December 30th, 2009, 15:14
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We could chop a forest near production city (need farms there anyway) to get the monument soon. The worker there can start the cop before the city is settled and finish once it's there (5-6 turns). With the border pops we get deers in the BFC, so it can grow bigger and make more units.
Rolan and Krondor can build units in 3-5 turns at max size... that should help.
December 31st, 2009, 16:17
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Oh one more thing .. make sure the units that move 1 space per turn are produced before the chariots since chariots take less time to reach the battle front.
December 31st, 2009, 16:19
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Coalition of the Willing email from Jowy.
Quote:Aku Ankka to athlete.kalin, dpantski, me, whosit.01
show details 4:57 AM (11 hours ago)
Just checked that they have gone to 100% science, teching polytheism atm. ~ Jowy
Polytheism. Hmmm. Leads to Priesthood.
December 31st, 2009, 16:21
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Email from plako. I didn't respond yet.
Quote:Hi Nakor and DMOC,
It makes me sad you lost your scouting warrior. It seems we had to prepare oueselves for barb axes then.
Concerning Dantski I'm not in very good position to give advices since I'm not aware of details. Do you've some pacts? Do you think he overextended himself?
India is doing well. It seems they have managed to get peaceful neighbourhood and they were fast to settle their 1st cities. Naturally fast workers help. Nevertheless I'm not very worried about their progress currently. They're not that much ahead yet.
Best regards,
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CoW email. From Jowy. The second is from Whosit.
Quote:Greetings members of CoW!
It's with joy I bring you the news that I managed to negotiate a 20-turn NAP with Killer Angels. That should help us with our joined efforts to slow them down once we are ready to strike. As an extra intel it sounds like they'll go for Calendar tech soon. I haven't checked have they gone back to science or still at 100% commerce, but I'd imagine they would go back to science soon.
Things turned out better than expected. Sorry for my negativity in my last message, but I wanted everyone to take this threat seriously and I still do There's definately nothing negative in a strong alliance that will help us all in the long run, both by eliminating a huge threat and by improving our own relations. It's an honor to be partners with you guys. Let's make this work 
As for the earlier voting to eliminate or to slow down Killer Angels, either is fine with me. But of course I have to say I would be more comfortable with them gone from the game. They've overcome bad odds before and can definately do it again if we give them the chance.
As for cities, I've got some new intel, they might not have as much as 10 like I said. They'll have around 7 instead, atleast if they plan to do what they told me they would. What slows them down is that they promised to settle a jungle area next instead of going towards me. My front city blocking them might have something to do with that.
Questions, comments?
Btw answer something if you got this message, I'm not sure if I'm doing the multi-messaging right, last time only got a reply from the first address not the rest.
~ Jowy
Quote:Members of the CotW,
And Jowy in particular. I, of course, received the message. Good to hear that you've secured a NAP with the Killer Angels. That should buy us the time that we need. The KA have four cities at the moment, at least according to my Diplomacy screen. But if they focus on expansion, I can believe the 7 city figure. The only good news is that extra expansion will take a drain on their commerce (probably minor), and it will force them to defend more territory, making a multi-pronged strike potentially more effective.
I would also like to assure everyone that I take the threat seriously. I second Jowy in saying that we have to make sure that, whatever we do, we permanently cripple them. Aside from their own skills and abilities to come back from the brink, my life experience has shown me that it is generally unwise to show mercy to an opponent in games like this. Even if we pillaged all of their territory down to the last road, if we fail to destroy their cities, kill their workers, and just leave them alone, they could easily make a comeback. Although we probably cannot crack their capital, it would be a major coup to raze it. Speaking of, what will our policy be on cities taken? I would favor a scorched earth policy, where cities are completely razed. While we could try to divide them among the Coalition, that seems neither realistic nor practical; I would certainly have no use for a city out there. So, we should burn them, and any Coalition members close enough can settle on the ashes if it is worth their while.
Based on some earlier discussion, it may not be feasible to destroy them completely if we lack siege. At a minimum, total pillaging and the burning of any vulnerable cities should be a must. Chances are we may have to leave their core intact. Something else to consider: Will we make peace when the mission is "accomplished," or should we all remain at war and basically keep them under permanent siege? The latter seems a bit impractical and in poor spirit as well. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't want to pay for a detachment of soldiers so far away in perpetuity. Perhaps, once we've dealt a solid blow, we'll sue for peace and each of us will station a reasonably strong unit in the area to keep on eye on the Killer Angels as they recover. If they look as though they are becoming strong again, we should destroy them.
To victory,
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
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[SIZE="7"]Happy New Year!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]Turn 79[/SIZE]
Just some small things this turn.
Forest near Krondor is chopped, worker will start cottage next turn. Settler done next turn, then a worker in 4 turns.
Road to La Mut finished, worker moved to forest near Rolan and chop next turn. Chop will go into Granary -> Worker. After that we'll build cottages and military, right? Rolan will grow to size 5 next turn.
Road on gold started. When the road is done, Seth's borders will pop and we'll start the mine. We need the gold to finance research. Serh will grow in 2 turns.\
Crydee will come out of resistance next turn.
Scouting warrior found horses way up north.
I'll respond to all the messages later.
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Reply to Plako:
Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Hi Plako,
We're preparing for axes!
We saw you have copper connected, good to see that. Now you can start building some solid defense.
Have you seen preatorians yet?
We've got a rocky NAP with Dantski and hope to prolongue it soon. That should keep us safe. Maybe putting some culture pressure on his new city will prevent it from getting to strong.
Do you have any intell on India that makes you not worried about them?
Anyway, happy new year to the both of you!
Kind regards,
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
Reply to India:
Quote:[COLOR="orange"]Dear Sulla and Speaker of India,
We wish you a happy new year and hope 2010 will bring you all you wish for.
About the game...
We also believe in Financial more then in Imp... but Dantski is doing good so far. We're still very unsure about what the city is doing there. It just grabs one deer and he needs a lot of culture to put pressure on our cows and wheat in the region. Well, we'll see what happens.
Your fast workers must be great in this early game, giving you the head start you've got. We just hope that your aggresion won't be turned towards us once you've settled all the available land.
How's your relation with Greece, if I may ask? Do you have the same close borders with Greece as with Mali?
We've got some space between us and Korea, as your wandering warrior must have seen. But we'll be filling it up quickly.
You beat us to 5 cities by a mere 3 turns... I wonder when the rest will get to 5 (and when you will get to 6).
Kind regards,
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
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La Mut is going to be our fifth city right?
Just something I'm confused about, how have India beat us to 5 cities by 3 turns if we only have 4 now?
Looks like I'd better check some old emails, I forgot we had to respond to India. Good response to plako though.
1 last thing, where are you going to move our axes to? Krondor? We should probably have all but 1 there (the other axe can defend our west front by himself).
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We'll have 5 cities in 3 turns...
Always good to keep all communications flowing, but that reminds me that we haven't talked to team Kodi yet.
I'll move all our forces to Krondor. One axe will defend La Mut (prod. city).
Now, regarding some other issue... after the strike at India, we'll have an army... what can we do with that?:neenernee
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Uh, spread it around in empire, for Hereditary Rule happiness? lol
I'm a fan of using 5 cheap military units to put in the capital to grow to size 15 early, but our capital doesn't have as much food as I'd like. Not sure how much of a priority Monarchy is if we've already got furs and gold and hopefully a religion from Code of Laws.