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The Way of the Civ Player - Ichabod and Wetbandit's PB13 Spoiler Thread

We have OB with Mackoti? We have one route in our cities with him and we're -37 on the income/export. I think the newly captured cities can fill up with plako's remaining cities or we can find someone else who isn't poised to be a major player.

(December 5th, 2013, 01:56)wetbandit Wrote: We have OB with Mackoti? We have one route in our cities with him and we're -37 on the income/export. I think the newly captured cities can fill up with plako's remaining cities or we can find someone else who isn't poised to be a major player.

The idea is to cancel OB with FinHarry, since we are paying them 5 gpt for it. I figure Mackoti will get OB with someone, so we might as well use it to stop paying FinHarry.

But I see your point.

Made a quick login to check the result of the barb attack, no units moved.

Possible techs. I'm thinking about going for Monarchy -> Feudalism. Do we get the cheap Meditation and Priesthood for discounts? Probably, I guess, since monasteries could be worth a decent amount in DP.

It still wasn't our time to get burned:

Hail the city defense bonus against barbs.

Hey, wetbandit, if it's not a problem for you to login, can you take a picture of the combat situation? I'll only be able to login after quite a long time. I sent a PM to Slow and he said that he attacked with his catapult and 2 flanking 2 keshiks, both which retreated, earning a GG.

I think we should bombard the city's defense for a turn, trying to hral as many catapults as possible, and getting the chariot in Turfan to the stack, while promoting it to Medic 1. I'm pretty sure all our combat units will be at full health next turn. Hopefully the catapults aren't too damaged (I don't think they are, since flanking damage is based on the amount of damage a hit of combat would make to the unit defending against the flanking unit - Keshiks attacking my main spear defender would do very little damage to him).

Sorry, was traveling most of yesterday and missed this. Here are the logs:

Only 4 cats took flank damage and all are greater than 4.3 health. The C2 Shock spear is at 1.0 health and the defending sword is at 5.1. We almost lost that 2nd spear attack. yikes

Here's the report of the Battle of Karakorum.

First, the turn greeted us showing that Slow attacked with his Catapult, that achieved little, and 2 of his Keshiks. Both had flanking 2 and 50% odds of retreat and they managed to do so. That's bad because it damaged our Catapults. Luckily, since the damage formula from flanking is based on the damage a single hit of the flanking unit would do to the unit it's defending against in the attack (in this case, promoted spearman), not the damage the flanking unit would do to the Catapult itself if it was attacking it, the attacks didn't manage to do much damage.

Here's our stack after the attack, with the units that managed to reinforce it.

The extra attacking units we would have next turn, plus the fact that we could heal pretty much every unit to full health by fortifying a turn made me decide to bombard the city defense with the healthier cats while resting all the other units. I also moved some units from TDT to the tile 1S of the stack. Slow could attack those units and kill them, but it'd require quite some commitment and, as far as I could see it, that would be a good reward for me. I doubted that Slow would attack anyway. Here's how the turn ended, after all the movement.

Seeing as I wasn't going to need much more units, I decided to send one of my ministacks of reinforcements to the WLP frontier. I'm afraid that WLP is scheming something, so I need more defenses near him. I started diverting units there.

Finally, mackoti had declared war on FinHarry. So, using my scouting unit on that continent (I was going to send it to try and meet other players, but after war was declared it seemed best to take a look). Here's what it found (bear in mind that they signed peace soon after):

I think we can be sure now that Mack conquered m_h with HAs.


Next turn, if I recall correctly, Slow only attacked with a Catapult, that only hit 2 units for collateral, due to all the cats in the stack. I, on the other hand, was going to attack quite a lot more. devil

Here's how the attacks went:

1. CR1 Cat vs. Keshik - 52,0% odds - Retreat
2. CR1 Cat vs. Axe - 39,0% odds - Died
3. CR1 Cat vs. Axe - 39,0% odds - Died

4. CR1 Cat vs. Axe - 64,3% odds - Retreat
5. Drill, Shock Cat vs. Keshik - 90,7% odds - Retreat
6. Drill, Shock Cat vs. Axe - 83,3% odds - Retreat
7. Damaged CR1 Cat vs. Keshik - 97,8% odds - Retreat
8. Damaged CR1 Cat vs. Archer - 98,4% odds - Retreat
9. Combat 3 Shock Axe vs. Axe - 98,1% odds - Won
10. Combat 2 Shock Axe vs. Axe - 99,9% odds - Won
11. Damaged Combat 1 Shock Axe vs. Axe - 97,6% odds - Won
12. Combat 1 Shock Axe vs. Axe - 99,3% odds - Won
13. Damaged CR1 Cat vs. Axe - 98,8% odds - Retreat
14. Damaged Combat 1 CR2 Sword vs. Axe - 99,4% odds - Won
15. Combat 1 Medic Sword vs. Spear - 99,9% odds - Won
15. Damaged Combat 1 Shock Sword vs. Spear - 99,9% odds - Won
16. Damaged CR1 Cat vs. Spear - 99,4% odds - Retreat
17. Combat 2 Formation Spear vs. Axe - 98,5% odds - Won
18. Damaged Combat 2 Spear vs. Axe - 97,9% odds - Won
19. Chariot vs. Spear - 97,3% odds - Won

End Result:

Well, that went well. Only 2 units lost to kill 10 of his. Besides, next turn would see us capturing the city without any doubt!

If you have a keen eye, you'll notice that I'm building the HE in BoM, as part of the plan to keep on rampaging through the countryside. I actually changed the micro to get it faster (4 turns), because I was hit by WW in BoM and DP, which made growing these cities not possible right now.

I'll soon be able to cancel all the happy for happy deals I have with WLP. That should hinder him quite a bit, while I plan for his downfall on the military side of things too.


Next turn, I had only one meaningful decision to make. Slow whipped an archer in Karakorum and, since the city is on a hill, it was actually a though unit. I had these two options of attack:

Despite the lower odds, I went with the Catapult first, since I valued the WE higher. Unfortunately, we lost the catapult, losing our 4th unit of the war.

1 Chariot - 30 hammer
3 Catapults - 150 hammers

So, we lost 180 hammers in this war so far.

After that, it was just some mop up battles always at 95% higher odds. We lost no further units.

We captured Karakorum and got 95 gold, less that capturing Turfan.

No luck in the gold department, but what about the building department? Were we lucky?

YES! Shower In Red came with granary and lighthouse, by far the most useful buildings that could have survived (maybe even the only ones avaiable). The name is due to all the fighting that happened in the outskirts of the city.

After that, we moved the chariot to see what Slow had inside Beshbalik.

To try and make things faster, I moved both WE that were defending TDT to the hill tile where the chariot is. I think the WE has >85% odds on the archer, so maybe we can make a quick capture, without having to wait for the other stack to move + heal.


Well, the war with Slow is pretty much over. I'm unsure about what to do with West City and the mini stack that Slow has there. I also would like to get a second GG from this war, but I think there's still quite a bit of XP needed. I really need to start planning my following moves, in order to not drift into auto-pilot mode. We already started a bit of this planning, but still need to do more. Here's a shot of HP working to get our secong GP, for the civic switching - unit producing GA.

I started the Palace in DP after a forge. I studied a bit of the Maintenace costs and it seems the big problem is the number of cities maintenance, not the distance to Palace (DP is less centralized than BoM, considering we want to expand in WLP's direction too, not only in Slow's, so the costs will be higher). But why change the Palace to DP, if we want to run Vassalage for our knight army, not Bureau? Well, I think we'll want Bureau someday, after the WLP war, so it's a long term investment of some sorts. I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea, but my gut says it is.

Lots of thinking to do...

Well done!

Slow's galley, not sure what's on it. Is he really sailing up to his capital to pillage the nets? That's really unfortunate.

We are 2nd in CY with 247, 1st has 347. yikes I'm guessing that's YuriMack with all of the new cities.

(December 9th, 2013, 10:20)wetbandit Wrote: Well done!

Slow's galley, not sure what's on it. Is he really sailing up to his capital to pillage the nets? That's really unfortunate.

We are 2nd in CY with 247, 1st has 347. yikes I'm guessing that's YuriMack with all of the new cities.


Yeah. I'm really immature, so I avoid looking at the demos when I'm aware they're going to be bad. No wonder I fail at this game...

100 CY differende is really, really bad for us. If it was the contrary, we dominating Mackoti with 100 CY lead, I think mackoti would still be the favourite. But how can we catch up to a stronger (the strongest) player while being way behind? Tough...

Hopefully FinHarry will give Mackoti some trouble, but like I said before in the continents analysis, I really doubt that. FinHarry play is "too cute" to handle that particular Juggernaut (not saying I'd do any better, mind you). And dtay wouldn't have anything to gain by doing it (other than handling the game to a different person - in that classic Civ dillema), so he won't do it either.

That's how the dice rolls sometimes... I know it's useless and unfair, but I can help but compare the war we have against Slow and Mack's war against m_h. The wonder hammers (Colossus, which is great in this map, and Paya, which is also helpful) Mack captured from m_h are the hammers Slow used to throw at DP on the Keshik attack, delaying me a long time to currency. I just captured a size 1 Capital that is about to get its nets pillaged by a galley that could be doing something more useful, but decided to just hinder me further. I didn't see a single worker in Slow's land, he deleted them all. Mack likely got some workers and captured way larger cities, with less investment (I was number 1 in power by quite a bit while he was rampaging m_h) and from a more advanced neighbour.

If I want to win, I'll have to take WLP, retep, Bacchus and likely try to power through Dhalphir and (highly unlikely) plako. I think I'll fall short of it still at WLP. And, even if I manage to accomplish that, I think Mack has enough land already to beat me to a space race or, if he finds the need to, boat BoM and some of my cities while I'm busy fighting a backwards war...

It's frustrating that I could be in a way better position if I was just a bit more smart and less stubborn. I know I've been repeating this a lot, but it really bothers me. I don't mind losing when I did the best I could, but I know I didn't do it here.

Well, I need to stop crying. I need to start planning the WLP attack, especially how many Knights I can have in how many turns. If WLP is not gearing to attack us now, which is something I fear (and I'm trying to take adequate measures against - I'm not just relying on luck), he will gear to attack retep and Bacchus. That means offensive units, not the dreaded longbows. That means knights have the chance to power through his lands. Lots of ifs, but there you go. I know WLP doesn't have IW, so he doesn't know that he only has 2 sources of iron near him -> one on an island (that I'll try to get some trirremes there to avoid him from settling) and the other right in the outskirts of his easternmost city, which can be the second one we attack in a war. Denying him Iron would be a huge accomplishment and would make the war easier.

I think we have to play ruthlessly against WLP trying to make him lose morale. Is WLP a player that stops caring that much when he can't win anymore? I'm not sure, but I think there's a chance. What does that mean? That mean trying to capture some 3, 4, 5 cities in the first wave of attack, likely razing some of them, just to pass the message that he can't beat us anymore. After that, we could get a hammer advantage and conquer him when he can't do anything about it. I'm guessing that means Cannons, since catapults can handle pretty much everything before them. That's quite a beeline we'd make, forgoing lots of economy stuff. But it's what can best make us win, I think...

There was a comment about turn order between retep and Bacchus in the tech thread before the weekend, so I'm not sure if there's a war over there. If so, it's possible that's he's looking that way to expand. noidea

I checked to see if you could whip a trireme in LocustTree and can't even with the chop. Of course, you could throw that chop into the trireme and whip next turn. That's probably the fastest way to get rid of that boat, even though it slows down the barracks somewhat in TLT. Wonder if it's worth it to chop into Trireme, whip, overflow into barracks, and then handbuild it from there. You'd get 13OF from the whip plus the 3 hammers from worked tiles (at current configuration), only need another 14, which you can get in 3 turns if you change from the plains village to the mined plains hill.

On to guilds and knigs hammer

The trirreme is a good idea. Unfortunately, I can't log in to change it right now, so the chop will end up in the barracks. frown I'll try to think of some way to make that work, though.

Retep and Bacchus are fighting for real, since they both got a GG in these last turns.

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