Okey. Now I know all the northern capitols + BowAivo and Yossadorn's capitols. Here is the screenshots.
Aivo's starting position. I did look at their Power-graph and there were a resent loss of power, so I guess that there is either war going on (less likely) or barbs that managed to kill a unit (more likely)
Yossa's starting position. They are doing fairly ok lately, but as far I understood: Their economy ain't good and they got Rome as a constant threat.
My latest achievement is gaining the maps of the queendom. Maga/Asterix/Bandit got a less regular shape of their empire. I guess India did not agree on any kind of fair sharing of land.
The empire of suttree and Oxy is not fully visible, but I do know their capitol now, and Bandit did add their western borders to my collection of maps. SutOxy got large cities, so I guess they are going for Farmer's Gambit as Caledorn and Teddy predicts. The question is WHEN they are going to start to assimilate troops.
Yuufo's start. No wonder they did so good at the start. Their expansion has been swift, but still Bandit got cities pretty close to their capitol and there are rumors of war starting between these two in some turns. I hope at least so, but I am not sure about who I want to win