As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Poll: How then shall we play?
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Repeat the mistakes and glories of the past!
13 22.41%
Wallow in bitterness and rage!
9 15.52%
Peace out blissfully and love everyone!
9 15.52%
Iron Terminator, Win Above All Else!
12 20.69%
Die to Barbarians.
15 25.86%
Total 58 vote(s) 100%
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[spoilers]Oh Canada! Victoria has a Commodore, eh?

Yeah, engagement level is hard to maintain, and the thing is it varies; Willie just hit Ichabod, but now 2mn or Krill or somebody is going to be taking over. Oops! Just like Bigger suddenly becoming Lewwyn. The upshot is that attacking the unengaged often sounds like a good plan, but that can swiftly change. Relevantly, I'm keeping an eye on Dtay's levels. He's showing an admirable commitment to super-iceballs, at least. nod

Internally, Wat is up! I'm running six souped-up priests in Ottawa for the next two turns of the golden age, at least; I'd really really prefer a shrine to another GS or GSpy. As can also be seen, Mackoti is still spreading Christianity.

I'm getting a bit sloppy; Yellowknife should have had an MP MG a turn ago, for instance. By this is an absurdly good city due to Vicky Portugal; I just wish I had 3-4 more iceballs like this.

One last note about engagement levels; mackoti is engaged, Scooter isn't. Now Scooter isn't prime target material probably ever, but if he lags too far behind Mack in ship tech he's going to lose his sea holdings. I might offer to buy some of them from him...

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

buy some ships from Mackoti? how would you do that?

(April 22nd, 2014, 08:15)Ceiliazul Wrote: buy some ships from Mackoti? how would you do that?

I think he means buying cities from Scooter.
I have to run.

ah, that makes more sense!

Yep! I'm going to be lagging 2-3 turns behind mackoti to Destroyers just because I want to draft...and I really don't want him to benefit from me via drafting.

I will send Finarry a few airships next turn; they're saving gold on Physics, this might enable them to go get better defensive techs instead; once Plako and Scooter finish up RR it'll be dirt cheap for Finarry; I want them with machine guns and a rail network facing Mackoti.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

(April 22nd, 2014, 10:04)Commodore Wrote: I will send Finarry a few airships next turn; they're saving gold on Physics, this might enable them to go get better defensive techs instead; once Plako and Scooter finish up RR it'll be dirt cheap for Finarry; I want them with machine guns and a rail network facing Mackoti.

That sounds like the machinations of a guy who plans to win this game! popcorn

(April 22nd, 2014, 11:57)Ceiliazul Wrote:
(April 22nd, 2014, 10:04)Commodore Wrote: I will send Finarry a few airships next turn; they're saving gold on Physics, this might enable them to go get better defensive techs instead; once Plako and Scooter finish up RR it'll be dirt cheap for Finarry; I want them with machine guns and a rail network facing Mackoti.
That sounds like the machinations of a guy who plans to win this game! popcorn
Hush, I'm in denial about that. I'm just planning on quietly orchestrating an Arctic Alliance to thwart the monsters of the south...

Oh! Engagement! Ichabod, is out, 2metraninja is in!
[Image: 690120074013194563.jpg]

2mn: Curious Boy With Toys ConfidentConfidentConfidentConfident
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Diplomacy dump! Dtay is speculating on a WLP dogpile. Not terrible, but I'm not seeing how it doesn't wind up handing more cities to plako than us...

Also, I gifted Finarry some airships and told them to go fire up the iron horse...

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Canadian Faces: Sailor on a Clipper Ship
[Image: F9-23-937monkey_blog.jpg]
You wake up quickly to the whistle of the bosun. He's a hard man on slackers; he speaks wistfully of the days when a man in his position could flog a layabout but his curses and fists are motivation enough for you. You eat your canned sardines and hard biscuit with relish. Some of your mates complain, but to a poor fisherman's son out of chilly Baffin, every square meal is a feast.
[Image: wilcox_leslie_arthur-the_u_s__clipper_sh...93_398.jpg]
Three hots and a cots it ain't, but you'll take one hot, two colds, and a hammock. The work isn't really so hard, either. Just hauling ropes, running the rigging, and scrubbing the deck. You haven't had to gut a fish in weeks, not since you had to pull late night duty with the cook's mate ill just out of Jetboy. You've seen enough fishguts to last a lifetime.

You're glad to be out of the straights; the hostile pile of Ottoman and Viking warships that clog those waters always make the Old Man tense. You don't really understand why; Canada trades with anybody and troubles no one. You're part of the largest merchant marine in the world, with thousands of ships welcomed in every port of the world. You are a little unnerved by those ironclads at home ports, though...
[Image: port-o-plymouth-museum.jpg]
Your world is changing, although you certainly don't feel it in the day to day. Steamships ply the near waters all along the Canadian coasts; some ocean-going vessels venture out too now, from the innovators' shops of Trailblazers, Ottawa, and Central City. You, a lover of salt spray and white sails, would be horrified by the chugging and mechanical affair of the new sailors' way.
[Image: steam-ship-engine.jpg]
But that's the future, and you're not one to really worry about the future. From the homey docks of Ottawa, Regina, or Montreal to the exotic foreign ports of Jamestown, Bacon, or Dalek, you take each day in stride and are glad to have food in your belly every night.

Such is the fast-disappearing life of a sailing man.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

bow best portrait yet!

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