(December 16th, 2013, 20:45)Bobchillingworth Wrote: Is anyone going to need a Christmas pause? I'll be away from my PC for most of Christmas Eve & Day, but can play in the morning for the former and at night for the latter.
Q, any chance you can cover again from the 25-29th? Going to my sister's wedding, and although I'll have my laptop, I've no idea if I have time.
If not, then I just say I'll be holding the turn, that works too.
Sorry, I'll be afk for most of that
If internet ends up working out, I will try to play the saves.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
So apparently Hindu was TheStick. He's definitely looking like the one to beat so far.
I went ahead and revolted to Slavery this turn. OrgRel won't mean a thing if we're beaten to Judaism too...and I really need to get that whip bloody anyway, if we're to have a chance of catching up from here. Can reevaluate later.
Besides, the main advantage of a tight dotmap like I've got mapped right now is less culture required. Most of my food is first ring. So we can give natural spreads as much time as possible.
The current chop will probably go into Ethane, while Methane will get its granary in place some other way. Thinking what probably makes the most sense is to whip it for 1 pop, and then regrow to six, whipping again at that point for a settler. Meanwhile Ethane will use its granary to grow up big and strong, and get a workboat and lighthouse out.
Next turn we found Ethane, ideally it's useful soon. Exp/Org ought to mean I can set up coastal cities fast, right?
I changed my mind, and put the chop into Methane instead for its granary. Next turn I'll whip the settler, overflowing into...probably a Vulture while I regrow for the next settler whip. Vulture would be an excellent unit to resume scouting with, and I don't have anything more urgent that still lets me grow. A Barracks might be nice, but I really could use a handful of real units just in case.
Neither Ethane nor Ethylene needs much worker love, at least not until I pop borders, so two workers ought to be plenty for now. They'll go ahead and deforest more of my lands, converting them into Ethylene granary and workboat(s), and maybe part of a settler in Methane.
Meanwhile, Ethane is going to focus on growing and getting out a Granary, Lighthouse, and workboat, before it joins Methane in expansion production.
Tech path - finish Sailing, then Polytheism - Monotheism - Priesthood. That should get me Judaism and Ziggurats, if all goes as expected. Followed by Writing, and then toward Currency via Math, I think.
In either case, I convert 20 hammers into changing my effective food surplus from +2 to +4. So...probably the workboat, since that takes effect immediately and helps me get the next whip for the granary sooner.
Ethylene definitely gets its workboat first - at least the Fish one, since that's +3 food rather than +2. Probably then granary, then crab WB, then lighthouse here. Although post-granary, I might maybe mix in workers/settlers and build the other stuff with overflow and regrow time.
Anyway, settler #2 is out! Starting to pick up a little steam here .