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[SPOILERS] joey and scooter's thread: FUN THINGS ONLY

You should rename Zoo to "Plottofood" in homage to the two greatest cities of the greatest world RB has ever known.

(July 16th, 2014, 21:39)Ceiliazul Wrote: You should rename Zoo to "Plottofood" in homage to the two greatest cities of the greatest world RB has ever known.
I envy not in any moods
The captive void of noble rage,
The linnet born within the cage,
That never knew the summer woods:

I envy not the beast that takes
His license in the field of time,
Unfetter'd by the sense of crime,
To whom a conscience never wakes;

Nor, what may count itself as blest,
The heart that never plighted troth
But stagnates in the weeds of sloth;
Nor any want-begotten rest.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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*stumbles to the door half drunk and half asleep* Huh... zzwhoozat..? Uhhhh.... oh! Oh...! I have guests! Come in come in, please! Oh, but I haven't done my makeup!

(July 16th, 2014, 21:39)Ceiliazul Wrote: You should rename Zoo to "Plottofood" in homage to the two greatest cities of the greatest world RB has ever known.

Hey, if I end up with even half a good a city as either of those I'll be thrilled... and I wouldn't be opposed to cottaging over the sheep to put it over the top, once it gets to size 20 or so... mischief

blughh the turn pace is getting bad again...

Here's something to keep y'all, and myself, entertained while we wait. So, I mentioned before I had written that perl script that parses the logfile, and, while it was useful for tracking scores, my attempt to do other tracking (of things like whips, city plants, techs, etc) failed because a.) a city plant or whip sometimes doesn't show up on the score chart because its worth less than 1 point, and b.) its difficult to distinguish between a tech and a large score increase, it compress multiple score increases and decreases into one entry (e.g. if you whip and plant during the same turn), d.) if you play and then the turn is reloaded and/or uploaded disconnected, the logfile won't realize your score changed that turn. I was thinking about that again today, and I realized that it might be easier if I just show straight-up total pop-points whipped away, measured by score decreases while logged in. Won't be perfectly accurate because of c and d, but still a decent estimation. That at least tells who is whipping hard, and who is trying to grow. Here's that with my neighbors:

[Image: utJbrl4.png]

From this we see that I whip a LOT harder than my neighbors, especially since I got the HG. I know I should be even higher than this, because I whipped away 4 pop points on T100, for example. Xenu has also recently begun a whipping spree, and - since he's been stuck at 9 cities for awhile - I think that means he's going to war. Bacchus had a big whipping spree too a little before turn 80, which must have been another war with whoever he was in a turn split with recently. Another very interesting thing is that plako seems to spread his whips out very regularly; I'm not sure how that works out like that unless he has some very similarly-fooded cities settled at very similar times. Maybe seafood plants?

Now, here's some of the score leaders: (apologies, oxy and I aren't the same colors here)

[Image: vN4BnjC.png]

Surprisingly, dtay didn't start whipping until T66! Or at least, didn't lose any score from whips until then. Him and I have whipped around the same amount of pop total, but neither of us as much as FinHarry, who must have very lush lands to whip that much so consistently. BGN, the score leader, has hardly whipped much at all, meaning he must have dry lands or very big cities. I think it's the latter. pindicator doesn't seem to have whipped much despite being in a war, which was odd to me at first until I realized that some of the point drops from the whip were likely counter-balanced by him taking cities. (the log file condenses all intra-turn point changes into one entry, another reason its very hard to track city plants)

Tech-wise, TBS has gained the most in the last 50ish turns, including a bunch in rapid-fire succession recently which suggests a beeline down the religious path (confirmed by his recent switch into OR last turn).

[Image: RR8ZYEz.png]

Here, a "tech" just means a relatively large score increase on the inter-turn. I need to somehow rework the formula I use to detect this because civs are starting to gain enough pop to have a "tech-level" score increase just from that. For example, my formula says that dtay gains a tech almost every other turn now, which is probably not the case considering he is expansive/protective and likely just has a ginormous crop yield with a billion cities. BGN is similar in total, but I think its real in his case because he is Phi/Cre and probably is working lots of scientist specialists w/ libraries. I'm also fairly sure he bulbed at least one tech, Philosophy.


My little monster makes its debut onto the world stage!

Finally have charts on Bacchus, so here's graphs of my direct neighbors, finally:

Oxy's GNP spiked enormously this turn, so I bet he's researching Alphabet. I'm interested in how I look compared to him next turn; my biggest spike was researching MC 2 turns ago, for which I had no KTB. That puts me at 3rd place GNP. OTOH, I'm 100%ing Iron Working this turn (decided to delay Construction a bit), which has a moderate KTB. Bacchus's GNP is really low, seems he doesn't have Currency or any OB yet.

Oxy's MFG is ridiculously high; I'm 4th in the world and he's THAT much higher than me. Bacchus actually has fairly respectable MFG, and TBS is catching up fast.

Holy crap that is a lot of units, Bacchus! I'd actually be very worried about this if he kept his Galley close to its home base; however, he sent it out near Chilly Willy, trying to meet new neighbors. (Speaking of that, if Oxy isn't getting Alphabet for OB right now, I need to get it soon to sneak a scout over to the other side of the world) You can see I'm catching up to Oxy (I'm up to 13th in the world, with a 10gpt unit upkeep), and TBS is catching up to me.

I'm steadily rising in CY, up to 5th overall. Oxy again is insane here.

Other demos: 2nd in Population, 8th in land area. Founded a new city on the marble, Skating rink.

ToA fell somewhere... that should be pretty good on this map. Either dtay or Pindicator got it, eyeballing score increases.

Forgot to take a screenshot this turn, but I'm settling a city in the NW next turn I think. No food first ring, but three food (two deer and a crab) third ring and 2 first-ring forests. I'm sure TBS will not be pleased about this but he's still at war with Xenu so I doubt he wants to pick a fight with me too. So, that's 14 cities T104 I think. Cities 15, 16, and 17 are also planned but won't be for a bit later, maybe 10-15ish turns.

oh my fucking god

[Image: fTbJ5aM.jpg]

I'm #3 in land now and this is my only Iron. Fuck! Its not like its even in an unfair spot, BUT. I'm not sure when Oxy settled Chang, but its likely its close to 50 turns ago and its 3rd-ring border pop is coming soon. It might be even sooner if it has a library or an odeon set up up there. Carnival's 4th ring pop is 25 turns away (probably ~20ish if I get a library up right after forge, which is the plan, actually), and so settling 1E of the iron and pumping out a barracks asap seems like the best thing I can hope to do here. (I'm worried that if I actually plant on the Iron itself I'll lose the city to a flip)

At any rate, I'm redirecting my settler in the north down here and should settle it T106. If those tiles get claimed before I'm able to settle the site, I'm really not sure what I'm gonna do. I'm probably dead in the water without Iron. Hopefully Oxy doesn't have IW himself yet...

So, he didn't have culture over there on T73:

But did have first-ring culture on T78:

So, that means I still have a little bit of time... settle 1E of the iron, steal the mine, muscle out an 8-turn barracks? This still sucks so bad... he's gonna think I'm trying to steal the clam or something and get pissed... but, like, what choice do I have? I already have so much land and this is the only Iron I can see on the whole map....

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