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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Well, that didn't solve anything.

Dantski did told me that the city is guarded with warriors only.
He says he can take the city in 3 turns (has a unit next to it now).

He doesn't want to keep it, but doesn't want us to keep it either.
He wants to settle 3N of it and asks us to settle 1SE on the Incense to prevent border clashes.

I tried to talk him into a trade but he isn't interested. I tried to make a deal with him about our city east of Krondor near the coast (he wants to settle 2 tiles away from the sheep as well), told him we could move our city 1 SE to get the horses in range, keep the fish and whale but loose the sheep. Wasn't interested either.

So I told him I needed to talk to you first.

He also implied that he will have IW soon.

So, what do you think?

Do we concede? Are we ready for war? Don't think war is an option now against skirmishers and we have an NAP untill turn 110 and I don't want to break that.
Or can you think of another deal that might interest him?

EDIT: An do you think we should whip Krondor? Kodi hasn't finished the turn yet... I think it's a good plan...

Screen shots please. I thought your copper city was aggressive, but you need copper.

Off to bed! Do what you think is best and I'll see it in the morning.

MWIN, update with pictures will come soon!

It's probably worth conceding the city to him, then. Let's try to avoid a dispute right now. However, this should be the only "break" we let him have.

Ok ... wher eis the incense? I don't see any in the last screenshot.

-I'll go check emails and respond shortly

Shucks, looks like this game started cities with archers ... man I forgot about the humans only factor that makes them warriors.

-also, no need to whip krondor now if we're going to let dantski get his city

Ok, I'm confused here.

Quote:Greetings Holy Rome!

It was brought to my attention that you did not appreciate our
scouting warrior moving into your borders once we had agreed upon open
borders. I apologize as I was out of touch a little bit and did not
realize right of passage was not allowed in the agreement. We are
trying to scout along the coast, so if you could direct us the
quickest path you would like us to move him bearing in mind we'd like
to scout the western coast it would be very much appreciated.
Obviously given our scouting wishes we thought the shortest path to
the coast would be using your road network but given that you may not
want us to do so we'd be happy to move Ellorrs using your
directions/instructions. Again I apologize for the misunderstanding.
If you do decide to allow us passage rest assured any scouting
information gained would remain with us until dead and I'm sure the
favour would be returned if you should ever need to peacefully cross
our lands.

Best Regards,

Athlete for A/K

Why are we upset? We allowed right of passage. Something doesn't seem right here. ???

Our email specifically stated that we ALLOWED right of passage btw

Was wondering if you had an SS of the barb city...

Is it the one from upthread that's bordering your capital?

Message sent to Whosit. 2 day delay. I am hoping to start an alliance with Whosit.

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Whosit,

Sorry for the 2-day delay in responding. Things have been extremely busy.

Thank you for informing us on scouting whereabouts, we appreciate it. smile

We will definitely need future allies for our empire. Right now we ran into a minor dispute with our neighbor the Romalinese about city placement. Hopefully things will be resolved soon, but you never know what will happen.

I'm hoping that our two nations can eventually develop into a full alliance. We're not at that step yet, of course, but it would be great to have that.

If you don't mind telling us, what is your current research path or goals? Right now we are busy researching to get Confucianism from Code of Laws.


DMOC for the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE[/COLOR]

BobRoberts Wrote:Was wondering if you had an SS of the barb city...

Is it the one from upthread that's bordering your capital?

I don't have one right now since I don't have CIV on this computer I'm using.

I'm still confused as to where the incense is ....

Also, lastly, a brief message from Speaker/Sullla, no need to respond really.

Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,

We accepted your Open Borders request in-game, after seeing it pop up at the end of the current turn. Good luck finding the missing teams beyond our borders! smile

The Killer Angels

An old message from speaker/sullla

Quote:Dear DMOC and Nakor of Holy Rome,

Thanks for your earlier response to our first greetings. I wanted to respond sooner, but weekends this time of year can get a bit crazy!

We've had pleasant relations with Dantski thus far as well, and hope that that situation will continue into the future. We were also curious about the placement of Dantski's third city; it didn't overlap with anything we had planned, but it was a good distance away from his capital, in kind of a strange spot. We similarly guessed that the spot had a strategic resource of some kind, maybe horses or copper.

At the moment, our borders are fairly close to Dantski's, although they are not directly touching. You could probably squeeze in another city or two, although in one area it would be a bit of a tight fit! Now, having answered your question on that subject, I hope that you'll be willing to respond in turn, and let us know how much room there is between YOUR cities and the Romalinese! Turn about is fair play, after all. smile

I also hope that we'll be able to stay on good terms in this game. The only ones more important than your neighbors are your neighbor's neighbors!

The Killer Angels

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Sullla,

Pardon me if we already told you (we have been getting volumes of email recently) but we are practically bordering Dantski's culture right now. There is probably one more city spot between us that can be claimed. This is partly because we had to settle towards Dantski to get a source of copper.


DMOC for the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE[/COLOR]

Short update before I go to work:

Rolan finished barracks, grew to size 5 and is working on a worker now (5 turns, may whip in 1).

Priesthood is in (oracle takes 21 turns in Rolan), CoL will take 17 turns at -9 gpt, currently running 0% science at +16 gpt.

scout east found that whosit has 2 coppers!
And he found a Quecha!

Scout North will move into Indian lands next turn.

Mailed Dantski, told him take the barb city and raze it.
Mailed Kalin that we agreed on a Right of Passage, so he can use our roads.

Confusion all around: Dantski didn't mean incense, he meant Spices!
But we have to dotmap again to see where our cities would fit best.

Pictures then I have more time...

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