Like I said Hashoosh moved his tiny hurt stack behind his capital. I invaded at the right time here. This is the first mace I have seen. A stack of these would have stopped me.
I got very lucky how ever and my first shock knight killed him at 25 percent odds. Good.
After that it is just killing weakness. Thank you Hashoosh for the gold I needed it for Engineering.
Only one building survived. But it is the best one. This is a nice capital although Thales is better.
This of course made the culture go away and exposed the Hashoosh mini stack. So I attacked. Only stupid thing was I lost a 98 percent battle against one of the horse archers so I do not feel bad about the mace win at all.
I forgot how much damage flanking did so my last attack killed three units at once. Wow. Also Oops.
All this winning with pure knights made the game give me the father of combined arms. Very nice deal.
Next up is Darnassus which should not be a problem.
Sentry knight in the south looks for reinforcements and finds another fishing town. Protected by a trireme. I hope Seven does not burn the back lines from me.
Here is where I am now. I have only lost three knights but most of my remaining guys are hurt. I still have seven Hashoosh cities to take four in the south and three in the north. I think I will go south first in a blitz and then swing north with catapults and trebuchets to siege the rest.