November 25th, 2009, 11:03
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As far as I remember, if you had seen previously the surrounding hills of Korea (I am trying to check that in your various screenshot), when you discover BW, the map should update and show you a copper on that hill (ie you don't have to see the place again) - of course only if there is one which I won't tell you obviously.
Now, I have no idea if you saw all the possible tiles that are within Korea borders ...
November 25th, 2009, 12:17
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@Swiss Pauli: It's not that I'm not getting Animal Husbandry, I'm just delaying it by 4 turns. I think that, long term, my planned spot is the best.
@Jabah: I have only scouted the northern half of Seoul's territory, so there are quite a few hidden tiles. There is no Copper in the parts that I can see, but nothing else adds up based on what I do see.
Well, OK, there is another possibility, but it'll take a couple of turns to confirm because the graphs don't update immediately. The real question is how far their food dips.
They are at size three and got +8 hammers. I suppose that if they were working the City Square (+1), the Wheat (+1), and two grassland hill mine (+6), they could also get that output. In this case, they should be producing 9 food per turn.
If they have a copper plains hill, and they work the City Tile, the Wheat, Crab, and Copper . . . 11 food. They have been at 12 food for a bit, working the Wheat, Crab(?), and grassland hill mine.
So, taking a moment for rational thought, I do see now that it's possible they've cut back on growth to fuel production. Again, I have 3 turns until the Wheel completes, so that should be more than enough time for me to determine if they really have copper, or if I'm scaring myself with ghosts.
Sooooo, yeah. If it turns out they do have Copper, I go for Archery. If not, I stay the course.
November 25th, 2009, 13:30
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I have officially agreed to the deal with Korea:
Quote:Dear plako and Broker33,
I have reviewed the agreement and it appears acceptable to me. I am glad that we could arrive at a mutually beneficial agreement. Consider the treaty signed as of this moment.
May you go in peace, and may the Imperium and her friends in Korea prosper.
Best regards,
Whosit, Ruler of the Interim Imperium
Five bucks says that this comes back to bite me somehow.
November 25th, 2009, 17:59
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Whosit Wrote:I have officially agreed to the deal with Korea:
Five bucks says that this comes back to bite me somehow. 
Your friends in Korea could be spies you have in place in Seoul waiting for the invasion. You didn't wish the Koreans prosperity...
November 26th, 2009, 02:02
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Played turn, yadda yadda. We both have new cities.
But I'm losing 3 gpt, not 2, like in my sim. The maintenance is higher in the actual game. Is maintenance related to difficulty, map size, or both? It looks like I will have to remake my sandbox in order to get an accurate sim again. Getting my techs on time may be harder than I thought.
Charts didn't update enough, so I still don't know what Korea was working on exactly. But I can see nearly all of P'yongyang's BFC, and fog gazing showed forests in the other two tiles, so no metal should be there. Either there IS Copper in Seoul's BFC, or they just didn't settle for any? Seems odd.
I'm going to change my build plan in Regals Reach slightly. Going to get a Scout out after the Monument, rather than Barracks first. I have 10 turns until the culture gap closes, so I hope to zip through there and get a better picture of Korea before then. Chopping into the Barracks may have been more efficient, but so it goes. I don't think it'll make a huge difference in the end.
Nuthin' else now. Tired, tired.
November 26th, 2009, 12:01
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Any of you lurkers familiar with the maintenance mechanics? I haven't been able to duplicate my in-game situation so far.
Imperial Center is costing me about .5 gp in City number maintenance.
Regals Reach is costing me about .5 gp in City Number, and 2.0 from city distance.
So I'm paying 3 gpt in maintenance.
My Sandbox game (Monarch (which I know is the difficulty) and Standard size (which I am unsure of) has me paying .5 Number in both cities, but only 1.5 distance in RR, so that rounds down to 2 gpt. It's a major difference at this point in the game, so I want to try and recreate a more accurate sandbox. I've tried placing two cities at the same distances on maps of varying sizes, but nothing matches up. Is there some other factor to which I am unaware?
Please note that I have checked the financial screen and I am not paying unit upkeep or supply costs at this time. Just city maintenance.
Any help understanding what is going on would be appreciated.
November 26th, 2009, 14:28
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I think world wrap also has an effect on maintenance, but I'm too lazy to go confirm it on CFC
November 26th, 2009, 14:53
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Swiss Pauli Wrote:I think world wrap also has an effect on maintenance, but I'm too lazy to go confirm it on CFC 
I am pretty sure that world wrap does indeed have an effect on maintenance (more directions of world wrap - more maintenance I believe), although I tried to find it on CFC and couldn't
November 26th, 2009, 15:54
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Ah, that's it. Thank you, guys.
And, after a bit more fiddling around, it's world wrap and the number of land tiles in the map (e.g., pangea has higher maintenance costs than continents; toroidal lakes has higher maintenance than cylindrical lakes). So, despite some seas, we must be on a map with a high number of tiles.
Oh, d'oh. It's a pangea, of course, well, according to civstats, anyway. Probably a modified pangea. I wonder if that sea to my south east is the southeast corner of the landmass and the bit of land I can see is an island (I'll want to check it out later) and the sea to the north, an inland sea? Oh, I would have loved to have a few scouts out much earlier!
My current sandbox is a cylindrical continents. So that's not right! But I think that this is also Standard size. Even with Mortius eliminated, that's still 9 civs. I'm surprised I haven't run into any of the others yet. Not counting Korea.
So . . . looks like I'm gonna have to recreate my sandbox! I'll have to go back and make sure I follow the old steps correctly. But, first, perhaps a nap. I am quite tired.
November 26th, 2009, 15:54
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I do recall reading that world-wrap does indeed have a significant effect on maintenance. You'll need to do some searching to confirm this but I vaguely recall that the distance to city maintenance is related to the maximum possible distance between any 2 cities on the given landmass.
So if you are playing a map that wraps as opposed to a flat map, that means that the maximum distance between any 2 cities is reduced (since you can't stick one in each edge/corner to be very far away since it wraps) and this means that the distance between any 2 given cities is a much bigger ratio of the maximum possible distance than it would be on an equivalently sized flat map and hence the maintenance is larger.
Please confirm this before you take my word for it though as I'm only working on memory of this being discussed elsewhere.