Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

My response:

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear plako,

Thank you for offering a reasonable deal. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to get 2 axes by turn 70. Turn 73 is a more realistic goal but I'm afraid by that time you will have already gotten your metal source.

There's an unclaimed copper source to your north. I assume you will take it with your next city?

DMOC for the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE[/COLOR]

Also ...


Dear Dantski,

We have just met Speaker/Sullla of India and are aware that they are very close to you. If you're willing to tell me, how is your diplomatic stance with them?

DMOC for the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE

Finished the turn and started the next one.

Dantski build his city north of Krondor to connect a Gold resource.
Whosit has a settler in place to clame the copper near Plako. Offered him OB to get our warrior past his lands. If Plako doesn't claim copper soon (or has Iron) he is doomed... therefore, let's try to get out of our axes deal, we need them ourselves to take Barb town (will be renamed Crydee).

Science up to 100%, Priesthood in 4 turns at -8 gpt, 30 gold in bank.

Worker roaded the hill and will move north to chop that forest next turn for barracks. Other worker started roading.

Rolan is 3 turns from growing/building. Worker after that with a whip and we start on a few axes to take barb town. We'll build a settler in between to get that production site. We might get an axe from Sethanon to guard that site.

So, how many axes did you think we need?

Turn ended.
Whosit build his fourth city with copper in the second ring.
He accepted OB.

Sulla also build a fourth city...

Assuming 3 archers in the city, we'll probably need 5 axes to be safe (6 is really safe though). The idea with 6 is that the first three attack all healthy archers, and then the last 3 attack the weakened archers.

Sullla/whoisit have 4 cities but virtually everyone else has 3 right? That's good.

Whosit sent us:

Quote:Dear DMOC and Nakor,

I hope that you are both doing well. Considering that we are practically neighbors, I hope to keep in touch with you. I noticed that it appears that one of your warriors is heading east. Do you plan to continue in that direction? You will need Open Borders with the Empire to proceed, but we are willing to discuss that. There's not a lot to see out that way, but if you proceed, be careful of the natives.

I was also wondering if you have any idea who founded the two religions. I'm not sure how great a role religions will play in this game, but it never hurts to know who has what in case I need to "shop around," as it were. In any case, how are your relations with your neighbors? Everyone seems to be rather close together, and I believe that the close quarters is what sparked the war up north. Hopefully things will remain pacific in these regions.

Best regards,

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

Our repsonse

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Whosit,

Our warrior is heading east, so we will need Open Borders with you to proceed (which has already occurred in game at the typing of this email). We currently don't have an idea of who founded the two religions. We suspect that Speaker/Sullla of India have Hinduism because we finished Hinduism, and we didn't get the religion, while their score increased that same turn, and the religion was founded that turn.

This are relatively peaceful with our neighbors at the moment.

DMOC of the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE

Kalin for the OTTOMANS

Quote:Dear Nakor/DMOC,

I saw your chat a bit earlier, but while logged in I was not at the keyboard.

The war is going fine at the moment, we are awaiting for
reinforcements to try and take the Byzantine capital. It looks however
it may take a while, so I would describe the situation as a stalemate.

We wanted to propose you to open borders. At the moment, neither of us
would benefit much, but something for later on. If you are concerned
about information about yours/our lands, we can both agree to not
share that information with anyone without permission, or we can even
agree to no right-of-passage without permission. If you agree, please
offer it in game and we'll accept. We would understand if you think
it's too early or if you feel uncomfortable about it.

Just to be extra cautious, please keep all the above to yourself, as
we would do with anything you may tell us.

Kalin for Team A/K of the Ottomans

Do you agree with Open Borders? I'll send a resonse back once I hear from you nakor.

From DANTSKI of Romalinese

Quote:Hi HRE's

I will likely be accepting open borders with Spulla this turn and we contact each other as much as we (me and your team) keep in contact. I think our current stance towards each other would be 'cautious', although currently our close borders do not spark tensions quite yet.

How are things with plako going?



Quote:[COLOR="orange"]Dear Dantski,

Things are going well with plako at the moment. The prospect of the game looks bleak for the plako/broker33 team at the moment right now so we are a little worried at that.

I am not sure if we have Open Borders or not, as I haven't been able to check the game yet. If we don't have Open Borders, let's create a deal for them as soon as possible (we discovered Writing several turns ago).

Best of luck to both of our civilizations in this game! smile


DMOC for the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE[/COLOR]

Plako sent us

Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC,

Alright. Instead of trading now could you just spare 1-2 axe to come towards us as soon as possible (e.g. 1st axe would be available ~70 and 2nd ~75)? In case of emergency we could purchase them 1-1 hammer basis, but otherwise they would be yours until needed. As a payment for being ready we'll settle the deer city to SE from the suggested spot.


What do you think? This is certainly much more in the realm of possibility for us.

Yes, for now only Whosit and Sulla have 4 cities.

Six axes it is, might take some time, though...

Let's agree to OB with Kalin. They are far away and at war but got a warrior close by. I yhink we need
OB with Sulla as well to get past him. Shall i suggest that in game?

Plako... well... let's agree to have axes but make clear we can't have them to close to him due to "pressing matters" elsewhere and see how he responds, ok?

Very quiet turns for us...

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