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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

Steal techs from Dtay?

I'm reading but not posting much, just enough to maintain my third place in post count! mischief


extra spy points? Poison the wells! (It's what the AI would do, right?)

At present it'll cost 2152 EPs to steal Philosophy (1380 beakers) from dtay. With a 50% discount that's 1076 which is about 30 turns worth of EPs. Could be worth it, but I doubt we'll wait 30 turns for Philosophy...

Pindicator gives a better rate of return - Theocracy is 1258 EPs (629 discounted) for an 862 beaker tech. He only has that tech though. BGN has Drama, Music, Philosophy and Nationalism, any of which would be nice to have, but we haven't uncovered any of his cities so I'm not sure how much things would cost from him. Presumably more than dtay since we're further from his capital. The problem with being one of the tech leaders is that no-one has a good selection for us to steal from frown.

Ceil - poisoning water supplies would cost about the same as stealing a tech, while formenting unhappiness is a tenth the price! Bargain!

The rest of the world
I thought it was about time to do another world map, as I think I now know where everyone is. Click here for the full 3Mb image, this is a thumbnail. (Is there a better way of incorporating large images?)

We haven't met Zanth, Nakor, Q or Caledorn yet but we know Zanth is at war with Mardoc and Cal is at war with Ruff while Q was at war with Ruff. Presumably that leaves Nakor between Agent434 and HAK, but that's not for sure. I think HAK killed Jowy, TBS killed Furungy, Pindicator killed Barry Lyndon and Krovice and Dtay killed Whosit. I've drawn in a channel between BGN and Agent724's islands, there will probably be one between Xenu and Ruff too, but I'm not sure where just yet.

Hang on - why wasn't that split into two posts? There's a post war going on here you idiot!

(October 16th, 2014, 05:21)Old Harry Wrote: Hang on - why wasn't that split into two posts? There's a post war going on here you idiot!

And look, you made up for it already... mischief

I think screenshot tag still downloads the whole image, so won't help those folks on limited mobile plans. Link is pretty efficient, I think.

Have.. to.. keep.. spamming...

I'll try to log in before the turn rolls so that we could have a constructive chat before we play next turn.. nono for mis-click, but jive for capturing UV. Mardoc's holdings are now nicely separated and assuming no surprises they can now be picked one by one. BGN's power is fairly large and thus opening a front with him by capturing Mardoc's most western cities creates us new problems, but I guess he is currently busy and attacking with galleys is always a bit impractical.

Nice map nod

EPs: Simply keeping research visibility on all our relevant competitors and neighbors + city visibility on the most important ones isn't a too bad outcome. I won't say no for a nice fee tech either of course

Btw, if there is an active/going-to-be active global lurker out there, I would like to hint that T150 is approaching. That would be a nice time to post an analysis/overview/predictions/ranking/whatever of the game situation. That's always something what one enjoys reading afterwards and in this game with the lurker civ there is actually a possibility that someone who isn't too biased could get enough info. mischief
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Hmmm.. that map is actually a really useful help in thinking the big picture situation.

My current hypothesis is that after we are done with Mardoc+Azza and things still go well, we should start eyeing the land mass NW of our continent, starting from agent547. With the help of early-ish Astronomy I think there is a decent chance that we can defend our core with limited resources and can afford to target fairly distant areas. From there we can see if the continent has other easy targets available or turn our eyes towards Cyneheard. Well, maybe we target Cyneheard immediately or pile on pindi, BGN or dtay if we get a chance to do something like that.

Yeah, it's still a long way before these plans become realistic and we have enough in our hands with Azza+Mardoc, but I'm just thinking load. crazyeye

2 posts in a row, how about that! hammer
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

EPs: we're not far from "investigate city" on dtay - should we get that or focus on BGN keep our EPs spread?

- I like your thinking about Agent747 mischief, I wonder if he'll be easy to surprise? We have a Galley by Mardoc that could drop off a scout in ten turns or so to see what our options are...
- I think that hitting dtay might still be our best option, especially if Krovice pile on, as his long coastline and Colossus will be vulnerable. With Krovice next door the chances that he can then ruin our game are probably minimal please. If we can burn enough of his coastal cities perhaps we can hold him at arms length?
- Hitting Pindi would possibly allow dtay to take a city or two, and with the shrine so close to the border I don't like that at all.
- Hitting Cynheard certainly looks like our easiest option until we see Agent911's land. If we can isolate his two continents we should be able to make progress. His border with Pindicator is so road-free that it would take Pindi a while to get involved. He could perhaps take Caladan, which might make for tricky relations later.

Unfortunately after we finish off Mardoc and Azza we'll probably be best off just focusing on building up our economy again for a long while alright.

Inspired by the drama in the tech thread I thought I'd figure out who's been at war in the last ten turns or so, not including us and Dtay/Krovices adventures as that's fairly obvious. Can anyone remember old wars that I haven't marked on here? Did Plako and Xenu fight?

In the western drama region BGN and Ruff have been eating Cal for some time. It looks like Q and Ruff have been at war too, but then Q razed a size 5-10 city from Boldly last turn. It sounds like that then locks the lot of them into a three- or four-way turn split yikes and has demoralised BGN enough that he thinks his chances are blown. Well that's great news for us but how does losing one city end your game? Our exploring work boat should meet Q in the next few turns, and perhaps we'll get some answers...

Yuris and AT? If I remember correctly..
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

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