The holiday season draws down to a close
And all that remains are the drippity nose
You got from some visiting fam'ly or friend
(But look on the bright side: THEIR health's on the mend!)
And a nice gift or two that may (or not) being working
(Of course every tech support call line is shirking!)
So was the Grinch wrong? NO! The Grinch got it right!
The thing that you do with a cold is to FIGHT!
And feed it! Or ... starve it? Or was that a fever?
Never mind! Never mind! Point is, you're the RECEIVER
Of this invitation to post your report
In the tournament sub-forum - now, don't retort!
I did play the game and (almost) finish writing.
I just need to upload some things (about fighting
With alien races and stealing their stuff!) -
In the meantime, if YOU post, that will be enough
To win you high praises! Surely you believe...
'Tis better to GIVE a report than RECEIVE!
And all that remains are the drippity nose
You got from some visiting fam'ly or friend
(But look on the bright side: THEIR health's on the mend!)
And a nice gift or two that may (or not) being working
(Of course every tech support call line is shirking!)
So was the Grinch wrong? NO! The Grinch got it right!
The thing that you do with a cold is to FIGHT!
And feed it! Or ... starve it? Or was that a fever?
Never mind! Never mind! Point is, you're the RECEIVER
Of this invitation to post your report
In the tournament sub-forum - now, don't retort!
I did play the game and (almost) finish writing.
I just need to upload some things (about fighting
With alien races and stealing their stuff!) -
In the meantime, if YOU post, that will be enough
To win you high praises! Surely you believe...
'Tis better to GIVE a report than RECEIVE!