Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic Fifty: Wine, Women, and Song! - Information Thread

In the immortal acronym of Charis, OMGWHTTE? eek (OMG what happened to the Epics?) Is this really our fiftieth Epic?

Yes, it is, and Sirian's cooked us up a little something special to mark the occasion- Epic Fifty: Wine, Women, and Song.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to those of you who have been around since the early days, and who helped to get the Epics off the ground. Every one of you has shaped this event into what it is today. crownqueen

That said, thank you to all of the new folks who have come along and helped to keep the Epics rolling. thumbsup

Now folks can stop speculating about what's in store for our Golden Anniversary Game and get down to some heavy partying.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

I like it! I like it! *drool*

We're going to have a lot of smoke guitartoastcrownqueen*pimp* and mike aren't we?

This will be my first epic I am going to play. The concept just sounds too funny to miss smile
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten - Karl Kraus

Me too, it is my first. Well, I started epic 49, but I had no time (exams!).

You can count me out on this one. call me an old timer but I am a stickler for starting a game with one settler, one worker, possibly a scout, and a dark map. I don't like starting with cities already built and such. I am not a big fan of the conquests either. I guess I feel I have less control over the game or something like that; bottom line you can call me a purist, but you can count me out. sorry guys.

I may decide to play a shadow game.

Some clarification:
* You must offer wines (as a gift!) to every civilization you meet who is led by a woman.

Does it mean keep gifting it (it's really easy to forget), or just the first time we meet (and be able to trade)?

Are we allowed to declare war on the women? (and I take it that if we have to keep gifting, we aren't allowed to declare)

microbe Wrote:Some clarification:
* You must offer wines (as a gift!) to every civilization you meet who is led by a woman.

Does it mean keep gifting it (it's really easy to forget), or just the first time we meet (and be able to trade)?

Are we allowed to declare war on the women? (and I take it that if we have to keep gifting, we aren't allowed to declare)

1. You only have to gift it on first opportunity. (When trade becomes possible). More gifts might help your cause, though.

2. Uh... Yeah, sure. Might even be wise if it makes the difference between winning by Diplomacy or not. Generally, though, if you do that, you've for sure lost one female vote at the UN, so not a choice to be made lightly.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

You only have to gift the wines at the first opportunity!?

Whoo... well, that'll be an interesting difference come scoring day. wink

I guess I played a variant-variant.

(Yes, I'm finished.)


Jester Wrote:You only have to gift the wines at the first opportunity!?

Whoo... well, that'll be an interesting difference come scoring day. wink

I guess I played a variant-variant.

(Yes, I'm finished.)


If it is any consolation, I would have gifted them permanently, too. Sometimes role playing is more fun than rules lawyering. smile Permanent gifts was my original intent, but having to gift them over and over and over is not a hoop I intended to make players jump through.

Hope you enjoyed the game. smile

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

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