Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Barry brings rainbows and sunshine to the world

I'm sure I'm getting trolled, but someone has to mention that should be PonyVILLE.

War with Pindicator just to see his capital? That doesn't sound like the magic of friendship.

(March 28th, 2014, 22:02)T-hawk Wrote: War with Pindicator just to see his capital? That doesn't sound like the magic of friendship.


Lyndon, I hope you do more updates, even if they're just pics. One pic and one sentence per turn or something quick is good too.

sory for not updating all of time guys i' l try to be better about that in the future..

okay so for turn 11 i have pictuer of what happened well, i poped a ahut and agot this tech The Wheel, wowh thats pretty good i think to myself

[Image: CexABcC.jpg]

yes that helsp alot because with teching polthepism i am oretty slow in getting good worker techs and that will be a problems later i think.. I hope jesus is okay with me funding hindooism , if there is anything i like more than ponies (which i leki bey mich of course) it is Jesus, he made the world only 6,000 years ago after all! QWell he forgives and also saves so that is okay in the end .

NEWAY,, this has kind ofa been a streaming consciousness post i'll do a rnaking of civs and leaders latter maybe, but it wall take all of time to do so might not bee soon, weill see!

thanks for reasding plz ,keep raimbow pony in ur hart and also evolution is a lye thanks!!!!! GOODBYE

well i am nothing if not the man of my words so i will now rank the players in groups of ten. Going to looks at hteir combos and the playesr too , altough i am new at RB so I dpon't know most people very well!!

I am not ranking myself because that wou,d be vey self centaured lol

OKAY fist up is:

#1 Ruff/Augustus Caesar/America

well he got america lol actually they are not too bad in RB MOD although i dno not like this mid vety much, i awill explain why in another most later maybe@!

BAHD Combo man, lol IND sucks a big fat weinder in a game wher elots of people have it and Imperilistic is bepretty mediicore in RB mod. (and it was already kind of bad@)

IDK Roof very well but I think he like strickey plans and t gimickeries in games whoich do nut work ery well and arre kind of stupoid. No chanse to win

Pony he is most like: ] Rambow Sporkle.

#2 Azza/Washington/Arabia

Washingbon is a good leade rin RB mod lots lf bult in bonuses.

Arabia is a heathen civ lol not very good, no sundergy. Camel archjer is just knighardly any better, madrassa sis crap library.

Azza I think he starts all the wars but loses them all the time as well, maybe he isn;t very good at civ LOL. But he ais aggressive, well not the trait, but maybe RL, well internet RL anyway, he will not willn,

Pony he is most like: ] Butterfly Smash

#3 Old Harry + Fintourist/Victoria/Aztecs

Victoryia is more like Victkia, hu am I wright or what lol. Butt no really shes a good leader i don;t like imps verty much but fin is still good civic in RB mods.

Aztercs are bad civ what a shit. Jaguar warrior more le pussy warrior lol. Scarficie temple well they make the kill fo rthe bad gods but you have to whip lots and fin says NO WHIP so what do,.

Oldman and Finaldn like to complain a lot they whine whine whine all the time, never their fault i guess i can;t say more in case muckoti is luirking this thread hahaha...

Pony they is most like: ] Bishie Lover

#4 Krovice/Willem/Babylon

Willrem oj msn what out guysz we got a badass here! is best leader most of times, not much wosre in RB Mud either, so very strong guy. What out for this team!!!

Babylon is not a bad civ, has a bad rep but really actually not bad. Bowman are good for defense for a long time like 70 turns and the building gives hhapppyiness and you were gonna build it anyway evential;ly. Good on a map where most people not have religion so sad).

IdK who is Krovice??? Mystery leader please halp anyone nose@ !!

Pony he is most like: ] Precious Jim

#5 Queeg/Zara/Byzantium

Haha Zare whjat a hoot, that guy swears a tracksuit like he's some low rent mafyia thug lol. Traits are booring i don;t like Organized because benefits are mustky uinbvisible, creative is a good trait though,

Civ wow reall powerhouse here very dangerous if they are actually USED lol nobody ever seems to really use cataracts they just sit on fat butts and sob like bitches lol. wtfff

EHO IS QUEEG idk this man someone help on ths one too!

Pony he is most like: ] Mystery Oats

#6 Jowy/Alexander/Carthage

Alexander is a good leader in RB mod, philoslophical is just okay i guess but aggressive is now really good and phiilosphical means you can bnulb miltiary etchs.

Carthage go ranghece for now reason, but is still a pretty good civ lots of mounted tho is not verty syngerous with aggressiv man lol.

Jowy well jow sucks hahaha you can saw whataver you want about him and it's cool because he is hardly real human, I mean he lost ti SULLA hahaha! Jowy fights stupid lots and then cries about losing maybe this game he be a big boy haha not bloodly likely.

Pony he is most like: ] Jigglypoof

#7 pindicator/Qin Shi Huang/China

Quin shit hog is a really bad leader normally, in RB moid he has inexpolicably granary bonus whic hsi an obvious balancing attempott is still really bad, ind and protective ughhh.

China o hwait is this restricted HAHA. okay omking aside china is a good civ or so must say, starting techs don;t matter so much in RB mud tho and the UB is bad so mixed badg really.

Pony she is most like: ] Sasha Grey

#8 Cyneheard/Mehmed/Egypt

Mehmed is what exp and organized?? well like i said i am not a fan if organized, exp uis nerfed in RB mud so really midle of the raod at best.

Egypt wow dog war chariot rush all the tim yes eyes. Bad UB but who cares go rush neighbor take their land with double land win.

Pony he is most like: ] Chlamydia Winks

oh man im getting tired good thing i,m nearing the end.

#9 Dhalphir/Hayuna Cupac/England

Huyana normally had creat conbo but not so great in this game becaues IN is a loser trait, still fin is pretty goo, but I wouldn want tis.

England well good ub and uu but both come pretty late although this game will run forever (well no will run until pause kills it around turn 60 but you know!) but if games inexplicably runs for a long time thenyeah it;s a damned sloiid civ.

Who is dhalpler?? he constnatly asks other people questions, questions, questions maybe he should concentrate on stop losing his own games insteado f bothering nice people in oither games, just a suggestion. i hope we can be bros

Pony he is most like: ] Consul Incitatus

#10 dtay/Mao/Ethiopia

oh finally last one for today haha fuck. Moa is comminist looser with bad traits, one of the worst leaders ever, he's not much better in RB mod, maybe good if he gets a huge empire or something.

ethiopia is kindf oa a weak civ, what is the point of culture monument?? And the uu get skilled by knights who ingore its owne bonus LOL OPPS.

Dtay well he seems to be good a getting a lead fbut doesn =;t know hiw to seal the deal or so they say. maybe a little passiifivest, idk.

Pony he is most like: ] Clops Gazebo

WELL Gusz that was my first listing it took a long time so i might not do any more unless anyone wants some? Post here if you want more feedbuck is always welcome! Thanks, have a great day!!!

Well, Nobody said they wanted to read more of my ranking, maybe this gig is not all it is crahckehad uo tu be,k But i am a mean of my weregeld . so i will rank next to NE Way , although i will skip sulla because h is not playing (or lirking???) for realz.

so without delay we have :

#11 Plako/Louis/France

Louis well I think normally he is a pretty good leader okay, but in this game ind is bad trait like I said, so really only creative I tink lol.

FRAMCE?? wjat os thos I thought reunrestricted leaders lol, But really france is a good civ misketeers very fast yea yea good. UB is one big shit hahaha.

Plink o well he ia pretty ogood playe rfrom what I read (NOT MUCH_ ) but maybe a little too cauthouis for this ga,me or any hah.

Pony he is most like: Flutterstock Shutterfly.

#12 spacetyrantxenu/Kublai Khan/Germany

Kublow Kahn hah well RB mud changed from for now reason and now he is just some hupster or something , I am it inpressed maybe a good builder I guess.

Germany has cheap cannons now?? well I don;t know much about those seems like tge weren;t really too expebsive to begind with so idk. building is still stupid, too late and who wants more engineers that late anyway, what are you going to rush, SPACE ELEVATOR???? jaja

Spaceeyrant is mub bombad modrator of RB so bette rwat out around him he;s complain a lot says he will fight but never does maybe he is secret ghandi or pussy haha. mischief

Pony he is most like: Princess Sexpot.

#13 Oxybaii/Catherine/Greeks

Cayherine hubba uubba what a woman of course in real life she loved ponies a little too much lol. good traits for this game might be really strong.

Greeks well their UB us ust bad maya UB and their UU used to be kickass now it is just old normal axeman??> WTF ??!! as you can see i am an oldschool bamer yes i have been abound the civ block a few times before!

IDK who "oxybaii' is just another myuster man.

Pony he(???) is most like: Indrick Boreale.

#14 darrelljs + Ichabod/Joao/Holy Roman Empire

Jao is a fast starter leader but RB mod nerfed him some so maybe not as good, still okay I guess though,

HOLY ROMANS EMPIRE WOW good combo very strong settle cities everywhere and then not pay for them thanks obama hahaha.

Darrel is krills bitch maybe they are in a S&m rekationship> Itchybutt is a nice bu seems to like to be very wistful and melancholy even as he lifts up others spirits this is what wecall IRONY.

Pony they is most like: Glue McKnackers

#15 Hashoosh/Stalin/Inca

Stain oh watch out he's a really bad guy! Aggressive is good trait but IND is sbad for reasons I said before.

Inca used to be maybe bedst civ now it is still pretty good becaues of culture UB, they are lucky stalin isn;t creative. Too bad not protective instead .

IDK much about hashhosh sorry.

Pony he is most like: Ivan Tito Pthubut

#16 wetbandit/Montezuma/Japan

This ia a pretty scarey and strong combo! Agressive and piritual is good for fighting for sure and also not too bad for economy now. Relatively sporking of course.

Japan glurious noippon well samurai aren't as bad as ormo warriors at least lol but still nights hust east them so mnot much point unless you get them early. UB what ub. Maybe RB mod changed it I am too mlaxy to check.

Wttbandit is indistinghishable from like ten other cat themed newbs on this site sorry bud,.

Pony he is most like: Thomas Equina

#17 Dazedroyalty/Elizabeth/Khmer

Elizabether is stil la top boss leader very good very strobbg very... sexy.

Khmer well elephants are allowed now so this is a pretty strong UU I think and the UB is okay if you want a tiny pointles amoubnt oif good.

RFUN FACT dazed royalty is actually just american mostly harmless. tell your kids!

Pony he is most like: Spooky Boogie

#18 MYKI/DuGaulle/Korea

Dugull is nota good leader for this mod and game he has like one stratgetgy and new charismatic means it makes no sense and ind is bad for so many players.

Korea kore gliruous korea well good UB and UU what more to say, which I had this one instead of hill barbarians.

Not sur eaboiut this player might be a soviet roobot.

Pony he is most like: Bliss Transfusion

#19 Catwalk/Saladin/Mali

Saladhead is an okay leader now used to be one of the worst but I guess granaries mayke up for that lol not he's still pretty bad but tough to kill.

Mali hmm well skirmishers with protective are a real pain not looking forward to having ot murder him but maybe he will play a passive game instead. UB adds pity gold.

Catwalk catwalk does whatever a catwalk can haha that is copyright boozy london thank you very much. I tink he may be dtrapped in an abusive relationsip.

Pony he is most like: Nicolae Ceaușescu

#20 Nakor/Darius/Mayai

Finally I am done with this set haha. Darious is pretty good leader mlots of money.

Mayai are very good civ crimminally underrated I think really. Lots of happiness and the UU well okay that one is not so good. Would be better with Creative.

Nako should be a setting when you start a new game like "truibal villages", ie do you want a Nakor to steal developed cities adn towns from haha that is the joke.

Pony he is most like: Seabrisket

... Okay guys I didn't wnat to have to say this but I am like tinkerbell, if you do not blacp your hands meaning post of course to believe then i will disappear FOREVER so please give me your love post here if oyu want more or want me to shit uo foirever whichever thanks!!!

Why has the level of your spelling and grammar dropped from decent to almost unreadable?
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

wow not what i expcted but okay

if you musk know,m I contracted brain dmage after the CPUS I was using to mine Bitcoins overheated and set my fedora on fire.


fuk, postde wth wrong acct, pls ignor
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

HA HA Porkin, very funny, everyone knows you are really MJW.

NEway it is time for more reviewing different players and civs comboination "ahhh noo "barry: llol hust kidding foiks.

so for real this time I founded induism in my caoutakl, oit is not a ver ony religion but I am happy because now everyone else will not have much happyiness. Only ponies can be happy!

[Image: XrsI027.jpg]

In rutrospect I should have founded the cpaital one to the west but I was drunk then opps haha.

So I was wondering, what do for tech next, maybe go for masonry and then kjudism and not grow cpaital above size one so that when pindicaootor kills me two religion will be lost but them RB will complain and asay :oh Barry you are trolling us never play with you again", so I decide to do mining instead for I can some day chop.

BTW why is agriculuture so expensive now and pastures with hunting lol who hunts cows for fucks sake. This mod is all kidn oif stupid haha. But I; put uo wuth i t for th sake of competition once in a life time you know.

Well nobody asked for move review sof the other guys but my threas is very popular in the ratiio of viewst o posts, maybe most popular so i guess osomeone likes it lol. plus i don't want anyone to feel left out after hte game ends if they aren;t revuiewed okay!

pus ot like anything else is happenoing with civ right now i only have as cout and worker what ydo yu even expect honestly.

#21 WLP/FDR/Mongol

FDr i thin he is the cruppled lighthouse guy but im not sure, mught also be a racist>?? well great lighthouse iwll probably be good with all the lakes on the seven lakes map, seven relaly loves makes a lot and tiny seas with little islands in them, its all very cute by which I mean boring. Ahne way obviously build lighthouse all other plays are bad leader is bad game is bad.

Mangols are prutty mediocre, kesisks are okay I guess nobody really uses them for much, get is also good but when buikd mounted units when busy with sea wonders??

WLP see,s pretty play as a [;aye rhe gest bad adive some times but ingores i so good for him. shows he has his head in the right place egl not up his butt.

Pony he is most like: Crumps McGit.

#22 The Black Sword/Gandhi/Native Americans

Ghandi is a peaceab;le man who does hte nikes meme. philo and spitutla well maybe lots of priests or something??? I don't really get it but at least he isn; tindustrius and organized haha . Overall okay I guess. But where he get rligion now?? lol

Native americans well this is a good fit, tey are a spirutual people with magic and stuff. dog sloliders uhh they die to chariots and archers extra good, very secial power. Totem polls mean his archers are extra good at sitting in cities and being useless, good job! too bad chandi is not protective haha.

TBS is very powerful, sgood leplayer even though nobody seems to consider him a very, maybe because he;s not very pretentious or ostentatious about it idk. I'm just a newb after all!!!

Pony he is most like: Locket Demonstrator.

#23 yuris125/Tokugawa/Dutch

Tokugawa haha what an infamous dude, well with RB mod he has a,, tgese random stuoid bonuses that make no sense so I guess he;s actally okay for use! good troops easy culture cheap granaries wow this guy does it all, almost makes you wonder what other traits are for.

Duch are boat people well this map will have lots of makes but probably not much big ship fighting although what do I know, maybe commodore hates us. dyke is very offensive UB so i will not review it sorry guose.

yaris uhh idk mch about him, he pairs with the best players all the time for osme reason, maybe he is trying to learn via osmossis or is like some sort of crazy civ parasite idk.

Pony he is most like: Twinkle Gusher.

#24 Scooter/Shaka/Ottomen

I like shaka he;s a pretty cool guy exp and agg yues go go go, but exp is worse now and he not paired wit ha great agg civ like zulu men so eh.

Ottoman are okay civ very meh. Meh techs meh UB meh UU, it;s all generically good but kind of effotlessm like having sex with your cuzin .

Scooter is the RB diplomancer like sunrise is the best genral on rb which mean he is really bad at it. he;s okay i guess not amazing really needs a teammate haha too bad here. Did a good hob making rb look like chups to rest of pklabet eartgh so well done . not tgat i ever lurked such a game i am new!

Pony he is most like: Moxie Roxie.

#25 Bacchus/Churchill/Persia

Churchil is maybe the wurst leader in civ and als m most annoying for AI to be, idk even know what his raits are, he;s an awful protective baby well I guess he;s acutally okay in RB mod for stuoid reasons.

Persia is a good civ idk why nobody uses imoortals well they have like bonuses against ammost everything and noboduy on rb builds enough spears because everyone wnts to gambit whic his another way of say everyone wants to play bad and hope to get lucky. Well nobody in RB ever rushes early except people who want to kil la neighbor and who woul dwnat ot do that haha. UB is good too but vets like to pretend it is not becfause of secert illuminati pact.

Bucckus is strange man, i don;t understand what he is thinking most of time usually that;s the same for everyone so maybe he is doing 10 dimension obama chess or just bad at civ hard ot say.

Pony he is most like: Leon Trotskie.

#26 Molach/Genghis Khan/Portugal

Ghenkgis Kahn has very nice rb nud combo expand everyone easy culure fight expand culture wow sungergy everywhere.

Portuglar is bad civ and Molarch should feel bda for palying it.

Milarch is evil god of phoecians so expect lots of ababy scarcricife from thos one.

Pony he is most like: Musty Pit.

#27 AutomatedTeller/Peter/Rome

Peter the great more like peter the maybe okay, hah haha. exp is nerfed philo is meh well what a grea tcombo good job krill.

Rome is a food civ preaiets verey nice unit nobody know s how to use execept AI apparently, forum is a good UB everyone ignores bewcause it doesn;t fit RB dominant pradignm good pair with phuilo htanks he isn;t alex haha.

Automated teller well I don;t know much about him sort of blends in like every other guy who doesn;t boast of veing ver but isn;t kuro bad.

Pony he is most like: Graceful Humper.

#28 Boldly Going Nowhere/Pericles/Russia

Pericle yes yes philo and creative what is not to like well everything actually. okay creative is okay I gues s but philo is bad strait not even any mana shrines in this game why do you want great oeple for???

Russia is bda civ cossak are late and just kill with rifles anyway and UB take sforever altough i tink maybe RB mod changed it so it sbetter now idk??? Does philo get bonus on it maybe not so bad actually.

Baldy us kuje xenyu in dioe drugs so boring, thinks he is rationale but can;t operate a PC so who to sa???

Pony he is most like: Wrangle Fisherking.

#29 BRickAstley + Mardoc/Wang Kon/Spain

Wang kon is a good leader isn RB mod no donuts about it., Wish I had him instead of cute crazy girl everyone knew in high school.

Spanish well that;s the religion civ as they are showing in this game, spain used to be godly in the power sense but now just for religion but i have a religion too so haha suck it. UU is bad (used to be BEST) and UB gives better cataboults exepct they still die in every fight so never mind.

Brick is best guy, not because he is admoin no way. Marduck is in a lot of games maybe he has learned a thing or two!

Pony he are most like: Puff Ozone.

#30 Caledorn/Brennus/Sumer

Brennus hey that should be my guy wekll i never! idk what his traits are, must be bad because nobody ever picks.

Sumer is bad too hot fall is best season.

Calzone is from civfanautics a site full of brittle, incomoetent european premadonnas so he is like maybe a refugee here. Everyone be nice and don;t talk abit his awful past.

Pony he are most like: Glammer Man.

#31 Whosit/Hammurabi/Vikings

Hammurubi is aggressive and organized so I guess pays noting for cities in rb mud. uh good leader bad ileader idk anything.

Vikings very strong civ but maybe not wit hless water tha nmap with all water so hmmm a mustery.

Whosit will get tired of game and depressed when he is losing, so five turns ago.

Pony he are most like: Punk Knuckles.

#32 Cheater Hater/Bismarck/Zulu

Bismark is normally a good leader but idn is bad in this game and exp is bad in rb mod so maybe worst leader omg.

Zulu are great civ too bad no aggressive well he;s l oribabkly ryush someone and ruins both games adn the nitch about it for months,

Cheater hater got cheated and didn;t hate that is what we call irony or maybe travesty ot sure i didn;t stydy englkusgh,

Pony he are most like: Donkey Honky.

finall i am done with this fucking hell,

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