Nakor I didn't end turn, since I've been out of the loop a bit and wanted to make sure we're on the same page here.
finally got to log in the game. Man, where have I been?
Anyway, to you lurkers, here are some screenshots.
Demographics (a bit early though):
And we have my proposed worker action: Go to rice, then on the forested hill, then chop (just in time for the settler). Furthermore, after chopping, the worker can road that hill and then the tile to the "9" of it, to accelerate settler movement.
Our capital, following our max. prod build. The alternative is the second screenshot. I prefer the first alternative as I rate getting the workboat a turn sooner higher.
Once again Nakor, agree with my plan? Have an other idea? I'm open to suggestions. I can also finish the turn if you need (after moving the worker of course).