Well it's nice to know that I am providing fun for the lurkers. I guess it doesn't give too much away when my phone tells me I have been quoted in the lurkers thread I just need to make sure that I don't follow it thinking it is a reply! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am having to cover 4 wards this weekend due to sickness on long days so I am a little sleep deprived!
For the lurkers, I quickly bashed out a few thoughts up top but was mindful that I was holding up the snake pick, so just got it done ASAP. For a leader choice I will go into a little more detail.
As I mentioned above, org is a red herring on this map. It will not help much with costs, and essentially will save hammers on courthouses only (people always seem to forget this) although every little gold does help.
Also as I said exp will not help with the first worker (assuming a SIP on the sugar) so is somewhat of reduced utility. However now I have chosen a wheel/myst civ growing to size 2 to still get a bonus is an option. Later on it will still hold up as strong as ever with hammers saved on granaries and further workers plus the health bonus is not to be sniffed at midgame (essentially a free aquaduct with the utility to also build one in the city)
Fin is banned save wang who is already picked.
Pro is useless and to be ignored
Cha is pretty meh. Early happy is nice and it is good if you land henge, but otherwise it is decidedly dull. When you need huge cities you should already have monarchy and starting to pick up happy resources, and until then the whip should control happiness. The less xp is nice but not exactly game changing either.
Imp will almost certainly kill anyone with high maintenance costs here, and I always find it has limited snowball effect as it is hard to keep on top of worker production when settlers are so cheap.
Ind could be powerful. I am sure that the marble/stone will not be easily accessible and fail golding wonders would be a good way to keep the economy afloat. Plus if you end up being the only one everyone else is scared to go for wonders (?fued slingshot possible). The only issue is you might become a juicy looking target with a few wonders.
Philo could be powerful also. That first GP out at double time and 40-50% more over a game, but at the same time it is easy to not use correctly and never gain any traction from. Using a beeline strat if you get the right GP then you gain a huge amount of tech, although a guilty pleasure of mine is to settle GP in the cap
Agg I always feel is underrated. It has a lot of use in multiplayer games is being foreboding. Why attack agg when you can take on a non agg, and actually helps in attack. It's best boost is early wars pre fued, when you can have shock axes with a barracks giving 75% odds on a combat 1 axe. It also is good in the draft where with the half xp a free promo is worth much more. However, this does not have great synergy with a horse UU
Spi is really, really strong, but requires very good micro to leverage well. If you are clever you can switch into slavery for 5 turns, whip out all your cities then switch back to caste to run artists to get a first border pop quickly. Easily switch to war civics if attacked. Not have to worry about the early switch into slavery timing and monarchy switches. It is also essentially a free happy face with religion. Having said that, since golden ages have prevented anarchy I have always felt it has been hurt a little. Also I just am not an able enough player to use it fully. (single player wise it can even be used to please a different neighbour for trades every 5 turns. Very versatile) Of note if you are running a crashing eco, you do lose the ability to use anarchy to prevent unit disbands in all out war mode.
Cre I generally find to be overrated, but the more crowded it is the more useful it is in controlling contested territory. I tend to view it as a crutch that stops people really thinking about how they plant their cities because they will get a border pop in 5 turns. Then also even though the library is cheap it loses the usefulness of being a source of culture also. I'm sure many player will be pulling their hair out for this but with the beeline strat I do not expect to build more than 1 library for GPP. Also a 'Full of resources' map is more likely to have a few good tiles in a cities initial tileset thus making cre less useful again.
So essentially here I can say traits I don't really want : fin/pro/imp/cha
And ones that I think will be powerful here : Ind/philo/exp
And ones that I am ambivalent about on this map/byzantium : org/agg
And ones that I should probably value higher : cre/spi
Sadly there is no Philo/Ind leader

- they would certainly be a very powerful pick and perhaps a true combatant to the cottage economy in base BtS.
So Peter Phi/Exp and Bismark Ind/Exp stand out to me here currently. Ghandi Phi/Spi is another good shout as he can get a lot out of intermittant caste switches and slaving.
I am swaying more towards playing Bismark here as I will be trying for metal casting fairly early thus it gives good synergy with cheap forges, and I reckon I could get a fued slingshot if no-one else went Ind. Also it would allow me to build wealth in essence fail building wonders.
If microed well a philo leader, especially ghandi would probably be stronger but you can't go wrong with a wonder or two.
I'm open to any comments or critiques that people have and want to say!