Of course you do Ichabod!
I don't really know what is going on with this game but I think I'm doing okay. The turns come every day so that at least is great.
I somehow ended putting all my ep in REM, I don't know why since he is the guy that is the furthest away from me

There is a pretty good chance that he is making a rush for guilds, which is fine by me let the people close to him worry.
Cornflakes has mess up terrible only at five cities, lost one to Bob, checking out already? Fine by me let me take all your cities later.
I found Bob, when one of my borders pop. That is right, I scout with borders pop now

He has the same amount of cities than me (9 cities) since he is FIN he can afford it I suppose. I think I have only four workers, which makes me either incredible awesome at micro or a terrific idiot, I like to believe I'm both.
Jowy is doing something but I dunno what is, I hope I would never have to find out and he just die at the hands(?) of the evil muffin.
That is a pretty good summary although I actually don't know if anything that I just said is true, but wouldn't be awesome if it is?