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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

(May 30th, 2014, 11:13)Catwalk Wrote: When are you heading out and what's the status on plans?

I'm leaving sometime around noon EST tomorrow. Plans are currently underway. I will finish the micro plan tonight. Here for current plan progress. In all probability, that is far enough ahead to carry you through my vacation, but unless I carry it forward another several turns or so, I won't know how it stacks up to my earlier attempts (see pics below). I have a sandbox save to T70 using the micro from the previous link. I hope to be able to carry forward with a detailed plan to T80 for comparison purposes then run through the whole thing again and leave a save stack but I'm not sure I'll have time for that. I may just play through and take some screen shots.

Rather than have you click through this entire thread, I'll just post my previous sim results again. Not all are good, most are SERIOUSLY scant on military, worse than my current effort which is already laughable (but I'll get away with it anyway unless wrecked by barbs), but enough to give a general idea of what I am thinking going forward.

The only one I ran after discovering the location of horses, which changed the dot map significantly in the central/eastern column:

Boredom one night because the turns were so slow coming around but this gives a picture of later development goals:

The only sim that is truly relevant is the one after the discovery of the location of horses, the last turn 80 screen shot (second from the bottom). Anyway, what you'll notice in the micro plan is heavy expansion and a frightening lack of military. My read on Caledorn is that he's too busy out of game to plan a war with me, and there is plenty of land between us. Mardoc is across the water and is laying down cottages and going to realize he's behind in expansion, and so this is no time for adventuring across the water. Dhal, I'm not quite sure that he knows that he's behind, but I sense some serious disengagement from him so I don't think he's going to put much into turns either. So, either he'll build a galley and burn a city for a lark, or more likely, he'll just sit at home and continue to neglect spending his espionage points on anyone else or to even move his scout for another 30 turns. Seriously, his scout has been on that hill for almost 30 turns now. He's usually one of the last few to play the turn, so I really think he's just going through the motions.

These and the glacier at the southern end of the map are my only immediate neighbors, and only Caledorn is on my side of the water. I think I am as geographically and meta-reason safe as possible, so I should be able to get by with the cardboard cutout military unless the barbs show up in force. If that happens, obviously see to our safety, but we have plenty of population to whip in a pinch if necessary.

I'll post again after playing this turn and running through the micro plan a bit better.



Found a dead end. Probably wrap back around east then southwest. The map is much longer E/W than N/S. Please take care to keep the scout alive as long as possible. Woody II, so use forests religiously. If you need to end turn on flat land, maybe just move one tile to be sure you don't wind up on flat land next to a barb. If you have to declare war to pass through, make it painfully obvious that you mean no harm, only to get through. But do not trust to the kindness of others or tempt fate: Keep the scout away from anything that can whack it.

I put in signposts for where the cities will be built, along with the planned turn number. The stone location could be built a little faster. If you get the sense that Dhal is going to take that faster than the planned date I've set up, go faster. I want the stone.

Please note the GNP/MFG/CY each turn, or just post a demos picture.

This is the planned overview at T70. Too much past this is likely to be off the planned script, but try to keep to it if you aren't threatened.

This is the T80 sandbox overview.

Current sandbox.
T70 sandbox.
T80 sandbox.

If you have any questions before noon tomorrow, post them here and I'll reply. After that I'm out. Thanks again for subbing for me. Good luck! nod

Catwalk, you better turn up soon. I can't load Boldly's sandboxes because they're on a different version of RBmod. All I can go off is what's written in the thread, which doesn't tell me much about explicitly what to do each turn except there's clearly an intricate plan here and doing it wrong will probably piss both of you off. lol
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21


Healed the Scout in place (1 turn).

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot5367.JPG]

Tried to follow directions from the signs as much as possible. John Muir remained in place, as if he moves any further away he won't be able to react if a barb does spawn. The other fogbusting Warrior moved SW ready to heal, as indicated. The two Workers next to the Horse moved there and built a road.

Other stuff I couldn't find any instructions for. Yellowstone and Lake each finished a build with nothing queued. Selected a Warrior in Yellowstone, since it clearly wants to grow this turn and I couldn't see anything better to build while growing. Selected a Settler in Lake, since it looks to me as though you have enough Workers (7) for the number of cities (4) and could do with expanding more. Moved to chop forests after Maths arrives with two of the Workers (new one at Lake and one at the capital), and moved to build two mines with others (both at the capital). Realised afterwards this might be a mistake as you may be planning to rush out a Great Scientist at the capital soon and thus not work some of the tiles. Couldn't be sure.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot5365.JPG]

Demographics as requested.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot5366.JPG]

Hope I didn't fuck anything up too much. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Oh crap, Boldy will be yelling at me. I got it from now on Parkin, thanks for stepping in!

So this is a bit of a mess (again, not your fault Parkin). Did the following:
1) Moving scout back SW and out of enemy culture, blocked on both sides
2) Started 2 specialists in Yellowstone
3) Switched to a granary in Lake, will be 2 turns late in whipping it
4) Stopped all workers what they're doing, will reconfigure them next turn if needed (have to run off for work)
5) Put all EP on wetbandit, currently 12 EP on him

[Image: boldy.jpg]

Apologies again, I did my best to find out what the exact plan was but it simply wasn't listed anywhere I could see (and the sandbox wouldn't load). If you've got a detailed micro plan for every turn, please feel free to post it in the thread so this need not happen again. smile

EDIT: Of course now I see the link to the google spreadsheet I missed before. Duh. If it had been a little bigger or on its own line I probably would have seen it the first time. Really sorry about that.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Bloody hell, this is a terrible time for me to be subbing. Boldy will be yelling at me a lot, after killing me. I've been out all day, just got home at 11 PM after leaving early in the morning. You're completely forgiven Parkin, thanks a lot for subbing again.

(June 4th, 2014, 15:58)Catwalk Wrote: Bloody hell, this is a terrible time for me to be subbing. Boldy will be yelling at me a lot, after killing me. I've been out all day, just got home at 11 PM after leaving early in the morning. You're completely forgiven Parkin, thanks a lot for subbing again.

No worries. If you're really busy just let me know, happy to help out. Now that I've found the google spreadsheet, at least I shouldn't play a terrible turn again. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

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