So, I finally made a proper sim. We get Mono at eot45 on it. But I expect that we can get it sooner on the actual game, since there's a substantial difference based on a guesstimate of beakers. LS will be at size 5/6 by then, making it the most likely city to get the religion.
Anyway, the first try revelaed the following:
1. The 6th city, by the sheep and the 5th city need more workers. for their first turns, so I'm sending the one mining 2S of PPM there, when it finishes mining. What I did in the first try was another cottage for PPM and EG and, after that, orad to the ivory. We don't need this, the cottage ended up being worked for only 1t (before we got better cottages/improvements) and I think we can even find other tiles to work by shuffling a bit.
*I think I don't need the extra worker on the deer, by the way (I was moving one of the workers that roaded the city tile there, to improve one turn faster). Working it on size 1 for two turns as a 3 food tile will result (instead of 3, than 5), if I'm not mistaken, in only 1f difference after the granary is accounted for (if it's built optimally at size 2, which will be easier with that freed worker turn), which isn't so big, compared to other benefits, like a safer and better improved city 6.
*Between t40 to 45 we get quite a bit of spearman built around our civ, increasing safety by a lot! Between turn 40 to 50 is our weak point, if we pass that with no damage, we are good to go.
2. GT is bound to work unimproved tiles, so I think we need to consider building a worker there on the next turns, somehow. We need to think of the best way to do it. My first try was whipping it for 1 at size 3, oveflowing with a chop on a spear. There's probably better ways to do it, but I'm fairly sure we need to whip there and we'll have to eat some "forest turns". We actually have decent overflow this turn from the granary, perhaps putting this into a worker could be a good idea, so that it'll be easier to chop/whip later.
*The workers that road to the marble city can be used to improve the ivory.
So, questions for retep before playing the save, that we need to figure out before the turn is played:
a) Do you agree with sending the workers to cottage the tile 1S of LS? The first unimproved tile that GT would have to work if we do that would be at size 3 (forest for a turn), if we go that route. LS doesn't work any unimproved tiles and it'll grow non-stop to size 6.
b) This is pretty difficult to figure out without simming, but puting the overflow from the granary on GT into a worker would give 12 prod (worker is still a 2-pop whip). Do you think that's a good idea? I think we can time a 2 pop whip of this worker with a chop, which would give 2 1t workers later. And that would avoid working unimproved tiles on GT while growing.
Anyway, the first try revelaed the following:
1. The 6th city, by the sheep and the 5th city need more workers. for their first turns, so I'm sending the one mining 2S of PPM there, when it finishes mining. What I did in the first try was another cottage for PPM and EG and, after that, orad to the ivory. We don't need this, the cottage ended up being worked for only 1t (before we got better cottages/improvements) and I think we can even find other tiles to work by shuffling a bit.
*I think I don't need the extra worker on the deer, by the way (I was moving one of the workers that roaded the city tile there, to improve one turn faster). Working it on size 1 for two turns as a 3 food tile will result (instead of 3, than 5), if I'm not mistaken, in only 1f difference after the granary is accounted for (if it's built optimally at size 2, which will be easier with that freed worker turn), which isn't so big, compared to other benefits, like a safer and better improved city 6.
*Between t40 to 45 we get quite a bit of spearman built around our civ, increasing safety by a lot! Between turn 40 to 50 is our weak point, if we pass that with no damage, we are good to go.
2. GT is bound to work unimproved tiles, so I think we need to consider building a worker there on the next turns, somehow. We need to think of the best way to do it. My first try was whipping it for 1 at size 3, oveflowing with a chop on a spear. There's probably better ways to do it, but I'm fairly sure we need to whip there and we'll have to eat some "forest turns". We actually have decent overflow this turn from the granary, perhaps putting this into a worker could be a good idea, so that it'll be easier to chop/whip later.
*The workers that road to the marble city can be used to improve the ivory.
So, questions for retep before playing the save, that we need to figure out before the turn is played:
a) Do you agree with sending the workers to cottage the tile 1S of LS? The first unimproved tile that GT would have to work if we do that would be at size 3 (forest for a turn), if we go that route. LS doesn't work any unimproved tiles and it'll grow non-stop to size 6.
b) This is pretty difficult to figure out without simming, but puting the overflow from the granary on GT into a worker would give 12 prod (worker is still a 2-pop whip). Do you think that's a good idea? I think we can time a 2 pop whip of this worker with a chop, which would give 2 1t workers later. And that would avoid working unimproved tiles on GT while growing.