Catwalk, your defense today basically seems to boil down to calling me a liar regarding what I've revealed as your role name. Like someone said earlier (preview edit, found it, Jowy@2141), I preempted Merovech's role reveal and he confirmed it, so we'd both have to be scum for that to make any sense within the context of me lying about it. If I was lying, why on earth would Merovech, with an established town record of actions, cover for me? He wouldn't, it would be totally anti-town. And with the way Merovech has been protecting highly probable townies during the game, it would be exceedingly poor play on his part to do that as scum. So I'm basically convinced Merovech is town from his behavior in this game, and a solid town guy confirming that I wasn't lying about his role name should lead to the obvious conclusion that I wasn't lying about it.
I don't remember who revealed first, Jowy saying his name and me confirming it, or me saying it and Jowy confirming it, but there is agreement between the claim and the reveal. And the same thing goes for everyone else who I have scanned, until I scanned you. The fact that I was obtuse and didn't immediately realize it doesn't change the fact that you are the first person whose claimed title does not match my scan's findings (TMI explanation for that is in the spoiler below if anyone wants to know...but I explained it earlier as "posting from my tablet" if you catch my drift, and I think you do...). So the possibilities are either you're the first person I've caught lying (ding ding ding! this is the answer, btw), or everyone who has corroborated/not protested my findings before are scum and aligned with me (and that's a lot of people considering we've already had Azza and Bob confirmed as communists!), or I'm scum and choosing to lie about you for some reason when I could have previously lied about Merovech and got him lynched over it. If I was scum and wanted to lynch someone, don't you think I would get rid of the roleblocker (Merovech) instead of the guy whose role basically only helps save his own skin? Your role isn't valuable for town, Merovech's is. I'm new to this and even I can see that. The only reason I can think of why you're pushing me so hard is because you're caught in a lie and are flailing around looking for a way out. Your defense is "I'm not the liar, you are!" and is pretty unconvincing from where I sit.
Your threat of proving me a liar if you lynch and your "true" role is revealed is a threat I'm not bothered by. I know which one of us is lying. I'll call your bluff (I already did, actually, I'm voting for you), it's easy since I know which one of us is holding rags.
Oh, I can think of a pretty good reason to lie about it. Ryan scanned you and said you could kill. We've probably (possibly?) rounded up all the serial killers by now, we're down one (the only?) third faction. Who else ought to be left who can kill? Um...communists, perhaps?!
Yes, I claimed that name because it's in the role PM Brick sent me at the start of the game. Should I have made up something less suspicious, like, say...Catwalk? You're not actually going to vote for me based on that are you? I'd quote the PM to prove it but Friend Computer doesn't allow it.
He did it again!
I think the dancing banana means he doesn't even buy his own argument.
Seriously, though, it would be pointless to lie about my own name since, presumably, no one else has the same role I have to use to check up on me. I could have just as well named myself "Village Rolecop" for all the proof anyone can muster to that effect (unless Brick created a scum "weaker version" of my role
). Although THAT would have been suspicious indeed. I think the whole point of that post by Catwalk is to say blah blah blah, Xenu is lying. Again.
That's a nice try, but if I'm lynched all Friend Computer will confirm is that my role title really is Detect Mutant Power and display my flavor. Friend Computer doesn't also go back and confirm or deny my previous scan results, and I think you know that. So me dying just gets rid of the guy who caught you in a lie, it doesn't actually prove or disprove whether you lied or not.
My role would have been completely useless if everyone claimed their real role titles. If I had got to scanning Bob guess what? He would have been caught, too.
OOG: Little Tyrant is up from his nap so I'll be away a while, possibly for the rest of the day with the Super Bowl tonight.
I don't remember who revealed first, Jowy saying his name and me confirming it, or me saying it and Jowy confirming it, but there is agreement between the claim and the reveal. And the same thing goes for everyone else who I have scanned, until I scanned you. The fact that I was obtuse and didn't immediately realize it doesn't change the fact that you are the first person whose claimed title does not match my scan's findings (TMI explanation for that is in the spoiler below if anyone wants to know...but I explained it earlier as "posting from my tablet" if you catch my drift, and I think you do...). So the possibilities are either you're the first person I've caught lying (ding ding ding! this is the answer, btw), or everyone who has corroborated/not protested my findings before are scum and aligned with me (and that's a lot of people considering we've already had Azza and Bob confirmed as communists!), or I'm scum and choosing to lie about you for some reason when I could have previously lied about Merovech and got him lynched over it. If I was scum and wanted to lynch someone, don't you think I would get rid of the roleblocker (Merovech) instead of the guy whose role basically only helps save his own skin? Your role isn't valuable for town, Merovech's is. I'm new to this and even I can see that. The only reason I can think of why you're pushing me so hard is because you're caught in a lie and are flailing around looking for a way out. Your defense is "I'm not the liar, you are!" and is pretty unconvincing from where I sit.
(February 2nd, 2014, 10:40)Catwalk Wrote: I'm obviously going to try to argue that we hang spacetyrantxenu since I know for sure he's scum. Unfortunately the only way for me to share that proof is by hanging. The same goes the other way, though. If my town cred is established, it makes xenu very likely to be a liar.
Your threat of proving me a liar if you lynch and your "true" role is revealed is a threat I'm not bothered by. I know which one of us is lying. I'll call your bluff (I already did, actually, I'm voting for you), it's easy since I know which one of us is holding rags.
(February 2nd, 2014, 11:47)Catwalk Wrote: Also, why would I lie about my flavour? I have absolutely no reason to do so.
Oh, I can think of a pretty good reason to lie about it. Ryan scanned you and said you could kill. We've probably (possibly?) rounded up all the serial killers by now, we're down one (the only?) third faction. Who else ought to be left who can kill? Um...communists, perhaps?!
(February 2nd, 2014, 13:30)Mattimeo Wrote: ...actually, did spacetyrantxenu really claim a flavour name of "Detect Mutant Power"? That's... not like *any* of the other claimed ability names, while being entirely too literal a description to boot.
Yes, I claimed that name because it's in the role PM Brick sent me at the start of the game. Should I have made up something less suspicious, like, say...Catwalk? You're not actually going to vote for me based on that are you? I'd quote the PM to prove it but Friend Computer doesn't allow it.
(February 2nd, 2014, 14:06)Catwalk Wrote: I think it's a complete null-tell that Xenu claimed Detect Mutant Power (if he did indeed), for the same reason that it's ludicrous that I'd lie about my flavour. He'd have absolutely no reason to lie about it, and we've been fooled plenty by meta considerations before. With that said, Xenu is a liar and I'd really like to see him dangle
He did it again!

(February 2nd, 2014, 14:46)Catwalk Wrote: Mattimeo, in the event that Xenu hangs, I think I'd be a good target for your power. My ability becomes more useful the closer we get to the end game, and I hope to have a decent portion of town cred if Xenu is exposed.
That's a nice try, but if I'm lynched all Friend Computer will confirm is that my role title really is Detect Mutant Power and display my flavor. Friend Computer doesn't also go back and confirm or deny my previous scan results, and I think you know that. So me dying just gets rid of the guy who caught you in a lie, it doesn't actually prove or disprove whether you lied or not.
Quote:Ryan was arguably an immensely more powerful seer than Xenu, whose ability is completely useless.
My role would have been completely useless if everyone claimed their real role titles. If I had got to scanning Bob guess what? He would have been caught, too.
OOG: Little Tyrant is up from his nap so I'll be away a while, possibly for the rest of the day with the Super Bowl tonight.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon