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[SPOILERS] Team Orgynized: Parkin/Arki/Magno embark on a kinky adventure

Dear Maga and Asterix.

I am sorry, but with my current chain of thoughts it's neither possible or desirable to send a missionary to your lands:
I have to prioritize my own lands first, meaning I first want to spread the religion in my lands. Secondly I don't got a deal of passing missionaries through Oxys. When it comes to issue of Happy-resources, I am going to hold my deal, but right now I need a few military techs, so I can feel secure.

I hope you will have a good day
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Note: I am personally not assured about any of the northern hemi-people anymore.

I know Maga got top economy, meaning I don't want to fuel her with hammers when AP lands in 8 turns or less.
I am informed that most likely Teddy lies/ doing his diplo on me, cause I got info on that his ties with India is not severed, but rather status quo or getting better. I am happy they threw me a deal I actually realized was bad and when it comes to the point, much of what Teddy has said has been bad deals for me. ( I guess I have to make myself more worth)

I played a bitter card when sending Yossa and Caledorn the christian missionary, but they are spiritual, so it doesn't matter that much, but by now I concider them my strongest and most reliable ally.

I am not sure what to do with Aivo and co. Those diplomatic relations seems to be shut down and I am very aware that I may also be attacked from there.

Then it's the issue of my western neighbour Oxys. I had good relations with them for a long time, but I know that sometimes soon they need to expand and I wonder if it's going to be Maga or me that is going to attacked or if me and Maga should ally permanently.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Oh... and here is one more thing:
Asterix/Maga is working on the Alphabet and I will guess they got the Code of LAws + Great Spy. I wonder who will be their victim.
I am concidering is a trade: Spy vs Missionary is a proper one. Noone will suspect me having a spy if I don't got Alphabet.
Question: Can you gift spies?
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Note of the day: Maga/Asterix have 11 turns to Civil Service.
I got Iron Working next turn, but concider Paper after that, to secure the University of Sancore.
DMOC and Teddy is infuriated that I have cancelled our deal, suggested 20 gold instead, but they said they are going to answer, but that was early last turn. Missionary is still waiting at my border.
The Apostolic Palace lands at turn 110-111
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Note to self: I know that me renegotiating a trade with DMOC/Teddy has been a less pleasant issue, but now it is t107, they promised to log on early to gift the worker (missionary is already gifted on my behalf). So the question is... is Teddy lying or is he being drunk all the time? This starts to annoy me and I don't trust them to much lately.

Oh! I wrote a really cool story for t111 (that's when the Apostolic Palace is built - BEFORE CHRIST)
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

t109 :

2 Turns left to Apostolic Palace.
I have been playing with numbers and micromanagement. And trying to figure out the right path to "Victory". (Yeah... I think it is still possible, in a wicked way).

First fact: Both Teddy and Oxys have renewed their NAPs, making me secure from east and west (for now). I am also friendly with Yossa, so by now the only who may attack me is Aivo (but here I am supperior on both cities, production and techs)
I may force up to 174 beakers pr. turn, meaning I may finish AP and then focus on researching Paper, which will be finished then by... t115-t117
Since I have Stone connected by that time, University of Sancore may be build on short time.
After Paper, I need to focus on military techs (construction, machinery, civil servise, feudalism) - Because I am really not sure on my neighbours and with these wonders, I am becoming a possible target.
Approx t120-t125 there will be born a great scientist or a great prophet.
Beside of building military units, I need to make approx 6 settlers, increasing my number of cities to 14.

Sudden minuses: The new-written NAP with Oxy's no longer apply on EP and it is now allowing TGL.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

t111 - Apostolic Palace completed
Still collecting moneys...

Maga/Asterix begged for money this turn. Seems INndia is attacking at t130 (no wonder). Gave a few tips and did some soothing. It seems Teddy is behind this plot, since it was revealed that Eggs/India has also renewed their NAPs.
Maga/Asterix does neither have Construction, Iron Working, Archery or HBR. I should not speak, but I got IW at least.
I did consult on maybe spying on them. Intel is power.

I wonder if Oxys join the plot.... Anyway: it's turn 111 and I did some fast reading at my research tab. If I am lucky I may have Gunpowder at approx t140-t145. This reequires me getting a GS, getting Paper, Bulb University and then go for Gunpowder. This may happen at approx t129 (or earlier). There is a lesser chance of me getting a GP instead, which means I may need to make a plan B.

Plan A and B: From next turn on I am researcing for Paper, getting it at t117. A city (Same that got AP) is then assigned for building the wonder, while the other are developing, building units and some settlers. By t117 I am also connected with Stone, doubling the building speed.
At approx t 127-t129 I will get either a GS or GP, since a GS have a higher chance, this will be my main plan.

Plan A: After Paper, I dedicate myself to slowly get Construction, Calendar, Archery and maybe Monarchy on a slow pace. When GS arrives, I bulb for Univercity and then go for Gunpowder.

Plan B: After Paper, I dedicate myself to slowly get Construction, Archery, Calendar and maybe Monarchy on a slow pace. When GP arrives, I build the Hindu shrine and quickly gain Feudalism maybe HBR.

At both plans I need to make some catas, most likely towards Teddy.

Note: I may get a GP fast after the first one, so the possibility for a second Great Person (most likely a GS) exist
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Well: 50AD - Paper 1 turn left!

I had some issues with not having internet, but have been managing to take the turns each day... somehow. Pity I crashed the server several times, but Caledorn just finds it interresting anyway. That man is graced with too much patience.

Anyway: Next turn I am connected to stone AND I gain, Paper, starting on University of Sancore ( should not take more than 10 turns or so)
Next goal is Construction, since those horrible people seems to get armies (this means Teddy, who is often drunk and just partly reliable)
My big question is if I support Asterix in survival... If I support him, several outcomes may happen. I am pretty sure that when India attacks Asterix, Oxy will join the beatings. If Oxy attacks Asterix, India will join the beatings. Either of these will happen, I do not care which. In any way: Asterix is most likely at war by t130. The question is: If Oxy is going to war. Wouldn't that make my borders weakened? Oxys don't got too much more military than me, meaning approx 1 unit for each city, (Since I got less cities, I get more units pr. city)

Anyway: By t130 I should have catas ready. If everything goes by plan, I will also be close to Gunpowder by then. If not, I will guess a bunch of axes will do.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

Question to lurkers known to other teams: how often does people break NAPs? I seen it a few times and really dont want it to happen to me, but I need to estimate all possibilities. I was certain that I would meet Teddy in field of battle earlier, but I thank Rome for their existence.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

It has happened before, albeit rarely. Maybe once per every 15 games with diplo enabled? Generally people don't want the black mark on their reputations, because they intend to play in other games later.

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