@McClure: Thanks for the information! I did not realize that overflow hammers get multiplied twice. That explains why the second worker would be finished so quickly (I would whip with 50 out of 60 hammers in the box; Imperial Center produces 14 hammers per turn, modifiers included).
Once I start building Granaries, I wonder if I should consider whipping all of those into Workers, or vice versa. I suppose it will depend on the city, but it might be a nice way to get some extra Workers available. You can never have too many! Probably. But since I hope to have a vast Empire, having plenty of extra workers to lay roads will certainly be helpful.
More mail:
And my (relatively) carefully crafted reply:
I decided against hinting at my plans to renew aggressions against the Koreans. I don't really expect Athlete or Kalin to pass that along, but it's probably safer to keep quiet. The question about the blemish should be enough, and since they already said that they don't mind my going to war so long as I don't break any NAPs . . . .
Just a couple more turns to go until I can see Iron. Well, one more person needs to end turn right now, and then after that turn, I'll have Iron Working. So, I'm hoping that Turn 62 will roll over sometime tomorrow.
I am praying to the RNG God and the Dark Side that Iron pops in the territory I already have. That would let me found Byss and Kuat. However, I probably won't be so lucky. My greatest fear is that Iron will be somewhere so remote that it would be uneconomical for me to acquire it at this point. Or worse, no Iron is visible at all! Well, no use worrying about it for now.
My theory is that the Iron is going to be clustered somewhere or near the starting locations. I've noticed in my explorations that the Copper sources seem to be clustered between start locations and near the inside of the donut. Horses are near each start, and I think there is a gold resource between each start as well. I haven't played donut maps before, so I don't know if this results from the RNG or from modifications by the mapmaker. Either way, there ought to be Iron somewhere.
And then . . . .
Once I start building Granaries, I wonder if I should consider whipping all of those into Workers, or vice versa. I suppose it will depend on the city, but it might be a nice way to get some extra Workers available. You can never have too many! Probably. But since I hope to have a vast Empire, having plenty of extra workers to lay roads will certainly be helpful.
More mail:
Quote:Greetings Whosit,
I just wanted to chime in with my 2 cents (though feel free to ignore them if you so wish). I've heard there is to be peace between you and Korea, which given my understanding of the NAP that was broken is a great thing for the both of you and a show of good sportsmanship on either side. I don't wish to interfere in any plans you might have but did want to throw out an idea to you. As both Kalin and I have said we do want friendlier relations with Rome and as such would like to point out a possible opportunity for you.
Given that the Inca eliminated the Zulu, a lot of space between your civilizations was created. They expanded aggressively towards us, so we would like to encourage you to fill those barren lands with Roman citizens. This could be done in peaceful times if you were to have a longer NAP and a land agreement with Korea. You might also find a new target with your aggressive praets!
We have not spoken of any of this to Korea and are not doing this at their urging. We know nothing of your peace terms and what plans you already have in place for your civ but merely wanted to try and highlight "what could be" given certain circumstances. I hope you don't mind us "butting in" so to speak.
If you have any questions or would like to bounce some ideas back and forth, or alternatively tell us where to go we're all ears.
Athlete for A/K
And my (relatively) carefully crafted reply:
Quote:Dear Athlete,
Regarding relations between Korea and the Empire, you have heard correctly. In fact, a peace treaty has just been signed. As far as my understanding of the deal is concerned, the 10 turns of enforced peace will count towards what would have been the remaining six turns of the NAP. Korea also reclaimed the Worker that I had captured, so I do hope that helps erase the blemish on the Empire's record.
As for your suggestion, the Empire would certainly like to spread Imperial dominion to the unclaimed lands. However, after some preliminary calculations, we are not certain that this could be done very quickly. We believe that adding just a few more cities to the Empire will lead to a vast increase in maintenance costs, so we will have to build up a financial base in order to fund further expansion. We are still searching for terrain suitable for commercial endeavors.
I will share with you some information I recently learned. I believe that the Inca are beginning to expand to the south because Thannos spotted a Settler/Quecha pair in what I believe to be the southern part of Inca territory. Or, rather, the southern part of Interregnum territory to use the proper designation.
Are the Alliance and the Byzantines still at war? I have noticed that neither of you has been eliminated, but because I have not yet contacted Byzantium, I cannot be certain of the current situation. If you are still at war, what are your intentions? Do you plan to fight to a standstill, or will you destroy the Byzantines? The Empire would not mind seeing another rival fall. Yes. Give in to your anger and destroy them!
Best regards,
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
I decided against hinting at my plans to renew aggressions against the Koreans. I don't really expect Athlete or Kalin to pass that along, but it's probably safer to keep quiet. The question about the blemish should be enough, and since they already said that they don't mind my going to war so long as I don't break any NAPs . . . .
Just a couple more turns to go until I can see Iron. Well, one more person needs to end turn right now, and then after that turn, I'll have Iron Working. So, I'm hoping that Turn 62 will roll over sometime tomorrow.
I am praying to the RNG God and the Dark Side that Iron pops in the territory I already have. That would let me found Byss and Kuat. However, I probably won't be so lucky. My greatest fear is that Iron will be somewhere so remote that it would be uneconomical for me to acquire it at this point. Or worse, no Iron is visible at all! Well, no use worrying about it for now.
My theory is that the Iron is going to be clustered somewhere or near the starting locations. I've noticed in my explorations that the Copper sources seem to be clustered between start locations and near the inside of the donut. Horses are near each start, and I think there is a gold resource between each start as well. I haven't played donut maps before, so I don't know if this results from the RNG or from modifications by the mapmaker. Either way, there ought to be Iron somewhere.
And then . . . .