Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] REM and AdrienIer's thread of football, spamming and blaming it on the mod

Also another thing, if you go into options you can turn on growth and build indicators like I have on my screenshots. I don't know if you know that, but they are great for working out when to whip most effectively. They are pretty much compulsory on online play where speed is the essence, but rather useful here too.

It seems pretty straightforward, but to avoid mistakes in the micro you could just tell me what the capital builds are (I assume it's Worker-chopped warrior-workboat-warrior-settler).

I will do a proper write up, but I just meant if you wanted to play around and see if you could hit any better. It's hard not to stick to a plan you like I find...

Ok here is what I can get, as an overview if you are happy. I finally worked out why I wasn't getting quite the same results, which was because of the slavery changes. (1st pop 30ham 2nd 20ham) so there might be room for improvement by slaving the workboat, but if I cannot find anything more interesting are you happy for me to spreadsheet this outcome? The techs can be changed but wheel from t25 to help road to wherever seems like it was best to me, so we can get the settler to wherever quicker.


That's probably the best we can do, I've been unable to do any better. So spreadsheet would be awesome, although I understand the plan now (after doing some sims by myself).

There are a few unorthodox tile switches which aren't perhaps obvious at first which is why I think spreadsheet would be useful. Will try one now.

Hmm... Going early slavery and whipping twice allows for a slightly different play although I am not sure which is better.

It uses 2 whips of 1 pop each, and gives a settler 1 turn earlier at EOT27. There is only 1 warrior built on t18 and the worker actions are exactly as before, chopping twice and being free from t24. The wheel does come in a turn later with the earlier slavery revolt. There are 6 hammers into a second warrior, 4 food in the box and 13 overflow. However there are 4 more turns of whipping anger than above. It is slightly less commerce, but that would probably be allieviated with an earlier second city...

Genuinely unsure which is best now. 1 turn faster on the city, with more food but less hammers, and more whipping anger, or slightly later but more exploration options and the ability to whip again sooner... The divergence time it at the first chop so we have about a week to decide I suppose.

I will hold off the spreadsheet until you have read that and tell me what you think, probabably will be after work in the afternoon tomorrow I will do one now.

Overall it's less hammers and more food when you compare the initial plan to this one at the moment the settler is out ? Or both on turn 28 ? We should decide based on what we have on turn 28, which means even more food and hammers in case of the former. The second warrior would be built on turn 28, we don't have a big difference in hammers while we definitely have more food. And faster 2nd city can compensate that. Actually it's probably better to wait till we find our city site (or at least have a good candidate), because if our second city is great we'll want to have it sooner rather than later.

With our spamming we're winning the post count competition ! But Commodore is winning the Views competition, which is unacceptable. He even has lurkers writing posts in his thread, that's unbearable wink

New turn already ! I moved the scout NE-NE and found a lot of cool stuff :

[Image: ilzoky.png]

Also we had our border pop, but nothing interesting popped up.

[Image: 210k01s.png]

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