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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Good to have you back! I hope your SATS went ok!

I'll change EP to Dantski next turn. It will take some time to get his research since he's putting EP's on us as well. It will be easier to get demovisibility on Plako.
So the number of turns it take is hard to guess, I think about 10-12.

Thanks for sending the messages! Let's see what we get back.

I agree on the barb city, let's keep it and build a filler city between Roland and Krondor. We could chop the forest next to Krondor to speed up the barracks. It needs to go for defensive reasons as well, right?

So, we chop the settler when it costs 2 pop, what do we build after that? Axes to let Rolan grow to size 5 again? Or a granary? we could use a few axes to take that barb city soon (before Dantski).

What do you think about my marker for a production city to the east? It takes 2 food resources and the horses and has some nice forests and hills. Should that be a place for our next settler or do we go norteast first towards the whales and the northern coast?

NOOOO!!!!!! bangheadduhbangheadbang

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024.jpg]

It must have been Sulla/speaker...
How does this work? The first one to log in gets the religion?
Well, guess we have to wait for CoL for a religion...

Other event: we met Willem (athlete)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0025.jpg]

DMOC, do you want to take care of all the messages and stuff?

Nakor Wrote:How does this work? The first one to log in gets the religion?

It's just a coin flip, if multiple civs acquire the religion-founding tech on the same turn. alright

Yes, as ZPVCS said, it's random. :mad: they must die

Actually, I don't think it's worth putting EP on Dantski now - put them on plako so we can see both demographics. We can ask Dantski what he's researchign and maybe he'll tell me.

I'll send the emails. smile

Plako sent us:

Quote:Hello Nakor and DMOC,

I'm glad we've met. How are things looking at in the west?

We've so far met nations of Romans and Ottomans. Romans are to our east and Ottoman warrior did arrive from the north-east.

If you've any questions or suggestions, you're welcome to present them.


I sent back:

Quote:Hello Plako! smile

As you can probably tell, we're to your west. Things are going fairly well in terms of city expansion, technology, and land quality - but that's to be expected since this is supposed to be a balanced map. We have met Dantski/ JC of Mali, Athlete4life10 & Kalin/Willem of Ottoman, (Jowy & Yazilliclick)/ Pacal II of Greece, and of course, you guys. We have not yet met the Romans. Dantksi/Mali and you are our closest neighbors. We hope we will be able to develop our civilizations peacefully. smile

Since you're a close neighbor to us, should we discuss our settling patterns, just so that none of us are taken by surprised/blcoked?

DMOC / Nakor smile


willem/ottoman sent

Quote:Greetings to the mghty Holy Roman Empire!

We have come across your warrior close to the Koreans and would like to wish you all the best in your scouting ways! We have come a long way from the NE to meet you and would love to hear any thoughts you might have on the map. I noticed you have also met the Greeks? Are you to the west of them? As mentioned before we are far to the NE of Korea with Rome and the Inca's in the way before you might find us. Given that we would appear to be so far apart I believe this could make us natural friends.

Warmest Regards,

Athlete for A/K

I sent:

Quote:Dear Athlete and Kalin,

As you said, we are close to Dantski/Rome of Korea and plako/broker33/Gandhi of Korea. We have established contact with both of those civilizations.

I agree that our distance makes us natural friends. With both of us being relatively new to Pitboss (me - DMOC, and Nakor), we are quite eager to make some friends.

About the map ... it seems to be a bit like a snaky, low seal level archipelago. There is plenty of water to the south of our start, and plenty of land to the north and east of us. What do you think? We have also spotted an island with potential resources.

Feel free to ask us any further questions.

DMOC for DMOC/Nakor team of the Holy Roman Empire



Quote:Hey Nakor and DMOC,

Good to meet ya. Thanks for the brief welcome message, I was quite busy yesterday and didn't have time to send you one first. Anyway this ( is our new e-mail address because we got banned from gmail earlier, but apparently got unbanned later on and I luckily happened to check it out and see your message smile

Game's going good for us. Some tough decisions ahead, but it's been fun and just getting better. I hope you're going strong too. I'm not really sure what's happening here in the south, I have mostly met others north of your lands. I'm wondering do you happen to be located between Mali and Rome perhaps?
Sadly we are pretty far from being a neighbour with you, although we do come in peace.

Of course we have plans for the future wink But no plans yet that you'd be part of. I'm welcome to any suggestions though.

~ Jowy

I sent back

Quote:Hello Jowry,

We are not between Mali and Rome, but we are located very close to Mali.

We currently do not have clear plans for future in terms of war, alliances, etc. so we're open to many ideas and suggestions. smile

Just curious, but who is/are your closest neighbor(s)?

DMOC of DMOC/Nakor team of HRE

Here's the list of civs (bold and italics mean that we have set contact AND sent greetings, etc):

1. athlete4life10 + kalin - Willem (Cre/Fin) of the Ottomans (Janissary/Hamman)
2. Broker33 + Plako - Gandhi (Phi/Spi) of Korea (Hwacha/Seowon)
3. Jowy + Yazilliclick - Pacal (Exp/Fin) of Greece (Phalanx/Odeon)
4. Iamjohn + Kodii + Zevis - Mehmed (Exp/Org) of Inca (Quechua/Terrace)
5. Speaker + Sullla - Elizabeth (Fin/Phi) of India (Fast Worker/Mausoleum)
6. Mortius - Ragnar (Agg/Fin) of Zulu (Impi/Ikhanda)
7. Dantski - Julius Caesar (Imp/Org) of Mali (Skirmisher/Mint)
8. LiPing - Shaka (Agg/Exp) of Rome (Praetorian/Forum)
9. Regoarrarr+darrelljs+sunrise089-Peter (Exp/Phi) of Byzantium Cataphract/Hippodrome)

I'll try to make some kind of drawing (by using Paint) on the locations of civs, with the info we have.

Nakor Wrote:Good to have you back! I hope your SATS went ok!

I'll change EP to Dantski next turn. It will take some time to get his research since he's putting EP's on us as well. It will be easier to get demovisibility on Plako.
So the number of turns it take is hard to guess, I think about 10-12.

Thanks for sending the messages! Let's see what we get back.

I agree on the barb city, let's keep it and build a filler city between Roland and Krondor. We could chop the forest next to Krondor to speed up the barracks. It needs to go for defensive reasons as well, right?

So, we chop the settler when it costs 2 pop, what do we build after that? Axes to let Rolan grow to size 5 again? Or a granary? we could use a few axes to take that barb city soon (before Dantski).

What do you think about my marker for a production city to the east? It takes 2 food resources and the horses and has some nice forests and hills. Should that be a place for our next settler or do we go norteast first towards the whales and the northern coast?

SATs - fine, probably an 800 (perfect score)

Ok, so barb city will be kept, and a fille rcity in between Krondor and ROlan. Chop forest to speed baracks - fine with me, it is wise to chop forests near cities anyway.

I like the location of the prod city, but I'm going to check the game, hopefully now, to see if it's the best possible. I'm sure it is.

Ok, settler whip when we can whip for 2, and then ... I think an axe. just for the barbs. smile

Wait ... will the barbs start with archers or warriors? warriors if this is prince or below, archers if monarch or higher

Monarch was the agreed-upon difficulty.

Ok, looks like we'll be facing archers. This means barracks are very important to get the extra +20% for attacking a city. Or should we do +25% in case Dantski atacks us with skirmishers? Nah we can do that if the time comes.

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