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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Whosit Wrote:But, first, perhaps a nap. I am quite tired.
I thought you already signed it. wink

Bleh, I'm so unfunny it's funny.

shadyforce Wrote:I do recall reading that world-wrap does indeed have a significant effect on maintenance. You'll need to do some searching to confirm this but I vaguely recall that the distance to city maintenance is related to the maximum possible distance between any 2 cities on the given landmass.

So if you are playing a map that wraps as opposed to a flat map, that means that the maximum distance between any 2 cities is reduced (since you can't stick one in each edge/corner to be very far away since it wraps) and this means that the distance between any 2 given cities is a much bigger ratio of the maximum possible distance than it would be on an equivalently sized flat map and hence the maintenance is larger.

Please confirm this before you take my word for it though as I'm only working on memory of this being discussed elsewhere.

It looks like we posted at the same time. smile But I think that appears to be the case. Thanks for adding some of the mechanics details, though.

novice Wrote:I thought you already signed it. wink

Bleh, I'm so unfunny it's funny.

Well, considering your title, it's forgivable. lol

Whosit Wrote:Oh, d'oh. It's a pangea, of course, well, according to civstats, anyway.
I'm pretty sure the map type reported on CivStats is just what Sunrise (or whoever) told it when setting up the game there - someone with no knowledge of the map, choosing a placeholder because "Custom Worldbuilder Map" isn't a CivStats option. Doesn't mean it's not a pangea, but there's no special reason to assume it is one; all the mapmakers have said is that everyone can be reached by everyone else via land units and/or galleys.

LiPing speculated that it might be a "donut" mapscript, but that was ages ago; I'm not sure whether subsequent scouting reports have supported or undercut this speculation.

Also, I think you can verify the total number of land tiles by checking the victory conditions screen - one of the domination conditions should tell you your land area and the percentage this represents of the total. (There might be other/better ways to determine this too.)

Hmm, interesting information, RefSteel. Well, I still think that it's a land-heavy map based on my experimentations with maintenance fees, but, yeah, it could be many things.

New, unexpected, and unfortunate twist. Just got the Wheel, started my roads and my Scout in Regals Reach, but AH is going to take 6 turns instead of the projected 5. I'm not sure why this is. According to the game, the cost of AH is the same in both the actual game and the test game, and I am making the same number of bpt in both. I know that tech costs are affected by difficulty/map size, but that would show up in the tech screen, right? I know that the discounts due to pre-reqs/meeting other civs is not displayed, but base costs change, yes? Well, I'll go check for myself, but I'm a bit dismayed right now. Higher than anticipated costs and more expensive techs for some reason can really put me behind my plan.

Korea got a tech this turn, too, I believe. Dunno what it is just yet.

Well, I've rebuilt my sandbox. It's now showing accurate maintenance fees, but it's also showing a 5-turn Animal Husbandry. Why is the actual game showing it as a 6-turn tech? The cost is the same. I followed the exact same steps in the sandbox game as I did in the real game. Just doesn't make sense.

I can gear Regals Reach for a bit of commerce to bring AH down to 5 turns . . . but that may put everything else off. I dunno. I will probably proceed with the original plan, modifying it to account for longer techs. I guess this means that IW will come later than T62 after all . . . .

Dunno. Maybe some rounding effects, or maybe you have more bpt in the sandbox game (I remember we had some weird stuff in the sims for the Poly game). Check for trade routes and extra commerce.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:Dunno. Maybe some rounding effects, or maybe you have more bpt in the sandbox game (I remember we had some weird stuff in the sims for the Poly game). Check for trade routes and extra commerce.

I'm not making more bpt in either. In the real game, I did end up setting RR to work a 2F/0H/1C tile and it dropped the time to 5 turns. I'm hoping I can switch back to a hammer tile next turn, but who knows. It could be a weird rounding error, or maybe I made 1 beaker less in the real game at some point than I did in my testing.

Either way, I guess I'll just deal with it.

The good news is that I should soon be able to get a clearer picture of the Korean's territory unless anything unforeseen happens.

Seoul seems to be back to working the wheat and a grassland hill mine for hammers, though I'll soon see what its 4th pop is kicking in. Since P'yongyang isn't visible to me, I don't know what it's working on. I imagine that Korea's sole Worker is improving the Wheat for P'yong, but we'll see. At least, I'm pretty sure that they only have 1 Worker. I'll soon have 3 Workers for 2 cities, which isn't too bad. Imperial Center still needs some tile improvements and roads, but I want to get RR's mines and pasture complete fairly quickly. I think I'll skip on farming the rice. 6 turns for +1 food isn't a good deal, though I may work the unimproved rice to get a growth boost before working 4 mines.

If the game keeps up this pace over the weekend, I should soon see Horses, if they are available, though it'll probably be a week before I get Iron Working.

Whosit Wrote:If the game keeps up this pace over the weekend, I should soon see Horses, if they are available, though it'll probably be a week before I get Iron Working.
Yeah, Rome wasn't built in a day.

This is a toroidal map (known from the settings page), so distance maintenance costs are twice that of a flat map of the same size. I don't have the exact CFC link on hand (T-Hawk does).

novice Wrote:Yeah, Rome wasn't built in a day.


Well, last turn I had Regals Reach work a commerce tile, and this turn AH remains at 4 turns remaining, so I guess that fixed whatever rounding thing was going on. I've made a new plan to account for stuff, but I'm going to try to refine it a bit because there are still parts that might be wasteful.

A few pictures to update my situation.

[Image: T42Overview.jpg]

[Image: T42West.jpg]

[Image: T42East.jpg]

My new scout, Bib Fortuna, is going to scout out Seoul's BFC, and hopefully get sight on P'yongyang after that. So long as plako didn't chop out a monument at the latter, I should be able to pull it off. I hope. I half-expect an angry letter from Korea about this, but they can't do anything about it.

I think that Seoul has built two Warriors. So probably no metal. Well, the newest one might be a Scout. I'll have to see if their power rating bumps up.


T42: RR(work commerce)
T43: Scout < Barracks (work forest hill)
T44: 0%, max commerce.
T45: 100%, normal production. RR: Barracks/Expansion t52?
T47: Worker < Scout. Move-Move to cows.
T48: Start pasture, move grassland hill (IC).
T49: Work Pasture.
T50: Scout < Settler. Road pasture
T51: 0%.
T52: 100%. Barracks < Warrior
T53: Grass-mine, road(?). Copper mine finish. Work it. Axeman, Axeman
T58: Axemen finish. RR finish Spearman, IC finish Settler, 0%
T59: Mine forest hill
T61: Paying unit costs. Disband old Warriors.
T62: IW < Pottery. Axeman < Axeman.

If it's incomprehensible to people who are not me . . . I'll try to fix that, later.

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