Yeah, Gustaran got the last laugh there.
I thought I had found a combination to salvage my questionable opening...
Actually I was starting to like my position just as I blundered.
I'm aware that we're following a game that white won, but as far as I can see, black's position is fine, and there should be plenty of chances to deviate. /famous last words
BTW for future reference Zaks moves 8, 9, & 10 I think were made automatically through conditional moves. I took this to mean he was very confident about the moves he was making, hence that was part of the reason I examined move 11 so hard, as I thought he was less likely to blunder conditional moves.
I was aiming for a theoretical Sicilian Najdorf battle, since I think Zak is not as strong in wild tactical positions. However, Zak took the game out of the main lines with an early 9.f5, so that we have an unclear position with opposite direction castling. If I were to guess, I would have to say one of us is going to get mated soon.