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March Madness: Civ4 AI Edition

Winner: Caesar
Runner Up: Pacal
First to Die: Frederick
Surviving Civs: 4
Victory Type/Date: Spaceship Turn 303

Caesar will dominate with his Praetorians either against Louis or Frederick. Pacal has a lot of room and together with his traits this will make him unstoppable. Darius and Elizabeth hold on but can't quite keep up with Caesar and Pacal.

I think I'll immediatelly regret this guess, when I see how the second settlers go.

Winner: Pacal

Runner-up: Elizabeth

First to die: Frederick

Surviving Civs: 5 - Freddy will get eaten by Rome or perhaps Louis but that will be it...

Victory type: Space

Victory date: T305

Winning Leader: Elizabeth
Second Place: Darius
First to Die: De Gaulle
Surviving Civs: 3
Victory Type/Date: Domination T299

Winning Leader: Pacal
Second Place: Julius Caesar
First to Die: De Gaulle
Surviving Civs: 4
Victory Type / Date: T 312 Domination

De Gaulle is screwed with his Evil rating and facing two early-game civs. Either he attacks Caesar and gets Prats in return, or he attacks Pericles, stalemate, and Caesar eats him up.

Darius and Elizabeth are too peaceful for their own good, especially with the monster Pacal in the middle. Pacal will eat Frederick, Pericles, Darius or Elizabeth, and just continue from there to a Domination victory.

Winning Leader: Pericles
Second Place: Frederick
First to Die: Julius Caesar
Surviving Civs: 5
Victory Type/Date: Diplo, T359

Many small skirmishes from the classical age onwards, especially on the Eastern side of the continent, keep the tech pace low. Persia is the only nation to remain peaceful, but she does not manage to transform a tech superiority into land or population. Heads don't start rolling until the industrial age, when first Caesar and then de Gaulle go down. The mutual military struggle gives Frederick's UN votes to Pericles, leading to a diplo win, with space still far off.

Winning Leader: Percles
Second Place: Julius Caeser
First to Die: Frederick
Surviving Civs: 4
Victory Type/Date: Cultural T302

Last game showed the power of praets but also that mostly peaceful ways can lead to win. Nevertheless I'm going to bet for the warmonger Julius. He has a lot going for him: imp, praets (we'll see what he can do with his unitprob when augustus fared so well with lower one) and Freddie as a good target. From there he'll get land and his snowball rolling.

Winner: Julius Caesar
Runner-up: Elizabeth
Ftd: Frederick
Survivors: 4
Victory: Domination T303

Btw I need to thank Sulla for hosting this, especially for regular updates and for the scoreboards.

Winner: Julius Caesar
Runner-up: Elizabeth
First to die: De Gaulle
Surviving Civs: 4
Victory type: Domination
Victory date: T307

Winning Leader: Elizabeth (Rule Brittania!)
Second Place: Julius
First to Die: Frederick
Surviving Civs: 2
Victory Type/Date: Space Race Turn 321 (blast off)
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Winner: Julius Caesar
Runner Up: Elizabeth
First to Die: Frederick
Survivors: 3
Victory: Diplomacy, T310

This is a tough one. Let's see.
Given their start locations, I think Elizabeth, Pacal, and Caesar will emerge as major powers in the early game. All three can declare war at Pleased, so there's no way this game ends peacefully. Pacal and Elizabeth will likely split Buddhism and Hinduism between them, possibly leaving Judaism for Pericles.

Caesar will probably be the first to declare war, against poor Frederick, who has no early game advantages. Pacal will share the same fate as Isabella: he'll found an early religion which will fail to spread because of the distances involved, find himself with enemies on all sides, put up a valiant fight leveraging his traits and his land, but in the end succumb. Elizabeth will claim most of the spoils. Pericles will prosper, staying out of the fighting as much as possible; then, in the midgame, he and Caesar will team up to take out De Gaulle. Darius, with the fewest cities of anyone, will also be killed off around this time. Pericles and Caesar will hit Friendly relations thanks to mutual military struggled, shared religion, shared Representation civic, and similar peace weights. In the end, Pericles' votes will give Caesar the win at the UN, ending the Anglo-Roman stalemate.

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