[SIZE="6"]Turn 77 - 950 BC[/SIZE]
City Plans
-Tell me what you agree and what we should work out on.
-Be aware that the following discussion about "food surplus" is based on the
assumption that we want our cities to grow as high as possible, with little regard to speed. You'll see why as you read. Farms can make a city grow faster, but are ultimately unnecessary if the goal of the city is to grow to size 21 (assuming no unworkable tiles) and it has the food to do so. There was an article by DaveMcW at CivFanatics which included that farming and THEN cottaging was best, assuming unlimited workers.
As stated before, I whipped Sethanon for a spear since all it has to work now are lousy 2F tiles. It's best to use the whip for something productive now. Culture is 6/10 now.
Here is an outside view of Sethanon.
I have calculated the food surplus of Sethanon. It is, amazingly, break even!

We get +6 food surplus AND -6 food deficit, so Sethanon can grow to size 20 without additional farms (although it will definitely not be that high since we'll be working the gold which slows growth).
This food balance does not include the rice, which I assume is part of our production city. My conclusion is that additional farms are unnecessary in Sethanon unless we want this city to be a whipping/Great people center. Sadly, Sethanon only has one riverside grassland, so our first farm or cottage will ideally want to go there.
Being financial, we should always aim to get riverside grassland/floodplain cottages. As you can see, the worker just finished the road so he's at 0/2 movement points. The city is at 6/10 and will border pop on turn 81. Therefore, he needs to do something for the next 3 turns.
-Build a cottage on the tile
-Build a road on the gold mine
-Chop forest
-Go away and do something else
In my opinion, option (2) - roading the gold, is far superior. This way, once Sethanon's border's pop on turn 81, we not only have our gold, but we also have a
road on it. This also goes well with that spearman whip I just made. That spear can move on top of the gold mine tile
before our worker does, just in case there are some barbarians out there. The only thing the spearman has to worry about is if a barbarian axemen is somewhere out there. However, if there is one, we're dead anyway.

Speaking of barbarian axemen, we've got an axemen near Krondor which is exploring the coast. I suggest we move him a couple of tiles, but get him back to protecting cities ASAP.
In conclusion:
Turn 78: Move worker on gold tile.
Turn 79: Worker roads.
Turn 80: Worker finishes roading.
Turn 81: Worker starts mining the gold
Turn 82: Worker moves towards the rice.
Turn 83: Farms Rice
Turn 84: Farms Rice
Turn 85: Farms Rice
Turn 86: Farms Rice
Turn 87: Farm is finished
The worker moving towards the farm is just a possibility of what he could do after mining the gold. I rate getting the rice higher than getting the marble hooked, but it's awfully even since unirrigated rice is kind of uninspiring.
I had a nice paragraph length summary on what to do but it got deleted so I'm just going to leave us with the turn plan above.
What's the proposed build order for Sethanon?
1. Library (work 2 scientists) - whipped?
2. Granary
There's mine, what do you think? Sethanon will probably need that grassland farmed or borrow the rice. The grassland sheep + city center support 3 scientists by themselves (so for 2 scientists, there's a +2 food surplus because 2 scientists = -4 food), so we will want some additional food surplus to get the city growing since it will probably be working the gold tile. The city center + sheep counteract the effect of 2 scientists+gold so if we borrow the rice, the city will grow with +2 food surplus while still working the gold and supporting 2 scientists. This city will be size 5 at this point.
I added 7 yellow dots to where we should build cottages. It's such a shame that only one of those is riverside.
We can support all of those cottages. If you count up the surplus food we have, and subtract it from the food we need to work tiles less than 2F, then we get a +1 food assuming no lighthouse. With a lighthouse, crabs becomes 5 food, so we have a food surplus of +2. In theory, we can support a size 21 capital without any extra farms as long as we keep unhealthiness at bay.
Here's the worker plan + screenshot:
As you can see, our worker will finish a road in two turns which will be for our new city site. After he finishes the road, I think we should move him over to the forest to the "3" of the capital center. (I.e. the only riverside grassland that we have that isn't rice.) The worker chops, then cottages (
or maybe just cottages directly, does that save a turn?) there. He should then move in a counterclockwise motion and cottage the tile to the "9" of that tile, then the "8", etc. until all the cottage spaces are cottaged. While this is good in theory, that's not likely to be our plan since we'll be hard pressed to get a city that big, so what we should do is have him cottage until we determine that his duties are best suited elsewhere.
-The fact that the worker's on the road means that he should be able to get to that forest to the "3" of Rolan's center in just one turn from his spot in the screenshot above.
Turn 78: Finishes road.
Turn 79: Moves onto forest.
Turn 80: Chops
Turn 81: Chops
Turn 82: Finishes chopping
Turn 83: Cottages
Turn 84: Cottages
Turn 85: Cottages
Turn 86: Cottage in Rolan is finished. [First riverside + financial cottage in Rolan]
Turn 87: Move onto the next cottage-able tile and cottage.
Build order for Rolan?
1. Granary
2. Worker (hopefully we can get the worker started when Rolan is size 6 due to gold happiness)
The worker we make should definitely start roading towards the former barb city site and road the furs in the process.
As with Rolan, I calculated food surplus. Rolan, right now, could support a size 20 city since it's food surplus is exactly equal to its food deficit. The food deficit is -5 because of our 5 plains tiles, and our food surpus is +5 (+2 rice, +2 city center, +1 cow). However, in theory, we can improve the rice once we've got Civil Service. So that's a +1 food balance overall. So we don't need farms unless we want this to be a growth + whipping center. However, I think we should play to our stengths here and cottage these tiles. Here is my proposed plan:
The yellow tiles are the ones we should definitely cottage. The reddish bluish color circle, however, is one that we should probably farm. This means that once we research Civil Service, we can get chain irrigation to the rice to make it +1 food, for +5 total. That extra farm also means that we can have a +2 food balance, enough to support a specialist!

The worker is currently chopping the forest.
Turn 77: Chops forest (3 turns)
Turn 78: Chops forest (2 turns)
Turn 79: Chop is finished.
Turn 80: Worker moves to and cottages the tile to the "6" of the tile it was on last turn.
Turn 81: Cottages
Turn 82: Cottages
Turn 83: Cottage finished [Riverside + Financial]
Turn 87: Worker moves to tile to its "1" position (directly above Krondor).
Turn 88: Cottages
Turn 89: Cottages
Turn 90: Finishes cottage
Turn 91: Worker roads the rice. This is why I decided to have the worker cottage the tile directly above Krondor and not to its "9". We need a road network to move our troops north, so I figured that we'd road tiles that also contain resources so we get them connected.
Turn 92: Worker finishes roading the rice.
Turn 93: Worker moves to forest north of rice.
Turn 94: Roads forest
Turn 95: Finishes roading forest
Turn 96: Chops forest
I want the farm to be close to our outside border rather than inside since farms can easily be replaced if Dantski's culture in the northern city overwhelms that tile, but cottages can't say the same for themselves.
Build order?
1. Settler
2. Axeman
3. Spearman
[SIZE="6"]--------------------Other Cities--------------------[/SIZE]
-Former barb city, should get started + whip monument asap
-"Production city" - work the horses and get a monument there.
I suppose we can rely on culture from confucianism if we found it but that's no guarantee.
Our exploring warrior is here. Do we continue searching this direction? (Move him to the "3" position?)
Power graph:
In conclusion, of the ones displayed here we have:
1. Galactic Empire
2. Korean Empire
3. Us
4. Romamalinese empire
Still, the plan I have doesn't give a lot of leg room for making military units, hopefully Cassite + production city can make at least 1 unit of each. I don't think we should build a barracks since unit count is more important now.