As I wait on the last three players to do their turns.

Hopefully the novelty will soon wear off so I'm not camping my PC all the time.
Anyway, in the meantime, I've built a WorldBuilder replica of the known world to do some testing for builds and such. I have come up with a daring plan! It is currently Turn 20, but I should be able to settle Production Hill on turn 37. Here's the plan.
On turn 24, the 3rd Warrior will pop and the Worker will finish the Rice same turn (props to LiPing for setting that up. I rarely manage such timing). I will start on a Settler immediately! Yes, a Settler at size 2! It will take 10 turns.
Warrior 3 will head slightly NW to start fogbusting. Rumia, in the West, will start doubling back to fogbust in the hills. Thannis, barring any unforeseen events, should be able to continue traveling east. Warrior 3 should be close enough to run back to town in case of an emergency.
The Worker will mine the Gold and grassland hills, since BW will not be available to chop.
When I am 1 turn away from Bronze Working, I will switch to Animal Husbandry. Even if copper pops up, I don't intend to change the destination of city #2, and revolting at that point will slow the settler by a turn.
Turn 34, Settler Pops, start a Warrior or something for growth. Maybe Barracks? Anyway, when Koumakan grows to 3, it'll work the Gold and research will get a nice boost.
Turn 35, finish BW.
Turn 36, settler reaches destination, and I revolt to Slavery.
Turn 37, found the new city (haven't decided on a name yet) and continue animal husbandry. Research will have to go to 80%, but not a huge slowdown. Meanwhile, my Worker will be traveling to the new site to start improving. I'll build a new Worker in the capital when it hits size 3 (will take 5 turns), then do Barracks + troops a bit. Or whatever.
The worker will have enough time to mine one of the new place's hills before AH finishes, then it'll pasture the cows.
After AH? If Copper shows up nearby, Wheel. If not? A quick dip to Mysticism so I can chop out a monument at the new city. I really want to control those borders, so I think the diversion to Myst is acceptable.
Well, I think that it's a fairly good plan, myself. After Myst/Wheel (I just realized that AH will also show horses, which is valuable), I may go on to Iron Working unless something else is more pressing. However, if there is no Copper OR Horses nearby, I think Archery might be a prudent route, because I expect my Korean neighbors to be upset at my city location, and I don't want to run a gambit with just Warriors.
Edit: Actually, I should check out a size-3 settler, since I could work the gold the whole time . . .
Plan 2 looks much better, actually.
On T24, start a Settler. Worker heads towards gold to mine it.
T28: Switch to Barracks, allows growth in 2 turns.
T30: Capital Size 3, works Gold (big research boost!), and switch back to Settler.
T31: Switch from BW (1 turn left) to AH (7 turns). Worker mines grassland hill. Should have 2 warriors fogbusting settling route by now.
T36: Settler complete, Worker finishes mine. Both head towards new location. Capital will finish Barracks in 3 more turns with Settler overflow. Switch back to BW to finish it.
T37: Revolt to Slavery.
T38: End revolt, settle new site (warrior build). Drop research to 80%, AH still finishes next turn. Worker moves to cattle, ends turn.
So, I delay the founding of my new city by 1 turn, but I get BW and AH about 4 turns earlier. Good deal! The only real flaw is that I waste 1 Worker Turn, but it is an acceptable loss to me.
Then, on T39, either 5-turn Mysticism or 6-turn Wheel. Suppose I go for Mysticism. . .
T40: Koumakan finishes Barracks, Warrior (2), growth (2). Perfect. Will do Worker #2 at Size 4.
T42: Warrior (yay, Combat 1 warrior with a new promotion available!), Worker time (4 turns). Cattle pasture finishes.
T43: Move Worker south to riverside forest. I want to chop this one first to have flatland on City 2's southern part, to help avoid trouble.
T44: Myst < Wheel (most likely). Switch City 2 to Monument. Start chop. In 3 turns, +20 hammers towards monument, with +9 from natural hammers. So, probably a 4 turn monument.
T46: Worker 2, Warrior (2 turns). Um, not sure what to do at this point. Perhaps chop the forest north of the Capital, to go into another Settler after the warrior pops since the Wheel still isn't finished.
Meanwhile, forest chop at #2 finishes, with monument done next turn.
T47: Monument . . . either finish warrior, or do a barracks. Worker starts mining the hills.
T48: Warrior finishes in capital, start Settler (8 turns prior to chop). Warrior goes to wherever my next city will go. Hopefully I'll know where some strategic resources are.
T51: Wheel finishes. Start build road to gold!
~T53: If City 2 did a Barracks < Warrior, warrior finishes. Maybe a scout? I don't want TOO many warriors if I haven't hooked up copper or something yet.
Capital's borders expand.
NOTE: After Settler, Worker #3 for the new city.
Finally, on T57, City 2's borders expand giving me the seal that I wanted. A bit later than hoped (cap expanded T3), but good enough!
It should be size 3, working the cows and 2 hill mines now with a base production of 9 hammers. Not too bad, I think.
Meanwhile, with relations surely tense with Koreans, I'll either be spitting out warriors for lack of a better unit, or maybe Axemen if I lucked out and have copper nearby! I also plan to offer them my cattle or rice as a gift to soothe relations. It's the best I could offer, lacking the ability to trade techs.
Plan 2 it is! Unless I come up with something better.