worker goines to mine, and then to furs (?). Be sure you mine the riverside hill though.

Hm ... wondering if we should build a fishing boat or continue w/warrior when size 2.

Returning to the earlier discussion of Gold/Marble, if you settle on the Sugar then with Rice and Sheep and the +1 food from Sugar then I think you'll be able to work both those tiles and still grow. This could be a very powerful city indeed.

Yeah, settling on the sugar looks really strong.
DMOC, you are allowed to read the email/technical issues thread - I think it contains some info on Mortius' elimination.

Sugar isn't that strong a plot to work, so indeed, settling ON it could be very interesting.

DMOC, are you interested in doing a first dotmap to see it that city site fits in nicely?

Fishing finished, BW started (13 turns).
Rolan grown to 2, worker started mining the hill.
Warrior due in 3 by working the furs, city will grow in 6.

Got visibility on Dantski, his power graph is showing a consistent rising, so he might be planning to rush us.

Scout defeated a lion but must heal one turn. After that he's going to look for Dantski's capital. Any thoughts on where to go?

Nakor - I am liking a city by the gold/sugar. Here is my preliminary/tentative dotmap. Please comment. If we follow this dotmap, then the gold can be worked by 2 cities if one city needs growth over commerce. The weak part about this dotmap is the lack of cities on hills for defense - there's only one. More exploration is necessary. Do you think the sugar city should be our next city founded? In my opinion it's either that city or the city by the wheat/deer but honestly, I would prefer the gold. I typically want my second city to have lots of food for whipping, and the gold city can provide that (so can the wheat/deer city, but it's close by so we can delay its founding, and it also lacks the gold that the gold city has, so the sooner we get the gold up, the sooner our tech can catapult).

[Image: Preliminarydotmap.jpg]

Oops, forgot to crop the extra white part. frown

I think the gold city should be first. Research will pick up fast once the clams and furs are in but will skyrocket with that gold.

Do you think everyone has similar starting positions?

Scout ran into some problems again but will scout the black parts in the middle first before moving east or west along the south or north coast. What do you suggest?

Talked to Dantski of Mali, sounds good and we can make a decision regarding religion:

Quote:Hi Julius,

Our ministery has noticed a nice steady increase in your power ratings.
We hope that you're not planning an offense against us and that you are still considering a non-aggression-pact with our small empire.

Darius I (Nakor)

Quote:Hi Nakor/DMOC

While the Romalinese Empire is happy that its neighbours are cowering in fear of us, we would also assure you that we are not planning on aggressive action vs the Holy Roman Empire anytime soon.

Judging by your EP spending we are assuming you have not contacted any other civilizations thus far. Is this correct?

I'd also like to ask if I may about religion, does the HRE have any plans on aquiring an early religion (all are still available)? If so the Romalinese would be very happy to spread it.


Quote:Hi Dantski,

Of course we're cowering in fear! wink

We haven't met anyone else. Our scout ran into some problems... but we hope to send him on his way again soon.
Have you met anyone else?

Rumour has reached out small civilization that one of our competitors is already out of the game.
We sincerely hope that our civ's won't meet a similar fate.

Regarding religion, at the moment we're not planning anything along that path, so we can talk about that.
Of course I have to check with DMOC first. wink

I assume you are planning on a religion?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Had a talk with Dantski:

Quote:Julius: yep im here now
me: me too, but just for a short time. Baby boy is crying...
Julius: ahh ok sort that out first!
me: no prob, wife is with him now, but I'll take over in a few minutes.
Julius: so it seems like you're concerned about my overwhelming military buildup?
me: so, no hostile intentions, good to hear!
well, don't really know what you're building (yet)...
still here
Julius: well remember at this stage, some early techs + population has a big effect
it is nice to be 1st in soldiers though
me: Yeah, you're right about that.
Have you met others yet?
Julius: just replied to your email
I've met sullla/s[eaker
they are north of me
me: Aha! thought they'd go for an early religion...
Julius: me too but not yet
guessing they went bronze working first
me: I'll try to scout Timbuktu first and then move onto them. You're north of us, right?
Julius: you see the coast to your west?
me: BW first! Interesting assupmption...
Julius: BW and polytheism were the longest techs
and they didn't found hinduism
me: there's that.
Julius: i should check to see if they're in slavery
considering their low score im guessing worker first too
me: Not that soon I think. Guess they went worker first.
you didn't, right?
Julius: thats right
neither did athlete kalin
they got to size 3 first i think
me: you met them as well?
Julius: nope just an assumption
me: Well, we know Mortius went worker first...
Julius: and the attacking team probably didn't!
me: Iamjohn did that.
Julius: funny that they razed the city though
me: weird! guess others were around...
Julius: about the Nap you've mentioned
I will want to sign one
but not sure about its terms and length
me: make a suggestion then
how about untill 1AD with a 10 turn warning begore breaking?
Julius: hmm that would be....60 or so turns, bit more perhaps
how about 50 turns for now with 10t cooldown
and we can extend at anytime
me: something like that, yes, but that's just an opening bid. We'd like to focus on building our empire first, as would you, I guess...
50t sounds good for now
Julius: ok talk it over with DMOC and get back to me
me: Will do so! Talk to you later.
Julius: alrighty

I think we should explore the south, but it probably doesn't matter which direction we explore.

I think everyone has similar starts in terms of balance. There might be a few variations here and there but overall I think the starts are similar, because if they weren't then people would blame the map makers.

Good conversations with Dantski, and we are not pursuing an early religion right now.

I agree with a 50 turn NAP and a 10 turn cool-down period before war can start.

One thing from the conversation is that Dantski never said he was north of us, did he? I think he is but am not sure.

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