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I think there's a strong bias against a religion spawning in your capital, I'm sure I've read a technical description of how that works around here somewhere before. One of our super-memory information bots will be around forthwith to clean up this topic with an actual explanation or a link, I'm sure.
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(October 6th, 2014, 19:41)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I think there's a strong bias against a religion spawning in your capital, I'm sure I've read a technical description of how that works around here somewhere before. One of our super-memory information bots will be around forthwith to clean up this topic with an actual explanation or a link, I'm sure. 
Yeah, religion basically nevers get founded in the Capital. The other rule is that, the larger the city, the higher the chance of the religion being founded there. So, likely on LS.
Things about the turn we need to discuss:
I think Commodore wants to try his luck here, but fortunately we have a pretty good timing on our defense. I put a turn into a road on the tile the worker is. If Commodore declares, we can move the spear into the corn next turn, so he can't advance further. Or we can place it 1S of the corn and put the scout on the forest, so Commodore can't fortify there (if he attacks the scout, we clean up with the spear).
The research is also important. As you can see, we can get Mono with a -7 gpt, so we can get it next turn, since we make 9 gpt at max tax. Things will get better next turn, when we work the gems.
The sheep will be finished next turn. The other workers I think can chop the granaries. The one for IB can only finish on the turn IB will grow to size 3, so I think we can avoid growth there (the overflow would be just 1, so not a big loss). Than it'll grow very fast after that.
The granary for OT will be ready on the turn it'd grow to 2, so we can avoid growth there too.
Sounds good? I think it's better than whipping these cities (no way I'll whip the gems tile). After the granaries, we can invest some hammers into units, for emergency whips.
I think OT should be a military/production city. It has good hammer output with plains cow, copper and hills and I don't want to invest too much on a border city. What do you think?
PPM can grow, but I think getting a worker now is better. Losing those worker turns for the defense against Commodore made things a bit more tight and we won't have that much cottages around. I think by getting this worker in PPM, building another one in EG when it finishes the spear and the 2 workers coming from GT, we'll have enough for what we need for a bit.
We are finishing two spears this turn, which will grow our power a bit. We'll get more soon, one from GT, another from PPM.
After Mono, how about sailing? We can get OB with THH (I doubt he'd accept), since we are connected through the water. Anyway, it'll be worth for the island city, which is the next one after the one to the East of the Capital.
Pindicator is at 2 cities again, which is nice. I don't want him to be a pushover for Commodore.
Demos look nice. GNP is pretty low, but that's 100% tax and basically no culture (3 cpt). The gems will be worked next turn and we have some cities growing. Our expenses will keep pretty high, but our possible science rate at 100% will get pretty high, from what my sims show.
October 6th, 2014, 20:52
(This post was last modified: October 6th, 2014, 20:57 by Ichabod.)
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Turn isn't finished, by the way, so we can still discuss things.
Regarding PPM, a case can be made that finishing the Spear is better because we can be attacked... I just looked at THH's power and it made a huge growth. Things is, the best power is 63k, our power is 43k, but we reach 53k after ending turn, by building two spears. What worries me is a chariot attack in OT, since we have an axe there.
I think we can keep the warrior currently in IB between the two cities and accumulate some gold after mono, so maybe we can upgrade it if bad things happen...
October 6th, 2014, 21:02
(This post was last modified: October 6th, 2014, 21:05 by Ichabod.)
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Like I've said, we are vulnerable between t40 and 50... Hopefully no one calls us on it.
Ah, what do you think about settling the Settler from LS as the city to the East of the Capital instead of the Marble city? Settling the marble city now seems too risky, even if we'd have a spear to defend it. We delay it a bit and settle when we have a missionary and some 2/3 units. We may lose marble, but I don't care, I just want the pigs and the river, the marble is just a bonus.
Thoughts? We'd have to get rid of that annoying Commodore warrior for it to work, though. Does a spear get good odds against a warrior on a hill? I think yes, but not sure.
That'd actually free the workers coming from GT to improve our core, rather than worry about the marble city, so we could finish the spear in PPM and grow the city.
I like this idea and it works out well with the road currently being made near EG.
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Yeah a city to the east sounds good.
The spear should get around 80% range against the warrior.
I was curious what the worker around GT was going to do this turn.
What is the capital building after the spear?
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One of the workers around GT will keep chopping. The other will head east, to improve a river cottage 1S of EG. I was going to use it to road to the marble city, but if we are going with the city east of the Capital first, we don't need that. I will laos get some mines near GT with the new workers and prepare to improve and road the ivory.
About what to build in EG, it depends. Since I let PPM keep growing on a spear, I think we can get a worker in EG (it'll be at happy cap), until we steal the food with the new city. But if Commodore wants to keep being annoying, maybe we need an axe there, if I'm not brave enough to attack at the odds we'll have with the spear. Finally, we could get a WB to explore that sea, which would later improve the crabs for the island city. I'm not sure which one I prefer right now, but I'd probably go with the worker.
Monotheism will finish next turn, so we still need to keep fingers crossed for one more turn. Again, seeing how low the GNPs are and the whole situation in the game, I think we have it secured. I think getting Judaism in GT would be the best result (it'll get the pigs in border before we settle marble city, it helps with defense, it's a city that could build the missionaries we will likely need), but the most likely one, in LS, is also decent. Both the new cities would also be nice. I just don't want it in PPM and EG.
Demographics after ending turn look pretty good. The gems already improved the commerce situation by a bit, but it'll get even better soon (especially if we get Judaism to inflate it with culture  ).
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I'm actually worried that Commodore might try to do that annoying trick with landing a GG from a galley and razing my Capital city. He'd use the warrior to get my garrisson from the city and then use an axe to raise it, through a galley from the fog...
If he does it this turn, I have 2 units in the city. If he does it next turn, he'll need 2 units on the boat, because I have a worker there to soak up the first attack. After that, I'll have two units in the Capital...
After saying that, I realized he can't do it because the tile he'd have to cross is an ocean.  Well, maybe he'll do an artist bomb to get that tile under his culture, but then he likely deserves to raze my Capital.
If Commodore declares, I'll move the spear 1S of the corn and the scout to the forest and I'll offer him peace. Hopefully he accepts it, so we are more secure to plant the city there.
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That CY situation looks truly fantastic! What are your city and total pop counts looking like right now?
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I'm sorry not to have been more help - but dang, it doesn't look like you need it!
That's a nice lead shaping up, as long as you can keep the GNP and Power from cratering too badly. That crop lead, in particular, is *very* nice. I like the Sailing idea, it should keep enough cash coming in to keep going while cottages get built and grow up.
I'll try to find time to be more use sometime soon. Just need to push a couple of my losing games to a conclusion.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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October 7th, 2014, 14:26
(This post was last modified: October 7th, 2014, 14:28 by retep.)
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I was hping the save was already in to check the religion
Also that is some crazy talk.
First, Commodore doesn't have sailing, he also doesn't have any way to get a Great Artist neither.
Just put some hammers in an axe or spear so you can whip it in case Commodore advance and you lose the fight.
I was thinking that maybe the worker over GT could finish the cottages W-SW of PPM and move to road the horses. Or maybe used to connect-improve the ivory, I mean the ivory would be inside borders in 3t after all.
To finish I know is unlikely but I would like the Judaism fell in the gems city.