Well, Nobody said they wanted to read more of my ranking, maybe this gig is not all it is crahckehad uo tu be,k But i am a mean of my weregeld . so i will rank next to NE Way , although i will skip sulla because h is not playing (or lirking???) for realz.
so without delay we have :
#11 Plako/Louis/France
Louis well I think normally he is a pretty good leader okay, but in this game ind is bad trait like I said, so really only creative I tink lol.
FRAMCE?? wjat os thos I thought reunrestricted leaders lol, But really france is a good civ misketeers very fast yea yea good. UB is one big shit hahaha.
Plink o well he ia pretty ogood playe rfrom what I read (NOT MUCH_ ) but maybe a little too cauthouis for this ga,me or any hah.
Pony he is most like: Flutterstock Shutterfly.
#12 spacetyrantxenu/Kublai Khan/Germany
Kublow Kahn hah well RB mud changed from for now reason and now he is just some hupster or something , I am it inpressed maybe a good builder I guess.
Germany has cheap cannons now?? well I don;t know much about those seems like tge weren;t really too expebsive to begind with so idk. building is still stupid, too late and who wants more engineers that late anyway, what are you going to rush, SPACE ELEVATOR???? jaja
Spaceeyrant is mub bombad modrator of RB so bette rwat out around him he;s complain a lot says he will fight but never does maybe he is secret ghandi or pussy haha.
Pony he is most like: Princess Sexpot.
#13 Oxybaii/Catherine/Greeks
Cayherine hubba uubba what a woman of course in real life she loved ponies a little too much lol. good traits for this game might be really strong.
Greeks well their UB us ust bad maya UB and their UU used to be kickass now it is just old normal axeman??> WTF ??!! as you can see i am an oldschool bamer yes i have been abound the civ block a few times before!
IDK who "oxybaii' is just another myuster man.
Pony he(???) is most like: Indrick Boreale.
#14 darrelljs + Ichabod/Joao/Holy Roman Empire
Jao is a fast starter leader but RB mod nerfed him some so maybe not as good, still okay I guess though,
HOLY ROMANS EMPIRE WOW good combo very strong settle cities everywhere and then not pay for them thanks obama hahaha.
Darrel is krills bitch maybe they are in a S&m rekationship> Itchybutt is a nice bu seems to like to be very wistful and melancholy even as he lifts up others spirits this is what wecall IRONY.
Pony they is most like: Glue McKnackers
#15 Hashoosh/Stalin/Inca
Stain oh watch out he's a really bad guy! Aggressive is good trait but IND is sbad for reasons I said before.
Inca used to be maybe bedst civ now it is still pretty good becaues of culture UB, they are lucky stalin isn;t creative. Too bad not protective instead .
IDK much about hashhosh sorry.
Pony he is most like: Ivan Tito Pthubut
#16 wetbandit/Montezuma/Japan
This ia a pretty scarey and strong combo! Agressive and piritual is good for fighting for sure and also not too bad for economy now. Relatively sporking of course.
Japan glurious noippon well samurai aren't as bad as ormo warriors at least lol but still nights hust east them so mnot much point unless you get them early. UB what ub. Maybe RB mod changed it I am too mlaxy to check.
Wttbandit is indistinghishable from like ten other cat themed newbs on this site sorry bud,.
Pony he is most like: Thomas Equina
#17 Dazedroyalty/Elizabeth/Khmer
Elizabether is stil la top boss leader very good very strobbg very... sexy.
Khmer well elephants are allowed now so this is a pretty strong UU I think and the UB is okay if you want a tiny pointles amoubnt oif good.
RFUN FACT dazed royalty is actually just american mostly harmless. tell your kids!
Pony he is most like: Spooky Boogie
#18 MYKI/DuGaulle/Korea
Dugull is nota good leader for this mod and game he has like one stratgetgy and new charismatic means it makes no sense and ind is bad for so many players.
Korea kore gliruous korea well good UB and UU what more to say, which I had this one instead of hill barbarians.
Not sur eaboiut this player might be a soviet roobot.
Pony he is most like: Bliss Transfusion
#19 Catwalk/Saladin/Mali
Saladhead is an okay leader now used to be one of the worst but I guess granaries mayke up for that lol not he's still pretty bad but tough to kill.
Mali hmm well skirmishers with protective are a real pain not looking forward to having ot murder him but maybe he will play a passive game instead. UB adds pity gold.
Catwalk catwalk does whatever a catwalk can haha that is copyright boozy london thank you very much. I tink he may be dtrapped in an abusive relationsip.
Pony he is most like: Nicolae Ceaușescu
#20 Nakor/Darius/Mayai
Finally I am done with this set haha. Darious is pretty good leader mlots of money.
Mayai are very good civ crimminally underrated I think really. Lots of happiness and the UU well okay that one is not so good. Would be better with Creative.
Nako should be a setting when you start a new game like "truibal villages", ie do you want a Nakor to steal developed cities adn towns from haha that is the joke.
Pony he is most like: Seabrisket
... Okay guys I didn't wnat to have to say this but I am like tinkerbell, if you do not blacp your hands meaning post of course to believe then i will disappear FOREVER so please give me your love post here if oyu want more or want me to shit uo foirever whichever thanks!!!