Turn 45 has been played. Going a bit slower than I would have hoped. It doesn't look like I'll have Animal Husbandry finished by Monday unless things pick up.
Anyway, little to report. Thannis will be fully healed next turn, so he can continue exploring the northeast and try to make contact with someone. Bib Fortuna is making progress scouting Korea (more on that in a bit) and a Korean Warrior, produced a couple of turns ago according to my numbers, seems to be heading in my direction. Plako is probably going to scout out Regals Reach. Borders won't pop in time to stop it, unfortunately. Oh, if only I were Creative.
As you lurkers surely know, Seoul performed a 2-pop whip on Turn 44 and my numbers indicated a total of 80 hammers invested in the city. I've been trying to figure out what that was, and I think that I've figured it out. I'm quite certain that they whipped a Worker. Combining the overflow from their last Warrior with the food and production the city was making adds up to about 20 hammers. That's just short enough to force a 2-pop whip, which would then create 60 more hammers. They should have 20 hammer overflow this turn. Will that go into a Warrior, a Barracks, or something else? Hopefully I will know soon.
I am also starting to believe that Korea does not have Copper. Bib Fortuna has revealed a mined hill to the west of Seoul, devoid of metal. In a couple more turns, I should know more. It also appears, from fog-gazing, that the tiles directly south and southwest of Seoul are coastal. Rather, they are water tiles. Furthermore, the location where my Settler originally appeared seems to lack metal. Considering that this map was produced by a member of the Realms Beyond group, which I believe is a fair-minded community, and considering that both our locations have itty-bitty rivlettes and furs (and assuming all starting locations are roughly equal), I now doubt that Seoul has Copper in the BFC. Another turn or two should confirm that.
I also doubt that P'yongyang has Copper. None is visible, and I lack visibility only on two tiles, I believe, that would be in the BFC. Both of those unexplored tiles appear to have forest cover (fog-gazing), which most likely means no metal. Again, I intend to confirm this. Once Bib has scouted out Seoul, he'll head north and try to get on one of those northern hills before P'yongyang expands borders (getting city visibility will finally let me see production in the espionage screen, which will be invaluable).
Now, if my assumptions are correct, and Korea has not yet obtained metal, that leads to more questions. Are they unaware that Regals Reach will have Copper in the BFC? If not, did they feel comfortable settling a second city that appears to have no metal? Do they lack visibility of any metal sites? Do they have AH and visibility of horses (no, I haven't been keeping good track of exactly which techs they have been learning)?
If they are aware that I will soon have metal, then the questions become even stranger. I have not had the impression that they trust me. Do they simply lack Copper anywhere close enough that's reasonable to settle? Do they somehow believe that I will leave them alone? Are they insane?
I don't know enough about the lands to the west to be certain what's there. My best-case-scenario leaves them with no metal at all, and I have Iron, so conquering them will be a cake-walk. They may have Horses, though. Perhaps even Iron. There are plenty of blank grassland tiles for those resources to appear. I'm fairly certain that they do not have Iron Working, though. And I don't think that they have the Wheel yet, unless building roads just hasn't been a priority for them.
Also, Athlete's score jumped from 88 to 103. What is that about? Did he research Iron Working? Do Classical techs give such a huge score boost? Settling a second city isn't enough for that. I'm quite perplexed.
In other news, I'm thinking of shooting Broker and plako a friendly e-mail. Might as well keep communications open. Saying nothing at all after finalizing that deal could be as diplomatically dangerous as not signing anything at all. I figure it'll be along the lines of something like "Belated congratulations on your second city. Perhaps we are the first? blah blah blah. By the way, have you met any other civilizations yet? My scouts have only met hungry animals."
Just shooting the breeze is the plan.
Not much else to say at the moment. The domestic plan is going about as expected. I kind of have a nightmare scenario where that Korean Warrior pillages my copper road before it is in my borders. That would make me very angry. If he moves directly to that tile, he can make it a couple turns before the border pops. I doubt that plako would do that. That would be an act of war, though I wouldn't necessarily be in a position to do much about it, unless I chose to attack with Warriors. Of course, that assumes he knows the location and moves directly there. So it's unlikely.
Anyway, little to report. Thannis will be fully healed next turn, so he can continue exploring the northeast and try to make contact with someone. Bib Fortuna is making progress scouting Korea (more on that in a bit) and a Korean Warrior, produced a couple of turns ago according to my numbers, seems to be heading in my direction. Plako is probably going to scout out Regals Reach. Borders won't pop in time to stop it, unfortunately. Oh, if only I were Creative.
As you lurkers surely know, Seoul performed a 2-pop whip on Turn 44 and my numbers indicated a total of 80 hammers invested in the city. I've been trying to figure out what that was, and I think that I've figured it out. I'm quite certain that they whipped a Worker. Combining the overflow from their last Warrior with the food and production the city was making adds up to about 20 hammers. That's just short enough to force a 2-pop whip, which would then create 60 more hammers. They should have 20 hammer overflow this turn. Will that go into a Warrior, a Barracks, or something else? Hopefully I will know soon.
I am also starting to believe that Korea does not have Copper. Bib Fortuna has revealed a mined hill to the west of Seoul, devoid of metal. In a couple more turns, I should know more. It also appears, from fog-gazing, that the tiles directly south and southwest of Seoul are coastal. Rather, they are water tiles. Furthermore, the location where my Settler originally appeared seems to lack metal. Considering that this map was produced by a member of the Realms Beyond group, which I believe is a fair-minded community, and considering that both our locations have itty-bitty rivlettes and furs (and assuming all starting locations are roughly equal), I now doubt that Seoul has Copper in the BFC. Another turn or two should confirm that.
I also doubt that P'yongyang has Copper. None is visible, and I lack visibility only on two tiles, I believe, that would be in the BFC. Both of those unexplored tiles appear to have forest cover (fog-gazing), which most likely means no metal. Again, I intend to confirm this. Once Bib has scouted out Seoul, he'll head north and try to get on one of those northern hills before P'yongyang expands borders (getting city visibility will finally let me see production in the espionage screen, which will be invaluable).
Now, if my assumptions are correct, and Korea has not yet obtained metal, that leads to more questions. Are they unaware that Regals Reach will have Copper in the BFC? If not, did they feel comfortable settling a second city that appears to have no metal? Do they lack visibility of any metal sites? Do they have AH and visibility of horses (no, I haven't been keeping good track of exactly which techs they have been learning)?
If they are aware that I will soon have metal, then the questions become even stranger. I have not had the impression that they trust me. Do they simply lack Copper anywhere close enough that's reasonable to settle? Do they somehow believe that I will leave them alone? Are they insane?
I don't know enough about the lands to the west to be certain what's there. My best-case-scenario leaves them with no metal at all, and I have Iron, so conquering them will be a cake-walk. They may have Horses, though. Perhaps even Iron. There are plenty of blank grassland tiles for those resources to appear. I'm fairly certain that they do not have Iron Working, though. And I don't think that they have the Wheel yet, unless building roads just hasn't been a priority for them.
Also, Athlete's score jumped from 88 to 103. What is that about? Did he research Iron Working? Do Classical techs give such a huge score boost? Settling a second city isn't enough for that. I'm quite perplexed.
In other news, I'm thinking of shooting Broker and plako a friendly e-mail. Might as well keep communications open. Saying nothing at all after finalizing that deal could be as diplomatically dangerous as not signing anything at all. I figure it'll be along the lines of something like "Belated congratulations on your second city. Perhaps we are the first? blah blah blah. By the way, have you met any other civilizations yet? My scouts have only met hungry animals."
Just shooting the breeze is the plan.
Not much else to say at the moment. The domestic plan is going about as expected. I kind of have a nightmare scenario where that Korean Warrior pillages my copper road before it is in my borders. That would make me very angry. If he moves directly to that tile, he can make it a couple turns before the border pops. I doubt that plako would do that. That would be an act of war, though I wouldn't necessarily be in a position to do much about it, unless I chose to attack with Warriors. Of course, that assumes he knows the location and moves directly there. So it's unlikely.