As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

(May 17th, 2014, 21:29)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Good news for you lurkers, I suppose. Enjoy! popcorn


...of course, you locking horns with Xenu is probably good news too! popcorn

Seeking lurker input: What is better than a good hamburger paired with copious amounts of your own free-flowing booze and late spring weather?

To answer my shameless attempt at soliciting lurker input, apparently nothing. neenerneener


It's rough out there...

I moved NW/NW and made contact with Q of Byzantium.

Also sitting on two cities. This is probably Q's second city.

He and Caledorn have spent far more than necessary on each other, so maybe there will be some antagonism between them. Or maybe their scouts were eaten early and I'll find more huts? I doubt it, but who knows. I'm going to keep my EPs on Caledorn and then probably swap back to Dhal, who is still spending on me.


i'll take a grilled steak, with the daughter's cheesecake on tbe side. oh, but pass the beer!

(May 19th, 2014, 19:02)Ceiliazul Wrote: i'll take a grilled steak, with the daughter's cheesecake on tbe side. oh, but pass the beer!

Yeah, the steak is a nice upgrade. I'm with you there. This gives me an idea on how to really drive up the thread count. I can make a list based on perceived player skill and pair it with a food. Are you chuck steak or filet Mignon? How would you rather be described, the perceived top of the steakhouse food chain and fork tender or bargain price and tougher to chew?

I am shameless in my attempt to get views. Sue me.


Survived the barb congregation.

Borders popped in Fishing Bridge and I made contact with wetbandit and Nakor. Is that a leadership promo on wetbandit's scout?? Is that a rbmod change for an aggressive civ? Odd.

The Foreign Advisor screen is becoming a bit of a tangled mess.

My new opponents are sitting on three cities each. Q, Mardoc, Dhal, and Caledorn still have two each, but Cal whipped (2pop IIRC) last turn so his third city should be settled imminently.

Writing due EoT. Yellowstone will complete its granary EoT then begin a library and grow like a weed.

I believe there is an event that gives a random unit leadership.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Ah, thanks. I guess that would explain it. Kind of a waste to get it on your scout though. I don't like the scout's odds to survive all that long.

I'll be out of town and away from civ Friday through Monday evening. Depending on when the turn rolls, I can get Friday, Monday, or both. I'm working off a micro plan so the turn will be easy for whoever can log in. Any takers?


Another neighbor in blue through the tile bleed, maybe Ruff/America?

Ruff played before me this turn, so I'll let him play first and potentially declare/move onto the forest hill in his city's second ring, depending on what moving SW onto the GFH shows. I think I remember that it was Ruff who built Stonehenge. I'll immediately ask for peace if I do move in but it would be better to not declare at all. I don't want to risk my scout if I can help it.

Three workers piled on a grass river hill at Lake and finished it so Fishing Bridge could have the PH mine to finish the work boat in 3t. Two wasted worker turns here, but workers exist to be used, right? This keeps me on schedule for tile improvements at the expense of a grass cottage traded for river ivory at the capital. I'll take the few lost cottage turns.

I still need someone to babysit my civ for me over the weekend. I mean, I'm TOTALLY WINNING, the scoreboard doesn't lie. Don't you want to take some credit for my inevitable win? wink


Well, looks like it's yours, Commodore. This is the micro plan to use for the next couple of turns. I've left signposts in game as well.

I'm not sure why, but the game had some serious lag when I played just a moment ago. There was also an issue with the mini map, so who knows. Hopefully this thing is in good shape. Anyway, I met Ruff/Murrica.

Two cities, second city is size three. Not great, IMO. Caledorn finally settled his third city, Nakor, Q, Dhal, and Mardoc have not. Also not great, IMHO, but what do I know? I also may have made a mistake with my scout playing quickly:

If Q wants to take a pot shot at my scout then fine, but I still hold a grudge against Kuro for his turrible PYFT rating in PBEM29G. Just saying. hammerhammerhammer

Good enough for me. Gotta hit the road, the car is all loaded up and ice is melting in the coolers. Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks for playing for me (and everyone else) Commodore. bow

(May 27th, 2014, 09:10)Dhalphir Wrote: Just a short note to say I might not get to the turn for about 8 hours and do not pause on my behalf

Also, I will never stop dumping EPs into you, BGN.


I'm back, and things are right on track. Good job, Commodore! thumbsup

The scout who lived. N/NW next. I'll be sticking to forests wherever possible. Also, Judaism FIADL on T55 (1800 BC), Oxy is my best guess based on him shooting to the top of the scoreboard when he logged out. He played back-to-back at the end of one turn and the beginning of another without logging out. Not worth worrying over in any event. I wasn't gunning for it and whoever got it will adopt the faith soon enough.

The park, growing like a well-fed weed. Yellowstone and Fishing Bridge grow EoT. I'm also finally getting some cottages down.

Crop yield is looking marvelous, I would guess I'll lead that category next turn. Soldier count is starting to slide, reflecting the truly paper thin defense I'm running. You can see in the last two pictures that I have a barb warrior incoming. I'm hoping it will attack my warrior on the forest hill. If not, I'll prepare an archer in Lamar Valley after the work boat finishes. If the barb refuses combat with my warrior, I have time to finish the work boat, put a hammer or two into the archer, then whip with no penalty. That wouldn't be terrible if I have to do it but I'd prefer to double whip a granary first if I can get away with it.

Look who's famous!

City dump:

Yellowstone grew to size 3 on T51 and will be size 7 on T60. Rabbits got nuthin' on these guys. shades

Still pumping 12fh/t workers. Move along.

The fish were netted this turn, allowing growth EoT. I'll pick up the PH mine next turn and 1-pop whip the granary the following turn.

Work boat then granary or archer, depending on what the barb warrior does. An archer wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but I think it is still a bit soon for anyone to show up with a wandering galley.

Lastly, opponent city count:

Ruff - 3
Mardoc - 2
wetbandit - 3
Caledorn - 3
Dhal - 2
Q - 2
Nakor - 3

Mardoc seems to have emphasized early capital growth and focused on financial cottages, in addition to chasing Buddhism and probably building an early granary, so maybe that explains him only having two cities. He whipped recently (score dropped), so probably the third city is en route. I know Caledorn lacks early game expansion traits (SPI/CHM) and that he also grew his capital tall early, but he recently settled a third city. Dhal is FIN/IND, so also lacks early game expansion boost, but two cities at this point really is not good. Q is Zara (CRE/ORG), so he should be doing a bit better. CRE doesn't help you get cities built faster, just makes them get up and running faster without having to worry about popping borders. I'm not sure about how he's opened at all. It's a long game, but if you still have two cities at this point you are behind the curve. Once you get behind, it's hard to catch up.

That's all for this report. As I've posted elsewhere, I'll be on vacation Saturday, 5/31 through Monday, 6/9. If you would like to sub while I'm away, please do! I'll make a general plan and leave some micro if that would help.

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