Minor update. There was a short fight between Xenu and Oxy. Might be good news knowing that Xenu is the type of going for vendetta and defending fiercly. On the other hand if they both start building military I probably had to do the same not to be too far behind in that respect. Both Xenu and especially Oxy are doing very well Demographics wise. I think that Oxy is among top 3 nations at the moment and Xenu is doing also better than me.
Here was a city candidate I was about to settle in couple of turns. I guess not.
I've very little land. Hashoosh seems only one looking a bit weakish from my neighbors. Hard to take advantage of that though.
I've given up Pyramids plan. Too many things can go wrong. Better focus on getting my economy rolling and keep my military competitive.
Here was a city candidate I was about to settle in couple of turns. I guess not.
I've very little land. Hashoosh seems only one looking a bit weakish from my neighbors. Hard to take advantage of that though.
I've given up Pyramids plan. Too many things can go wrong. Better focus on getting my economy rolling and keep my military competitive.