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Repeat the mistakes and glories of the past!
13 22.41%
Wallow in bitterness and rage!
9 15.52%
Peace out blissfully and love everyone!
9 15.52%
Iron Terminator, Win Above All Else!
12 20.69%
Die to Barbarians.
15 25.86%
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[spoilers]Oh Canada! Victoria has a Commodore, eh?

(February 25th, 2014, 12:18)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: Are you going to explore that fog patch north of your empire? You never know, you may be able to squeeze two or three more cities up there if you find some ice floes up thataway.
Yep, exploring now! Carrack is looking around, as I've got a big boy boat supplying Charlottetown.

(February 25th, 2014, 11:05)Ceiliazul Wrote: holy gold saving batman!
...yeah. I'm going to save a good solid 11 turns of gold, so three more turns up to 5k+, then I'll turn on tech. Which will give a nice boost for 10 of those turns in the form of another +100% boost to the capital's beakers...

Ottawa is going to be size 23 next turn (shuffled after screenshot). That's immense, easily the largest in the world by a lot. But as my empire shot above shows, I have very little else; my cities are tiny. Here are a few of my others of at least so-so size:


Apropos of nothing, this little guy is at size seventeen my second largest city, and it'll cap out at eighteen and pitiful. alright It's something of a generalist hybrid town, although with a levee it'll actually be my second best hammer spot after Ottawa I think. It's just big chillin' right now, making rifles and catapults and maybe belatedly a barracks?


Also appropriate, next biggest non-capital city is Montreal here, waiting to be victimized in another glut of Great Person Death Camping. Meanwhile, it's going to keep being a pretty awesome city thanks to Financial Porch Uggle-ness. Might whip it for stuff if I can land the Kremlin; poor thing ain't a production powerhouse.


Going further east it gets sadder and sadder; Vancouver is what passes for a metropolis in the sticks here.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Um. So checking research-on GNP. Pindicooter are going full blast on Steel, too. And Oxford is still to come...




[Image: original.gif]

...aaaaanyway. Greenerland settlement is continuing apace. Bathurst will be resettled next turn, then I'll plant Graham due north of Bylot, and Moresby south in the fish/horse place. Nine workers mean I'm going to be doing the ridiculous farm everything->workshop/mine/watermill everything to make this a production powerhouse. Oohya, baby, Hagia Sophia is the best wonder.

Yellowknife the iceball is looking even nicer with salmon cod banks everywhere. I need Music to settle this place in style, but I'm building the settler for it right now. Although all of these little fishing villages call for something different: KREMLIN. Unnerfed whips, efficient cash feitoria delight.

Above top shot shows why this isn't an overpowered combo though. MFG is just...haw haw.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

The .gifs keep getting better and better

Ottowa at size 23! How much is that in exponential size (pop as seen in the demographics screen)?? answer below:

6.5 Million! in the thirteenth century!

“I'm back”
[Image: ZCA_Bio_VanBruntW_001_DPL.jpg]
The old man nodded to himself, and despite his age the motion was as firm as the voice. His eyes roamed the clearing, taking in half-remembered details and unsurprising changes.
[Image: go_haida_gwaii_wilderness5.jpg]
The young man next to him smiled. “Grampa, was this really where your house was? I don't see any timbers.”

“There won't be, not after seven decades.” The old man blinked at the sudden intense memory. Savage Incan knights with their strange plumed helms, laughing in the firelight...their statues had chilled him back at the pass.
[Image: zjua_01_207CuzcoInca.jpg]
“No, we will need to build everything over again.” The old man flashed a grin at his grandson. “But that's what strong young backs are for, eh? The days are long, it's nearly summer. Let's get to work.”

The young man shrugged his broad shoulders, dropping his pack and lifting his rifle. Bears had reclaimed this stretch of woods, but they would be no threat to this settler band. Unconscious of the gesture, the young man gently stroked the stock of his rifle. The burners of this glade were also warded off by rifles, and the cannon of the fleets. They would never trouble his grandfather again. Canada was here to stay.
[Image: go_haida_gwaii_wilderness11.jpg]
Faintly in the north the sounds of hammers and yelling workmen could be heard. The charred ruins of Bathurst were clear, now, and new, modern foundations were being laid. Old homesteads around the town were being reclaimed by the descendants of the original Bathurstians.

The lush rainforest, so surprisingly warm for the Arctic, was once again under the hands of Canadian settlers. The old man smiled, and sat, and rested. He was home again after so very long.
[Image: go_haida_gwaii_Dover_Trail.jpg]
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Them trees there are post-math choppers, ayuh. Nice bigguns. Good story too, fellar. Reminds me of when I was tearing through the woods chasing my own white whale with antlers. But that's a whopper for another time. Git going now, yeh here?

Everything changed when the Inca Nation attacked?

Okay, I neglected to mention Ellesmere in my "big cities" post above. It's a pretty okay burg, actually, never going to be spectacular. Moai are overrated like that...I'm Fin, have feitorias...and once I revolt to US pretty soon *all* my cottage cities will be better. Still, 33->41 commerce from trade routes, decent production, okay science, I'm okay with this place.

Sad news about the northern ocean due north of me. I'll still settle the plains three tiles from Ottawa, though, that's an oversight of terrible proportions. rolleye

ESKIMO DAWN UPDATE: Slow, cold, profitable.


If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

What'll you use the Engi for?

(March 1st, 2014, 13:17)Hashoosh Wrote: What'll you use the Engi for?
Ideally? Kremlin. SoL would be an okay consolation prize.

I doubt it'll come a cropper, though. frown
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

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