Got some time to update all messages being sent.
We're not going to send any aid, of course. To bad we don't have an axe or two to help Whosit, we might get something out of that war...
For now I'm playing nice and will keep offering aid.
Trying to get a long term friendship going. I think we can send the missionary to Whosit, if you agree, DMOC. He looks like to horse to bet on in this race, especially for the near future.
Staying friendly, of course. Don't let them think they're in trouble, dropping hints of trouble with Mali...
They didn't mention a NAP in the last message, so I guess I nicely parried that one.
Quote:Dear Nakor,
Whosit declared war and Pyongyang is in danger next turn. There are 3 axes+3 archers against 7 praetorians+1 Axe and obvivously only good RNG luck will save it. If you've any units or other help available that would be most welcomed.
Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Plako,
We noticed the declaration of war. Unfortunately we don't have any units near Pyongyang.
We will see what we can do to aid you, but are a bit afraid that Mali might attack us, so we don't want to send to much.
Hang in there and we might be able to help.
Best of luck,
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
We're not going to send any aid, of course. To bad we don't have an axe or two to help Whosit, we might get something out of that war...
For now I'm playing nice and will keep offering aid.
Quote:Dear Nakor,
It looks like it has been a little while since I have written to you. I hope that the New Year is going well for you so far. Things are getting a bit hectic what with the Coalition gearing up and other matters to attend to, yes? I was wondering how things are looking from your end? Have you already started to build your army? I hope that you can keep them away from Sullla's scout. Also, this is a long-shot, but I don't suppose that you have an army near Korea, do you? I kid.
Are you still on track for Code of Laws and Confucianism? If you found it, I was hoping that you would send the free Missionary my way. Seeing as how Confucianism is founded out of Code of Laws, it would be an appropriate faith for the Galactic Empire to adopt. And it would surely benefit you to have your religion spread further, especially if you are going for the Shrine. Let me know if that would be alright. I really just wanted to stay in contact with you, but let me know if there is anything else that you would like to discuss.
Best regards,
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Whosit,
I had a good New Year, although with two kids, everything is a bit busy.
We're building our army as we speak, and we're aware of India's scouting warrior.
I hope your war with Korea will be a swift one and that you will be able to send troops to India soon.
Korea did ask for our help. I told them we'll try to see what we can do. But of course we don't plan on sending forces to Korea's aid.
We don't have units nearby, so we won't be able to help you in that war.
Are you planning on taking all 3 landbased cities from Korea?
We're working on CoL, though it's an expensive effort. We just hope India won't get there sooner. Thankfully, research should go faster soon.
I'll talk to DMOC about the missionary. It sounds like a good plan to send him to a trusted ally.
Talking about that, would you be willing to sign a long term NAP with our civ?
Hope your 7 preats win the day at Pyongyang!
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
Trying to get a long term friendship going. I think we can send the missionary to Whosit, if you agree, DMOC. He looks like to horse to bet on in this race, especially for the near future.
Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,
First off, apologies for not responding sooner! We're just getting back from the holidays and catching up with our email. Thanks very much for the new year's wishes, and of course the same are extended to the two of you.
Dantski was fairly aggressive at going after resources on our borders as well. Kumbi Saleh has gold, rice, and silks in its second ring... but everything except the gold sits under jungle, and the city is a long way from his capital. An interesting decision, to be sure. We're hoping to pass by Gao with our warrior Jubal Early as he returns back to our territory, so that we can see the situation for ourselves.
Our relations with Greece have been generally positive thus far, aside from a misunderstanding that we had recently about a few things. Jowy settled on our borders recently, so we had to settle near his borders to respond, and things have gotten a little tight there in terms of space. This map is nowhere near as big as the one I designed for RBPB1, so I expect that things will indeed be filling up shortly, just as you said.
Obviously you guys haven't founded that extra city yet, but I believe it happens this turn if I've counted correctly, so congratulations! I don't think you have any reason to be worried about aggression from our team - we'd be open to signing a Non-Aggression Pact with you if desired. Let us know if that's something that would interest you.
The Killer Angels
Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Sulla and Speaker of India,
Thanks! We've been very busy ourselves.
Dantski has some interesting city's in place, indeed. We're not to worried, though.
We just founded La Mut and are very proud to be the second civilization getting to 5 cities. We hope to have the infrastructure in place shortly to speed up our progress and maybe even be in league with your awesome civilization.
We're not to worried about agression from you, so we don't see the need for an NAP (especially since relations have been good since we met and we're not bordered), but if you want to we'd be willing to sign one.
I hope that the tension between you and Greece will lessen in the upcoming years. I'm sure a war would hamper your progression a bit. We do expect another war soon, though, but won't be involved in that either.
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,
Thanks for your last message. We were going to ask what you meant by that line about expecting another war soon, but I guess Whosit's declaration on Broker/plako answers that!
We are in the process of scouting out a coastal trade route to your team, so that we'll both be able to take advantage of Open Borders trade income. We thought we'd let you know, since Dantski had some questions about why we were moving a warrior through his territory towards you.
The Killer Angels
Quote:[COLOR="orange"]Dear Sullla and Speaker,
I still have trouble with that third l in your name...
Indeed, that war started sooner than we anticipated. Korea is facing Preats, so we fear for them.
We'll be sending a scout north along the outer coast as well to get more trade routes (and to scout Mali), so expect to see him soon.
Are you planning in founding a religion soon? We're still looking for an extra happines source...
Kind regards,
Nakor of HRE[/COLOR]
Staying friendly, of course. Don't let them think they're in trouble, dropping hints of trouble with Mali...
They didn't mention a NAP in the last message, so I guess I nicely parried that one.