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Chess Tournament RB #4 Lurker Thread

(January 19th, 2014, 14:08)Rowain Wrote:
(January 19th, 2014, 05:57)Gustaran Wrote: ... Rowain could play in any chess club

Thanks smile but that only works if
a) opening books are allowed
b) I have 2 or 3 hours time per move and
c) I have an additional board to analyse moves as my visualizing skills are extremely poor.

Yeah these things are lifesavers for me as well, especially the analysis board.
I have to run.

I beat MJW after 26 moves and about 78 hours of hard thinking. smile
If you know what I mean.

(January 18th, 2014, 03:19)Gustaran Wrote:
(January 17th, 2014, 23:23)pindicator Wrote: MJW - Pindicator
Not playing 23 ... e3 turned into my undoing. I knew I could get the knight out of the corner if I played a5; what I didn't think to check until it was too late was how fast he could develop his pieces if I didn't play e3. Probably going to lose now, too. Shame, this was a fun game and I was looking hard at the move that may have saved it. Gustaran, would love your thoughts on e3 later on.

I don't think you want my opinion, but I will ask Houdini. wink

Turns out the good news is that you considered 23...e3. The bad news is that you didn't play e3. crazyeye
Now I don't like blindly following engine evaluation but in this case it supports your assumption:

23...e3 24.fxe3 d6. 25.cxd6 Bxd6 26.Nbc4 Bf8 evaluation ~+0.29
23...a5 evaluation ~+2.02

Augh, we were even there! Amazing that so much chaos and it's only a 0.29 advantage for white lol
Wish I would have played that, because I really wanted to. But then I thought I could save my central pawn mass if I went a5 -- turns out that was wrong!

GG MJW; that was the most chaotic and fun one I've had this tourney, even if it was a loss
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Jkaen v Gustaran

Well I just ducked away from a draw by repetition there. Be interesting to see if being greedy and going for a win will hurt

Uhm I hope Darrell returns soon. He is running out of time in my game with him.

LOL@Jkaen: Declining a 3 move repetition in a position with no advantage was already overconfident, but if you must play on don't blunder a pawn 2 moves later. neenerneener

After being pushed around for the last 10+ moves I finally achieved my goal of sacrificing the exchange back and keeping my two extra pawns. The game is far from over because of the dark square weaknesses around my king, but unless I do something stupid I shouldn't lose and probably have the better chances.

(January 21st, 2014, 04:47)Rowain Wrote: Uhm I hope Darrell returns soon. He is running out of time in my game with him.

Yes, sorry...was wiped last night and figured I had enough time, then woke up late. Got the move (well, a move), in however smile.


And Perseus strikes again smile. GG rego

(January 17th, 2014, 07:22)regoarrarr Wrote: rowain-regoarrarr
As expected I lost my rook. I actually think though that instead of 8. Qxh8 he should have played

I think that would have put him in better position

You can do Nf6 blocking the check from the Bishop leaving me a Knight down for a pawn and not really happy.

BTW 7. ... hxg6 wasn't necessary. I expected you to do 7. ... Ngf6 which allows you 8. ... Rg8 after I move my Queen back.

But maybe I'm missing something somewhere.

Pretty sure i messed up the gustaran game now. This is becoming a despiriting tournament with me glimpsing victory only to piss it away...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(January 21st, 2014, 08:42)Rowain Wrote: You can do Nf6 blocking the check from the Bishop leaving me a Knight down for a pawn and not really happy.

BTW 7. ... hxg6 wasn't necessary. I expected you to do 7. ... Ngf6 which allows you 8. ... Rg8 after I move my Queen back.

But maybe I'm missing something somewhere.

No, that's pretty much correct, after your line White only comes out with a minimal advantage.

May I ask why you chose the rather bad 3.Nf3? Just to get out of book early? If Rego had played 5...Nxe5 6.dxe5 Qd4! Black is already considerably better.

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