How are you debugging MoO 1? Or are you just analyzing the assembly and tweaking it directly, then running MoO 1 and observing changes there? EDIT-- I just found out that DOSBox have a debugger, is that what you're using?
This post in DaggerXL (an engine that can run Daggerfall with its base assets in a new engine) said that the developer debugged through DaggerFall and re-creating it in C++ inspired me. So I'd like to decompile MoO 1 into C#, but to do it successfully, I need to debug (step through code) it as it's running. But with DOSBox in the way, I can't directly debug it.
When I've successfully built a full working C# version of MoO 1 that's a direct conversion of MoO 1's assembly, I plan on creating a mod for Beyond Beyaan that will allow people to run MoO 1 in BB, if they have the MoO 1 files. I won't release the C# version of MoO 1 due to copyright stuff. But I can make the mod to run in the same logic as the original if you understand what I'm trying to say.
Dominus Galaxia, a Master of Orion inspired game I'm working on.
(December 16th, 2013, 10:50)Doomk Wrote: Kyrub, would it be possible to open source your MOO1 patch? that way someone else could continue what you have started. What do you think?
What Kyrub does is painstakingly figure out the assembly code of MoO 1's exe, then directly modifying the .exe file itself to fix bugs. There's no source code that he's working with. The only way for us to know what Kyrub knows is if he shares his files on MoO 1 exe, however, he has stated that he will not give out those files.
Dominus Galaxia, a Master of Orion inspired game I'm working on.
(December 16th, 2013, 10:50)Doomk Wrote: Kyrub, would it be possible to open source your MOO1 patch? that way someone else could continue what you have started. What do you think?
(December 22nd, 2013, 07:33)Mulder Wrote: The 1.4m patch doesnt apply "nomal" shields to planets
If i simply got no planetary shield tech in the game
im stuck with shield 1 on my planets
Is this intentional?
Surely not, although I cannot immagine this being caused by the patch.
Can you get me a 1.40m savegame with the problem exposed?
and you are right
ive reinstaled orion patched it to 1.3 and than applied 1.4
and now it is as it should be.
My fault
Is it right that the planet max size is capped by 300
which is strange because 300 will only fit in 16bit++ int
and the savegame files make use of 2bytes to store those values ...?
As far as I know 300 is the maximum size achievable, on Orion with full terraforming techs. I've never seen the game go beyond 300 as a max pop size... just because it has a possible 32767 in that 16 bit signed int, doesn't mean it'll use it
Thanks for your great work. I played an MOO 1.40m game. I found the following bugs. Zip files attached with save games and config files. I wasn’t sure if you need those too.
1. Battle scanner no longer displays the 3. special on opponent ship. Even self ships don’t show their 3. special. Although all 3 specials still work in battle, only two are visible. See, Some enemy shoots Warp Dissipator, but does not show.
2. When my ship with Doom Virus stands next to enemy planet in a battle and I click retreat, it sometimes drops doom virus, sometimes doesn’t. I think that it should not drop it, since the order was to retreat. Based on few tries it appears to be probabilistic so try several times. My observations:
Doom attack:
No when NW of planet (2 times), SW, N.
Yes when S of planet (2), SW, W (2), NW
3. Opponent Silicoid has "Improved Terraforming +60", or something like that, but diplomacy only shows "Improved Terraforming".
4. Apparent overflow error. My planet was hit by industrial accident and became radiated. Later I applied atmospheric terraforming, soil enrichment, advanced soil enrichment in 1 turn and assigned 100% to eco. As a result everyone died by next turn. If I applied them gradually then it was OK.
See , Planet "2454".
5. Typo in "Sub Space Interdictor" in "Tech" => "Propulsion": “...device is a placed…". Remove "a"
6. Confusing statement:
Ship "Design" => "Ion Stream Projector": "Reduces enemy armor by 20%". Rephrase to "Reduces enemy max HP by 20%".