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[SPOILERS] joey and scooter's thread: FUN THINGS ONLY

You're Shaka, right? Nationhood is a cheap +2 smile in barracks cities...
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Oh shit, that's true! Thanks, I always forget about that part; I know the civic more for the drafting and +ep%, the latter of which won't do be any good due to having zero courthouses. lol At any rate, Nationhood won't be a permanent civic switch for me as my capital just begs for Bureau, but hopefully I can get this war with Bacchus closer to a close by the time I have to switch back.

Unless its a bug, the culture will not recede more on the turn roll.

Hmmm, too bad. I thought razed cities lost the culture they had put onto tiles.

I logged back in to fire my golden age, so here's some screenshots. My GA demos, on Nationalism. Note that my expenses are very high because I'm paying back 60 gpt to Finharry for that loan.

Zoo is lookin' pretty spicy. Would love to get FM+PP before the end of this GA!!

Here's CH's stack, before and after wrecking some poor city of Xenu's:

He didn't break much of a sweat there!

Gawdzak is certainly a much more active whipper than Bacchus had been. =/

Ah, nice nice. Only spent 4 cats here and won the rest. Only a granary in this one, but I'll take winning four 70%-75% battles in a row over bad infrastructre dice rolls any day. Just one more city to go up north - and its on flatland, so it should be a piece of cake. I've got a big worker squad ready to road up there once my stack finishes healing, so I'll get it in 4 or 5 turns. My plan right now is to let my Knights get the northern city with just a single cat for bombardment, while the main bulk of my army collects at Persepolis for a push towards the south. By the time my cats have finished bombarding, the knights will catch back up.

I don't know if my switch into Nationalism had anything to do with it (as much as the lurkers would love to watch the Clash of the Million Soldier Stacks), but it looks like TBS will be hitting Dazed after all. I've been trying to warn him with diplo messages, but who knows whether he understands me or not. I don't have his graphs, unfortunately, and I've had my scouting workers over in TBSland for the last 10 turns or so - so who knows if dazed is prepared or not. I was not impressed with what I saw earlier, mostly ancient and classical junk. Meanwhile TBS has about 20 muskets, 15 cats, and around 20 curis (I played before him and saw a cuir in every single city I encountered, plus all those knights at just 50 gold a pop). I would not be surprised if TBS hit 1.1M soldiers this turn. yikes

Pindicator came through on my loan request, 400g for 45gpt. So, I'm paying 105 gold per turn on loan repayments at the moment. lol This loan is nice though, because I'll be able to get Free Market AND Theocracy before the end of my GA without having to waste precious production on wealth builds. Very much worth it, I think, because this is production I'm using on Confucian Missionaries, Monasteries, and Temples - Confucianism being the AP religion. Economics in 3T, Theology in 1 after that.

TBS finally hit dazed, who seems woefully unprepared, just from looking around his borders despite him whipping like 20 pop worth of units last turn. He'll lose at least 5 cities before he can even think about defending. dazed sent me a horse trade this turn, seemingly asking me to hit TBS with some fast-moving units. No chance, friend. All of my 2-movers are 20-30 tiles away at least, and the huge pile of 1-movers won't even make it next to a city before TBS can reinforce. You're on your own. =/

I'll be able to comfortably finish Econ this turn and Theology the next. I'm so excited to switch into Free Market, I estimate that it'll be worth at least a multiplier-modified 300-400 GNP per turn. yikes

I moved out in the NE to finish Bacchus up there, and I'll move out in the south to hit him down there next turn.

Oh geez, the game is dead for a week, we come back, and the #1 player starts wrecking the #5. (dtay seems to have invaded pindicator)

Is this the final nail in the coffin in this game, or will anyone be able to stop him?

T167. I switched civics from Nationalism, Pacifism, and Barbarism to Bureau, Theology, and Free Market and my income increased by 320gpt despite my civics costs being 87 higher. I'll get another nice jump from Printing Press, perhaps on the order of 80 total commerce (translating into around 150 gpt/bpt). That number might be a bit optimistic.... though, that said, I did underestimate the value of FM...

TBS has an enormous stack able to hit dazed's MoM city in 2 turns, 15 muskets and 15 cats, w/ cuir backup trailing safely behind. I'll hit Bacchus's city of Susa with a similarly sized stack in 3 turns, T170, and his northern island city with a smaller stack also on T170. I double-checked the Wonders list, but unfortunately neither of these cities have the MoM in them.

I finally hit 1M soldiers but I'm still only 6th in power, heh.

(November 29th, 2014, 07:58)GermanJojo Wrote: I double-checked the Wonders list, but unfortunately neither of these cities have the MoM in them.


Keep up the good work. Also, Zoo-bur shot required!

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