It's amazing what being freed to pursue fun sounding goals can do for morale. I finally found some free time, so I decided to write up a report of what I've been up to. Let's rewind a bit and work our way forward. Lewwyn was retreating out of his front cities once I marched up to them (forcing me to advance slowly, but not allowing me to attack him on flatland), meaning I took the next two cities without firing a shot.
I then combined those two stacks and marched on Lewwyn's capital. It was on a hill and filled with around 19 rifles (over a dozen of which were CG2 - pretty nasty), but after dropping the defenses to 0 and suiciding a few cannons, the odds were pretty manageable.
There were other attacks below that. Anyway, I got a few unlucky rolls, but all was forgiven because those first 2 Knight attacks were at low odds and should not have won (the rest were mopping up wounded units), so it evens out in the end.
First time I've ever captured two academies in one game. Great city that comes with quite a few towns and 13 pop. Sign me up. That also freed me up to hunt down Lewwyn's Knights.
All I have to do now is kill that last size 1 city, and Lewwyn is officially freed from the game.
I also said the other day that if Commodore captured the shrine and did anything other than gift it to me, I'd go out of my way to seek revenge. Well.... he offered to me for 1 banana. I'm undecided if that's enough to tip me into revenge mode. However, I don't need to decide now, so I'll stew on it. Bigger fish to fry first, because the very next turn I declared war on Azza.
Goal is to quickly capture his cities before Mackoti's peace deal with Azza expires and he comes back for more.
Slightly overkill huh? I'll probably actually just Airship it then blitz it with the Cavs so I can get the 1 movers moving on the roads. Speed is top priority. Here's what Azza has left:
Lots of warm bodies, I'll need reinforcements before I can really march on either of these cities. Thankfully, Azza doesn't have those brutal CKNs that can collateral Machine Guns and Artillery, so that helps. I'll also use these Cavs.
Mostly the need to pile units in that first city in case Azza counter-attacks (super unlikely). Then I'll get these guys in the action as soon as they're healthy enough to join:
I'm bringing workers down to add some rails so that these guys can get to the Azza front quicker once they've healed. Here's the final march.
CG2 rifles on hills are no joke, but considering my top infantry gets odds above 99% (the mega-infantry), it'll fall. Badly needed too, WW is getting to the point where it's affecting quite a few cities. Here's the shrine by the way.
This shrine actually got worse by the sheer number of Confucian cities that have burned over the last couple dozen turns. Confucian missionaries have been queued, so it'll start getting better. More important is that it luckily comes with a bank/market/grocer already - pretty fantastic luck that Commodore captured those intact. So it's worth around 120gpt out of the gate, and I've been saving Wall Street for this city too, so I'll add that ASAP. I should be able to get this shrine up to around 260-275gpt within 20-25T or so. Should be a fun mini-game. I'm also building lots of settlers as I look to fill in locations that I razed.