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Repeat the mistakes and glories of the past!
13 22.41%
Wallow in bitterness and rage!
9 15.52%
Peace out blissfully and love everyone!
9 15.52%
Iron Terminator, Win Above All Else!
12 20.69%
Die to Barbarians.
15 25.86%
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[spoilers]Oh Canada! Victoria has a Commodore, eh?

Or I could, you know, just post more content. rolleye

Some or another, someone is going to take advantage of my spine-level need to do something in a fluid situation. Might be today, but here we are: I'm blockading the "safe return" port of Central City. So either battle, battle, North City (under threat), or retreating to South City are the Dtay options with his victorious but mauled fleet. This is gonna hurt if he opts for "battle".

Cameron and the Ice Friends are dying on the vine; he's just trying to make it painful. Mainland Germany, we've got some adventuring still to be had. The kanone stack in the middle is the real pain; I have no idea how I'm going to deal with it outside of "suck it up". Which is gonna suck. I'm still thinking my best ingress is actually going to be that northeastern cleared tip; slam down a city with enough defenders to suck up a couple dozen commandos, enjoy the culture benefit to defend it from the collateral, and stage out a 200+ Stack of Doom. That's gonna leave a mark.

Fighters off of carriers would help, and bombers help even more. I'm about to get a crazy-high boost to radio, but Flight is still an independently huge cost for me. And then if I research it first, my rivals get helped. frown Needs must as devils...

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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Waaaaaait a minute...
(June 9th, 2014, 09:11)Commodore Wrote: Either way, I'll need some Real Units. And hey, lookie what I got...

I'm missing something here! angry
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If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

(June 11th, 2014, 20:05)Commodore Wrote: Waaaaaait a minute...

I'm missing something here! angry
[Image: promotions0003.gif][Image: promotions0004.gif][Image: promotions0005.gif]

lol Yeah, easy mode got nerfed a bit since Vanilla. I mean, you really ought to have to build more than one kind of unit to kill someone. And transports shouldn't count as the other kind of unit. hammer

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

...shows how often I've played with tanks this decade. frown
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.


Yeah, yeah, I know. smoke It's fine, though; I'm currently looking a little more towards a nice Imperialistic invasion. Toss down a settler, build a city with a ton of machine guns and artillery behind the walls of culture, and thus break up the retaliation. Or, if no retaliation is decided, just use the new outpost to dump up a nice vast army in a secure fashion.

Option Secondus, probably actually just done in concert, will be to invade New Xerxes. I'm about to found a forward bombing city in range of the city; add in a couple forts and I can pack airships here to ensure the city's whole garrison gets well and truly rubbled. Then, use marines to just plain and simple start *bleeding* him here. I'll leave one wounded sap still around, and if he feels like reinforcing, I can just keep hitting away. I've got a great general and a 7xp tank around too, but I somehow doubt I can kill anything good with just a single Commando here.

I love the Kremlin Rushbuy Economy. Every other turn, Charlottetown builds me a pinch marine (Pinch is a must with infantry's innate +25% vs. marines). This tundra awful town will grow another three pop before stagnating on the iron and marble tiles, giving the farm south to the new city. Not only is my land tiny; it's awful like this. But this is making lemonade.

It's sad when a city like my new golden girl Kamloops looks good, but next to Charlotte...courthouse rushing here pays off in only 30 turns, so I'll be doing that first; then she can start being useful and getting crap rushed in to herself. I'm not sure how to quantify the "gains" of cities like this...clearly, she turns a profit now in gold, and breaks even at about 60% tech, but my current national break-even is north of 80%, with a ton of boosts...basically, "profitable" is a complex calculation.

Anyway, on to the front! My guarding destroyers prevented Dtay from returning home to Central City, so his wounded warriors are huddled in South City now. I moved a detachment of pluggers down there then, and hit "blockade". So that should isolate Dtay completely, with every port blocked and Finarry along the south. Unfortunately, I don't think that works. Speaking of Team Badass, they made peace with the meddling 2metraninja by capturing three cities, including his capital, which they returned for his cooperation. Team Badass, everyone! popcorn

I got all jealous about their accomplishments, so I had to keep up in "city killin' score". With landed units, odds were clearly in cakewalk category. I tossed the stack at Cameron's bombed and harried defenders, and in the end he at only one redlined defender remaining, as I'd lost the expected single troop. No problem, eight more units in two transports are in range...

...but that's boring! Why not cause even more pain? Aloft went the Airships of Frobisher Bay, and down rain their iron bombs upon the huddled garrison of North City. Not bad at all. smile

Carefully matching strength against strength, I took the garrison out with the two transports nearby and one of the backstops of the Cameron Offense. I even had a regiment remaining in reserve when I broke the last of the German defenders:

Excellent! Now I return my gaze to the last defender of Cameron with the single fresh transport load that remains, and...

Perfect. Cornwallis, because it is a cold tundra island and also because the city just got well and truly corn-holed. The city already being Christian is very nice, although turn one is going to have to be a lighthouse buy else she starves. It is interesting how I could have returned it to Greece like that, Dtay's been a bad bad boy eh?

I'm going to plunge ever deeper into cold and wasted lands on my quest to rule the whole of the Arctic. TheSoulPolisher is worth something but before too long Plastics will make Colonge worse than useless. I might actually raze her; these cities are far enough away to not even be helpful rushing anti-German forces. I might need more troops for this; I'm going to check with an airship next turn. nod Operation: Winter King is a go!

Dtay missed the memo about the Arctic being MINE. And, heh, also had bad luck because I am trickling a few destroyers out of Greenerland. He tried to sneak in a privateer raid...

Yeah buddy. alright It was that kind of turn.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

So there is such a thing as an iceball too barren for you?

(June 13th, 2014, 17:04)Kofiman Wrote: So there is such a thing as an iceball too barren for you?

Southern iceballs, perhaps. In the Arctic? Phsssht. Ice King Commodore.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

This is how I could win, if Mackoti got a wild hair up his butt and voted me. So...maybe some turn if Yuri takles back over? Heh. "None" selected.

Ottawa is now the proud birthplace of the great scientist "Great Scientist". We'll also be restored to former glory again soon as the Greatest City in the World returns to size 22 here. Although it makes me sad, while saving...Montreal beats Ottawa handily at gold production, by a good 250 gold.

Somehow, Dtay snuck three friends out with the nasty Blue Baron; they took down a single destroyer, but were left rather vulnerable in range of airships and backup destroyers. I'll take it with cheer.

A recon flight shows that TheSoulForge isn't budging with just one transport's brood. Cologne though, in addition to being Dtay's sole fur source, is completely undefended though...

(June 13th, 2014, 17:24)spacetyrantxenu Wrote:
(June 13th, 2014, 17:04)Kofiman Wrote: So there is such a thing as an iceball too barren for you?
Southern iceballs, perhaps. In the Arctic? Phsssht. Ice King Commodore.
Agreed! I'd rather play attrition games on land than mess around with invading at the point of strength. I took the city, took the worker, then hid my transport in port to avoid retribution. I then proceeded to stupidly not stock it with airships...rolleye

The battle, this turn, is at sea; I soften the big stack of nasty with some airships (taking two big inception hits, ugh), and then move in the big guns, starting of course with a collateral-causing battleship:
Battleship vs. intact destroyer (69%): WIN, battlewagon redlined
Destroyer vs. hurt Blue Baron destroyer (70%): LOSS, Blue Baron yellow frown
Destroyer vs. hurt destroyer (87%): WIN, my guy yellow
Destroyer vs. hurt destroyer (70%): LOSS, redline bad guy
C1 transport vs. hurt Blue Baron (37%): LOSS, Blue Baron red. banghead

So here's where we are now. Looks pretty good, neh? Unfortunately, westward near TheSoulPolisher another intact destroyer lurks, so I'm either going to lose my battleship, or that cursed Blue Baron shall once again escape! I'll get you, Blue Baron! The world is not big enough for you to hide! I shall chase you to the ends of the earth!

Dtay is bombing my blocking force outside of South City, but I believe I have enough of a weight of numbers to keep farming his airships for XP.

The giant cold tundra version of Prince Edward Island gained a second city, even worse than the last one. is in range of New Xerxes, so it is well worth it.

I'm a little bit away from another Great General; when I get him I could launch two, maybe three commando tanks at Riole, clearing a ton of culture from whole area.

...what I should kill, though, if I can at all, is this evil monster of a city. Auto-commando a turn? Dang that is scary.

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Okay, so, by the way, one little problem about space. Or modern armors...
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If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

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