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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Yes, Rolan will finish the barracks and grow in 5 turns. Whip unhappiness will be gone the same turn.

Let's see how quick we can build a worker after that. Maybe we only need to invest 1 turn before we can whip, that would speed up greatly. But I agree that we need a worker before a settler.

So Worker, Axe, Axe, Settler in Rolan?

How many Axes do you think we need to take down that barb city? 5?

Will you be able to write some messages to the others concerning open borders and a welcoming message to Sulla?

I think Rolan should build a settler sooner, since land is at a premium here.

How about this? Instead of 2 axes, just have 1 axe in Rolan.

Worker (whip from size 5 to 3 ASAP) - overflow into axe and grow the city back to 4/5 while finishing up axe - then settler. We can make the second axe after the settler. Krondor should be making most of the axes after it finishes its barracks.

Okay, I'll write a message to Sullla.

Well no need to do that. They sent us.

Quote:Dear Nakor of Holy Rome,

Greetings from Speaker and Sullla! Our warrior Jubal Early has braved the wilderness of barbarian animals to make contact with your borders. We promise that we are simply passing through at the moment, and have no designs on your territory or units.

As you no doubt know from your discussions with the other teams, we are located to the north beyond Dantski's territory. If you don't mind our asking, how have things proceeded diplomatically with your Romalinese neighbors? We noticed as we were passing through that his third city of Kumbi Saleh was quite close to one of your settlements. Was that a case of Imperialistic Mali rushing to grab a disputed spot (?)

On an unrelated note, I saw from the city names that we have another Raymond Feist fan in this game. smile It's been years since I read the Riftwar cycle, but I still recognize Krondor and Sethanon immediately. Does that make Rolan the capital? (The capital's name doesn't show up on the diplo screen.)

Glad to meet you! Cheers,
The Killer Angels

I sent back.

Dear Speaker and Sullla,

Welcome to the Holy Roman Empire lands! smile

As you correctly concluded, we knew that you were north of Dantski/JC of Mali before we even met, and likewise you now know where we are located. Diplomatically, we are very friendly with our Romalinese neighbors and have no designs for war on each other (at least, that's from our perspective).

We are not sure why the Romalinese neighbors settled there. It might just be to grab a strategic resource. We had to do a similar thing towards Romalinese when we settled our second city to take the copper.

Rolan is the capital. Congratulations! Nakor has done the naming.

It seems like we are starting out on a friendly notice. That's always nice to have. If you don't mind, how close are you and the Romalinese? Are you guys currently touching each others' borders, or is there still room for each of you to have a city between yoru respective capitals?

Hopefully we will be friends this game! smile

DMOC of the Nakor/DMOC team for HRE


[SIZE="4"]News from Plako[/SIZE]

Quote:Dear DMOC and Nakor,

Your suggestion sounds good and Writing is good news. So what would you say for trading 2*Axes for a Worker? Hammerwise this would be slightly on our favor, but to compensate this I would move our "deer" city to be "no-longer-deer" city i.e. 1SE from the position presented earlier. Could you deliver the axes to SW-W from Pyongyang (forest tile W from wheat) before turn 70? We could build road there and then send the roading Worker to you.

plako of Korea

What do you think? I'm not sure if we can do this (this is = 6 turns, right?).

We already have Writing, so OB is no problem at the moment.

We will have an axe from Rolan/Kronder each soon.

If we go by this plan, then I think we should go back to what you wanted before, with Rolan producing 2 axes before the settler.

Also, with this, I think its best to produce the axes ASAP rather than waiting for a barracks, so do you think Krondor should jsut finish its axe before the barracks? Krondor can do so in 1 turn, right?


Edit, or we can finish the axe from Krondor, continue another axe (skipping the barracks for now), then WHIP the axe ASAP (maybe a chop is necessary in Krondor?). That might take a while though.

-We could also switch ROlan from a barracks to an axe right now and chop to help aid the process. Still, I'm not sure if we can get the axes to them by turn 70, that's a long shot.

If you are sending the axes to Korea, they didn't ask for promoted ones ?
(I don't know if they want quick ones or efficient ones)

Or are you still planning on using them (risking them ?) ont he barb city before sending them ?

I don't think they ever asked for promoted ones.

Another thought ... whip ROlan for 2 pop to get an axe. Quite severe, I know, but this way we get a worker and they agree to move their deer city away from our production city ....

Ack! Played part of our turn and found out that the southern worker which wsa roading finished the job instead of canceling (maybe misclick?). So I think our cities will all be hooked up by turn 66 now instead of turn 65, but nothing major.

Still, I think it's very difficult that we'll be able to send 2 axes to plako by turn 70. That's a very long shot.

I think we should forget about this deal and continue expanding at our own pace.

*I also changed Krondor from an axe to a barracks, and switched it from a 2f 1c tile to a 1f 2 h tile (hammers > commerce).

Damn! Must have forgotten about the worker. I need to use those signs more...

Let's tell Plako that we can't make turn 70. And offer him a realistic date (turn 73?).

For now, let's continue as planned and let's assume the deal is off. We an get two axes easily if they want to make that deal.

Two axes in Rolan was my plan to let it grow AND to go for that barb city. That saves us a settler...

Have you offered OB yet to our neighbours?

EDIT: Just offered. Stupid mistake about the workers. I sugest that after roading both workers chop a forest. One at Krondor for the Barracks and one at Sethanon for the monument. After the chop, number one can pasture the cows and number two the sheep.

Jahab, if the deal goes, we won't have time to risk them at barb city. Therefore I'm not to sure about the deal, but it could bring us a very good ally.

BTW: Found unclaimed copper at the coast above Plako, but whosit is close as well. Wonder who will get it...

Plako and Dantski have signed Open Borders.

Haven't finished the turn yet, if you get a good deal with Plako, switch Krondor to an Axe and finish that first.
Rolan can't build axes untill turn 66 (roads connected).

Off to bed now...

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